ALL are (pb)
>>13440028 >>13440044 >>13440154 >>13440345
>According to this scenario, the entire Carolingian period, including the figure of Charlemagne, is a fabrication, with a "phantom time" of 297 years (AD 614–911) added to the Early Middle Ages.
>any high-IQanons on?
Here. :) So 614 is President Trump's birthday (6/14); and of course, 911 is a 9/11 reference.
However, I think the jump was three times the size (Grinch reference) -- was more like 1,000 years.
There's a coin that seems to be from 1621, but is really from 621 because the first "1" isn't a "1", it's a capital "i" instead. The "I" refers to "Iesus" which is "Jesus" because they didn't have a "J" back then.
The info was from this channel:
It was in one of these two videos, "The Timeline Deception" 1 & 2:
The whole channel has great stuff, only about an hour and a half worth of videos there, in total -- so, not a huge time sink either! :)
God bless.