thanks anons
oh come on "ron"
lets see what you got
you're larping as codemonkey
lets see something other than stale faggotry
holy shit youre already doing this thing?
good god youre shit tier as fuck
its so fucking insulting that you stupid fucks think you run this place
this is fun
oh come on
lets play
show us what you got feds
lets see this
it seems you all cant do much but post faggotry
considering you're apparently the controllers of this board
its almost like they have no agency whatsoever
and they just larp like they have control
but that would be crazy, right?
who would larp
on the internet
even aei is getting in on it
lets do this faggots
show me what you got
oh come on
you can do better than that
the truth is this is their jobs
and they have made a career out of this
just let that sink in
while you work fag and think its irrelevant
these people are paid to control places like this
>eyes on
and what exactly does that mean
what does that mean you'll do, you impotent fuck
do something
no come on
i want the actual elite
lets play
lets fucking do this
i feel amazing you kike fuck
they have nothing
because they are broken individuals
which is why they were chosen
because broken people ask no questions
i didnt read a god damned thing you posted
yeah whatever man
you're nothing
you literally run a discord about this board
i cant imagine how much of a fat fuck you are
you posted it to me you stupid fucking kike
watch them sperg
post from the other id genius
love it
love every second of it
thats exactly my point
ive already outed you as a fed fuck like 3 years ago
but you people are so fucking retarded you think thats a complement
weird, right
they recruit at the top of the bellcurve, ie the 95 iq range
yeah youre no longer a challenge
oh come on
you clearly can do moar than shitpost cant you fed faggots?
all you got is manufacturing consensus?
almost like youre in charge but if you were you could do something
so that would imply you have no agency
almost like Q was right or something
but no keep posting
no man im literally older on the chans than you
i saw your genesis as a fed
and your growth into the faggot insufferable fed that you have become
play all you want but i and many others know exactly what you are
but keep trying man
i literally dont give a fuck because you people are so fucking retarded that you quite literally cant touch me or other anons