USA Anons,
i believe that many of you understand what is happening.
Your country is doomed. It was pre-planned long time ago.
Everything we see, from elections fraud, to race tensions, no borders, insane immigration, destruction of modern family, transgender-lgbti-meetoo-blm-antifa movements… everything is orcehstrated fot decline of Pax Americana.
Russia, China, Iran, India… everything is prepared for fall of the USA.
Yes, you can act angry, tough, but deep down inside you understand this.
It will be very dangerous transition, from world dominated by the USA, to world dominated by the more powers.
Gun control, SCOTUS packing, Afghan pullout, Ukraine, Taiwan, fake Pandemic… everything is connecter to one thing… weakening slowly USA hegemony.
Yes, they know that you will not give up without fight.
Thats why you see so many shootings, FF, police brutality, race tensions, Chauvin case, etc etc.
If you dont easily give up, they will push for Civil war.
Dont take this as a provocation, if you are clever, you can see this by yourselt long time ago.
God bless you.