Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:06 p.m. No.13451235   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1263 >>1364


[16.04.21 23:37]

[Forwarded from Arizona Conservatives Take Action (Patriot)]

Maricopa Audit Security Update

from Trooper


Our current understanding is:


1) Robust Security will be protecting the counting operations center. That is the inner-inner core of what must be protected. If any threat reaches that point - Don't expect the personnel inside that facility to be passive.


2) DPS (Arizona's version of "State Police" that are authorized to operate inside Counties under agreement with Sheriffs) - DPS has jurisdiction over the AZ State Fair Grounds. You can bet that they will have tactical vehicles and capabilities inside that perimeter.


3) Phoenix PD is responsible for outside perimeter/traffic/protest/any riot control. Antifa take note: We have an outstanding Career Professional PPD Chief - she is also a /Black Female/ in case anyone was wondering - and based on prior attempts by leftists and antifa hooligans - they are not going to take shit from anyone. Back that with the fact they are already on full quarters for the trials and flashpoint events back East.


Those are the facts. That's what can be shared. And there are more layers of security between the outside street and inside building - including surveillance.

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:09 p.m. No.13451247   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1364

Donald J Trump


ICYMI: Team Biden halts J&J vaccine—and a return to normal


"The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense. Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?


Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots. The condition is more common in the general population, and every vaccine—indeed, every medication—carries some risk, including the Moderna and Pfizer jabs. With COVID cases still rising nationwide, it’s sheer lunacy to delay millions of vaccinations and feed fears among the vax-resistant.


Indeed, this moronic move is a gift to the anti-vax movement: The science bureaucrats are fueling that deranged pseudo-science."




Team Biden halts J&J vaccine — and a return to normal

By Post Editorial BoardApril 13, 2021 |


The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense. Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?


Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots. The condition is more common in the general population, and every vaccine — indeed, every medication — carries some risk, including the Moderna and Pfizer jabs. With COVID cases still rising nationwide, it’s sheer lunacy to delay millions of vaccinations and feed fears among the vax-resistant.


Indeed, this moronic move is a gift to the anti-vax movement: The science bureaucrats are fueling that deranged pseudo-science.


Worse, the Biden White House says it learned of the “pause” only as the rest of the country did. The Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration made the call on their own. “There was no heads up here,” Jeff Zients, President Joe Biden’s COVID point man, told reporters Tuesday.


It makes you wonder if the feds would have approved any vaccines at all if Biden had been in charge when the crisis began. Remember, the left squawked when President Donald Trump created Operation Warp Speed to cut bureaucratic red tape and speed up the process, with the FDA looking at data simultaneously — and under heavy pressure from the top not to throw up needless obstacles.


Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top medical adviser, notes that the risk of a blood clot from J&J’s vax is “less than one in a million.” Still, he insists the halt wasn’t “pulling the trigger too quickly.” Why not? What about the people (a lot of them) who really prefer J&J because it’s “one and done”?


Even if the pause only lasts a few days, as the FDA suggests, it’s creating havoc. The feds urged the states to follow suit, and 40-plus (including New York) obeyed. Tens of millions of J&J doses are on hold now; that’ll slow shots for everyone. And New York City is pausing its entire home-vaccination campaign, which targets the elderly and the handicapped, because it relies on the single-dose regimen.


Meanwhile, COVID still kills hundreds of our fellow citizens each day, while millions more wait to get their lives and livelihoods back — with vaccinations key to success.


But Team Biden is letting bureaucrats prolong the crisis and the suffering, for no good reason.

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:14 p.m. No.13451273   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1326 >>1364

Democrats Propose Taxing Treasures Laid Up In Heaven


WASHINGTON, D.C.—To fund the Biden Administration's infrastructure spending bill, Democrats are proposing a new tax on the treasures Americans have laid up in heaven.


"It has come to our attention that some Americans have chosen to lay up their treasure in heaven instead of here on earth," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "Americans who use heaven as a tax shelter are unpatriotic and aren't paying their fair share. We must address this problem."


According to biblical sources, Christians in heaven currently enjoy mansions, crowns, and streets of gold– all tax-free. Their religious teachings actually encourage them to forgo amassing earthly wealth in favor of building up heavenly wealth through faith and good works.


"This is very immoral," said Senator Bernie Sanders. "It's simply inhumane to let people in heaven enjoy all that wealth when so many people on earth not to mention in hell are having to do with less!"


Since scientists and theologians have not yet found a way to confiscate wealth from the celestial realm, Democrats will estimate people's heavenly treasure based on religious fervor and will require the taxes to be paid in full from the people's earthly treasure before they die.


"This is much fairer," said Senator Sanders.

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:19 p.m. No.13451304   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1320 >>1396

Lin Wood's QAnon Gesture Sends Audience Wild During Oklahoma Conference



Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood received a standing ovation on Friday when he made "Q" gestures during a speech and appeared to link the QAnon conspiracy to a religious revival in the U.S.


Wood, a prominent Georgia lawyer, was speaking at the Health and Freedom Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He told the crowd that former President Donald Trump had won the 2020 election and was still president.


He also took aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Opposition to COVID-19 public health measures like facemasks was a major feature of the conference.


Wood spoke about people worshiping Satan and said "millions" of children had disappeared around the world.


The QAnon conspiracy theory posits that there is an international cabal of Satanists who abduct children and its members include prominent businessmen and politicians.


He told the audience that there was a "battle between good and evil" and went on to discuss his belief in the role that God would play in it.


"It would end permanently until the Bible says it will because every word in the Bible is true," Wood said. "But we're getting ready to go through the second harvest. There's gonna be a revival in America."


The "second harvest" is a reference to the biblical Book of Revelation which some Christians believe predicts what will happen at the end of the word. Some Christians believe part of those predictions have already come to pass.


Wood briefly discussed his personal life and his four divorces, jokingly comparing himself to the Hebrew King David, who had nine wives, to the appreciation of the crowd.


"But God forgave me, for as I've come to believe, God planned it," Wood said. "He plans every detail of your life. He knows how many hairs are on your beautiful head. And he uses your sins and he uses your shortcoming to teach you so that when the time comes that he's ready and you've been learning - watch out for this next move."


"He's going to rebirth you into the spirit world and create exactly the person that he intended you to be," Wood said while drawing a "Q" with his right index finger.


"There's your Q," he said, drawing the letter in the air again. "Q!"


The audience applauded and some began cheering in what quickly turned into a standing ovation for Wood as he made another "Q".


"That is Q," he said. "What that Q mean?"


"Don't you ever give up hope on this country,"Wood continued and went on to praise Trump, saying they had spoken by phone following the presidential election and claiming the Republican had won in November.


"He won the Presidency and he is the person that we the people selected," Wood said. "Donald J. Trump is still the president of the United States of America. He is your president."

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:21 p.m. No.13451319   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1332 >>1364 >>1658

CNN Loses Over Half of Audience Since Inauguration, Only half?

April 16, 2021


The formally Trump-obsessed network is suffering a ratings decline in the post-Trump era.


While the network used to cover Trump as obsessively as a missing Malaysian airline, their transition to state propaganda for the Biden administration hasn’t been as lucrative as playing the role of the “resistance.”


As Fox News reports:


CNN has been hemorrhaging viewers since Biden took office, with ratings down more than 50 percent in multiple categories since Inauguration Day.


The liberal network spent years attacking former President Donald Trump and the network thrived during his final days in office amid a brief post-election spike. CNN averaged 2.2 million viewers during the first three weeks of 2021, but it has averaged just one million viewers since Biden took office, a staggering decline of 54 percent.


CNN’s struggles are even more prominent among the key advertising demographic of adults age 25-54, with a drop of 60 percent. It averaged 617,000 demo viewers from Dec. 28 through Inauguration Day but only 244,000 since Biden entered the White House.


While every political news network can expect to see a decline in viewership after something as significant as an election and the leadup to it, CNN is suffering more than most.


MSNBC has lost 34% of their total-day viewers, and 30% of their primetime viewers under Biden. Meanwhile, Fox has retained most of their audience, suffering only single-digit declines.


CNN has also benefited from coronavirus fearmongering in addition to covering every time Trump breathed.


In a recent Project Veritas video, a CNN director admits that part of the network’s ratings were “gangbusters” with coronavirus, “which is why we constantly have the death toll on side side.” He said that CNN wanted to report higher death tolls: “it’s fear. Like, fear really drives numbers,” referring to TV ratings. “Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:25 p.m. No.13451346   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1363 >>1658

Social Media Censors New York Post Once Again

The Post must be doing something right.


The New York Post may officially be the least favorite publication of our social media overlords – which is a sign they’re doing something right.


The New York Post editorial board released an article today titled “Social Media Again Silences The Post for Reporting the News.” In it they document the latest example of social media censorship they face:


On Thursday, Facebook decided its users should not be able to share a New York Post article about the property buying habits of one of the founders of Black Lives Matter.


This is the third time we’ve tangled with social media giants in the past year. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we published a column that suggested the virus could have leaked from a Chinese virology lab. Facebook’s “fact checkers” decided this was an opinion you weren’t allowed to have, and blocked the article. Today, it’s a commonly discussed theory, with officials from former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield to CNN’s Sanjay Gupta saying it can’t be discounted. Even the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has said it can’t be ruled out.


In October, we published a series of articles about a laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware repair shop. Twitter suspended our account. You probably know how that ended. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted to lawmakers months later it was a “total mistake.”


We were right both times. We’re right this time, too.


While true reporting from the Post gets censored, leftist propaganda gets disseminated (and often promoted) routinely on social media.


The most recent notable bogus story that was hyped by the entirety of the media only to be exposed was the dubious claim from “intelligence officials” that Russia had been paying the Taliban bounties to kill U.S. troops. The timing of that story came as Donald Trump wanted to remove troops from Afghanistan – and was “confirmed” by multiple publications. Once Biden pledged to follow through with that withdrawal, the story gets debunked days later by U.S. intel.


The timing is interesting for sure – and one is left to wonder how it is that stories keep getting “independently verified” by various outlets and then turn out to be bunk.


Sheryl Attkisson has a running list of bogus media stories in the Trump-era that were damaging to Trump and conservatives, with 153 notable examples documented.


Social media played a commanding role in censoring a grand total of zero of those stories.


Dan Bongino

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:27 p.m. No.13451370   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1434 >>1436 >>1483


Lin Wood



Tulsa 2021 Highlights

This is "Tulsa 2021 Highlights" by Stuart Guthrie on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Lin Wood



Lin Wood Thursday Night

This is "Lin Wood Thursday Night" by Stuart Guthrie on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Anonymous ID: 6f8039 April 17, 2021, 8:47 p.m. No.13451523   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Power Play'

They're out of order in war

They're out of order in love

They need to feed, they both agree

The hawk and the dove

But don't get mad, get even

And don't let 'em get to you

I never promised

It was fair and true

Before they're through

They'll have me hunting you

It's not important

Good and evil

They're neck and neck

Bases loaded

And there's three on left

We're in the final quarter

And it's runnning out

You'll need a father

Like there's no time out

He'll lift you out of the cradle

Help you into the grave

But don't be fooled by all the rules

And don't be the slave

You take a chill pill, and, baby

Relax, float downstream

Life is no rehearsal

You know what I mean

And freedom seems

To be a far-off dream

It's not important

Good and evil

They're neck and neck

Bases loaded

And there's three on left

We're in the final quarter

And it's runnning out

You'll need a father

Like there's no time out