when preparation meets opportunity is equal to success
false idol worship
Who cares about one little story not being verified.
We who know the truth of earth have TONS of
Only if your target is to be a sheep.
You are the blind leading the blind. You actually think I'm THEM? OMG little one.
Nothing. That is only a photoshop creation. There
are no galaxies. There is no outer space. Stars are
close, above the dome and they are living angels.
Run, drive and fly. See, I can write meaningless words too.
Yes, go outside and watch how the north star
never moves. Go out and look over 60 miles of lake
michigan and then discover how the sky spins in
a perfect circle above our head.
Oh and get out and look at the fake moon rock
given to the netherlands by nasa in 1969.
Oh and there is soo much more to see as well.
Thank you so much for the oppertunity to prove
you wrong so effectively and completely.
I hope you have learned something.