Anonymous ID: 33458e April 18, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.13454826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4833 >>4845 >>4848 >>4860 >>4870

Welcome, welcome, welcome to all my beloved Patriots! This is JFK here, or Jack as many like to call me… and I am here to provide you a new message through my muse, Losha.


I would like to speak about the many different beliefs which are out there, right now. We’ve got the cabal with their beliefs which as we know are very evil and do no good at all…and then we’ve got the Christian side of things and then we’ve got people who are lightworkers but not necessarily Christians and then we’ve got a whole other plethora of beliefs that are out there, right now. However, what I would like to speak of is the commonality amongst most of these beliefs…other than the cabal’s.


Since I have been away from Earth life for more than 50 years now, I have been able to see the common areas in all these religious beliefs that are touted on earth. My muse likes to call a lot of the rules and regulations of the religions, “window dressing”. I understand that, and that is because a lot of the rules and regulations of different “religions”, are just that…they are trying to give you rules to live your lives by and these rules, for the most part, are not good for you. They are leading you astray, so to speak, because these rules, which are in every religion that is on Earth right now, have been made up by man.


There is Truth to the word of Jesus..there is truth to the personality of who Jesus was…however, much of the story of Jesus is false…and many of you probably already know this…but there are many that may not, and I am not trying to burst your bubble, or cause you grief or angst about these revelations that I am giving at this moment, but there are many untruths in the story of Jesus.


The biggest untruth is that Jesus died on the cross…this is not true. Even though the media can come up with all these “tv specials” that say there is a shroud of Turin and they found the cross that Jesus died on…it is not true.


Jesus went on to live a full life but he did provide the “Beatitudes” that people talk about from the Bible…that is true…and that is what I would like people to focus on. The Beatitudes are examples of Love…and, as what I have learned, Love is the biggest commonality for all religions.


Everything comes back to Love…so, all those things that Jesus did where he was loving others…loving those who were “misfits”…loving those who were “unfit”…others who “didn’t deserve to be loved”…Jesus loved every one of them. That is what I would like everyone to remember about Jesus.


The rest…Jesus dying on the cross is a complete fabrication…and I would just like to state that none of you need to be forgiven of any “sin”…that is completely false. No one on Earth…no soul, anywhere, is a sinner. Yes, you may do something that is not for “the Benefit of All” once in a while…we all have, as we have been living our lives…however, this does not mean you are a sinner, at all.


So, I would just like people who are Christians and who really believe Jesus died for their sins…it is not needed by anybody…to be forgiven for your sins, because there is no sin. Yes, there is right and wrong, but there is no sin. (2)


Jesus did not need to die for your sins…this was all made up by the cabal to cause you to feel “unworthy”…and it worked…in my opinion, it has worked for many, many years.


Unworthiness, has been the single biggest emotional issue for every soul on Earth…every emotion that you feel, or every button that gets triggered within you when you react irrationally about something…it all comes back to the basic tenet of not feeling worthy of receiving Love.

Anonymous ID: 33458e April 18, 2021, 10:34 a.m. No.13454833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4837


My Losha is experiencing this at this time…she is working on this…it is a big challenge for every person who works on this. However, it can change your life once you realize how much you deserve Love!


Each one of you, my beloved Lightworkers and Patriots, deserves to be Loved, by yourself first, and by others, second. It is the biggest challenge that each of you have here on Earth, right now…and believe it or not, your daily challenges, your daily life, is “colored” by this very basic, emotional issue.


My Losha has just realized recently that she uses her illness and her brain injury, as a way of “sabotaging” herself. She uses it in a way so that she won’t have to do things that make her successful, because she doesn’t believe that she deserves to be successful. So, she thought that she just had a fear of success…


She was brought up to not enjoy the “accolades” for doing something well. However, she is realizing that it goes much deeper than that…it goes to not feeling worthy of being Loved. She is not able to Love herself enough to believe she deserves success.


I am just trying to point out that there are “layers” to our emotional issues…and we think we uncover one layer, such as her fear of success, but it actually goes much deeper that that. (3) So I just encourage all of you, as you are living your lives, to just be aware of when your “buttons are being pushed” as they say, or to go even deeper, and try to find out “why” your buttons are being pushed.


It is difficult work, I understand…however, there are “healers” out there who can help you with that, and Losha is trying to provide you with “options” on her website as to who can help you with those situations.


I just wanted to bring these items up today…kind of a strange assortment of topics, however I feel they are very important topics…and I am going to be speaking more and more about the “individual” and how the individual is so important to the “collective”.


The collective is the one that will allow our positive future to come forward, so we all need to each do our own individual work on ourselves in order to help our very positive future come to fruition.


I know it is challenging but you’ve got spirit guides who are always here to help you in any moment of your life. They will give you “signs” and guidance in your mind, and even visually you will see signs that they are here to help you, and guide you.


You are not alone…I hope you all know this by now. You are never alone…there are so many beings and your spirit family who have crossed over…they are always with you, too.


So please know that you are Loved, and you are watched over, by myself and by many others who Love you. At this time, I am going to sign off and say that I hope this message was helpful to you, and I Love each and every one of you, so very deeply.


Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Anonymous ID: 33458e April 18, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.13454916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925

The stranglehold that the Illuminati have had on you is slowly but surely being broken, and so much is waiting to be revealed that will propel you into the New Age.


Progress is slow yet all of the time preparations are being made to release information that will prepare you for the changes that are to come.


There is so much that needs to be done to lift up the quality of your lives so that your future experiences leave you feeling happy and satisfied. For a long time subtle changes have been taking place to lay down the bedrock of your future, so that you can enjoy life without the intrusion of the various plots hatched by the dark Ones.


Nearly all wars of recent times have been brought about by the dark Ones to keep you in a state of fear and uncertainty. However, the Forces of Light have also been busy and are well on the way to successfully removing the enemies who have wished to annihilate you.


Their mind set is such that they are even prepared to die for their cause, it reveals how dangerous they are to humanity. However, do not allow their presence and activities to alarm you as they thrive on your energies of fear. Like all souls that lack the Light they are not at ease in the presence of it.


Many other civilisations are keenly interested to see how you come out of the present period of so much unrest and turmoil, because they are aware of the sacrifices being made to overcome the problems that exist. It is quite involved and at best you learn very few truths about what is happening without your knowledge.


It is best it happens that way as you already have enough to worry about. The more you can put distance between yourselves and the dark Ones, the better you will serve the Light. You must stay calm and keep focussing upon all that is pure and of a high vibration. By doing so, you are keeping your feet firmly on the path to Ascension.


In your many, many incarnations, you have lived in all major countries and have a wealth of experience that you can now put to good use. It means that subconsciously you have a knowing about other lifestyles and religious beliefs that helps you understand and accept them.


All religious paths lead to God or whatever figurehead some worship. It is a learning process and when you are ready to “Move On” you will be encouraged or directed to the next stage in your development. For some it means another life when you can follow your intuition as a guide to what you need to further your evolution.

Anonymous ID: 33458e April 18, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.13454925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988


In all matters you get guidance yet the final outcome is down to you and your freewill choice. However, it is sometimes necessary to override it if you are faced with a “One Off” choice that affects your future life plan.


Much is already decided before you reincarnate and you are born with an inner urge to follow a certain path. In other words nothing that has an important place in your life happens by chance. However, you do have your say when decisions are made affecting your life experiences, but in seeing your life plan you are more than likely to accept it.


We have often made the point that some souls have their life plan charted for them when they do not have the ability to do so themselves. In general terms you would be surprised how closely your evolution is followed and how much help is given you.


What you may call coincidences when something of importance in your life has depended on a “chance” happening is almost certainly a special arrangement for you. It is often for example where you have avoided a serious accident that was probably life threatening and would have caused changes in your life plan. (1)


In your religious writings you will sometimes find a reference to people of the distant past who lived for hundreds of years. It seems unbelievable in view of the short period that you live at present, yet it is true and not all that far into the future you will experience much longer lives again.


It comes with the increases in the vibrations and it means that you will obviously have a body that can last a very long period of time because it continually renews itself. By comparison to merely a few thousand years ago you are now gradually extending your period of life. Obviously the standard of health then had an immense bearing on it but in general people lived shorter lives.


The bonus of living in the higher dimensions is permanent good health and a power of thought that can conjure up virtually anything you need. So living in the higher dimensions gives you unlimited freedom to go where you wish and to have all of your needs provided instantly.


It bears little if any resemblance to what you are used to on Earth. In fact the Earth is an open prison where you meet all types of people who are in the main still in their early stages of evolution. It takes them a long time to wake up to their true self, and it is difficult for them to raise their vibrations which is what you have to do if ever you want to evolve and eventually rise up.


As Man ascends so the next civilisation is reaching a point where humans were a long time ago, and ready to experience severe testing similar to the Human experience. At whatever level you are in the emphasis is on evolution and you will strive for it, because you are motivated from within. (2)


It is an urge that keeps you going on a quest looking for the answers to evolution and what you need to do to progress. Help is always on hand particularly from the Angelic Realm. Evolution is the answer to everything (3) and your life plans are accordingly arranged so that you can get onto the right path.


Great things lie ahead and we ask you to have patience as all will come out right in the end. It would be a rare occasion if a soul failed to reach a level that would lead to Ascension. So never give up as there is every help given to ensure you can ascend.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Anonymous ID: 33458e April 18, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.13454960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Visits to the New York Times’s website dropped 17% in the month after Trump left office, while the Washington Post lost 26%, according to a Washington Post report. Given that Trump’s second impeachment trial took place in February, the fall since is likely higher.


Cable news was even worse hit. CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, and Don Lemon saw ratings for their shows plummet 29%, 32%, and 33% respectively between November and March. In total, CNN has lost more than half its viewers since Joe Biden took office.