Anonymous ID: 78da15 April 18, 2021, 8:59 a.m. No.13454378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4384

>>13452609 pb

Just some thoughts from early this morning on this pb from #17040.



All speech, song, thought, symbols, and  the written word, in essence, are spells and prayers. Depends on who backs them there werdz as to how powerful yer spell be being.


All evil, dirty, bad, corrupt, and wrong spoken, sung, thought, symbolized, written word or code needs to be mirrored in your own thoughts, statements, prayers, and replies ect… to be able to counter attack  evilishness. Or just plain badishness if your not a belivever of evil<>live.


"Iiiiiiiiiiiiii have no ex's in Texas.

My wife and I live in Tennesse."

said not George Strait as I sing.

Almost like how I tell (cast a spell) myself of all the good things about myself and how good my day will go starting out each one looking in the mirror. I'm just using the same spell/prayer technique for other activities such as song. I mirror the depressing songs that I like the rhythm and beat to, but the lyrics are not to my liking. So I Yankov it for a better message to myself and turn the harmful messages away from myself, or onto someone else. Create your own power against them. Flip it. Mirror it. Like a game and it fun. To me anyway. I don't drink "spirits" so I gotta get my kicks somehow after tweeking on cofefe. Sorry for blathering, but my subroutines are misfiring.


Whenever you read a statement someone makes on social media that you know to be correct in our current world and backs it up with "nothing will ever happen," "no one will be arrested," "nothing will change," be sure to correct them if able and at least change it in your own mind. Even read it to yourself out loud the correct way. Correct the spell on the move as you read others writings. Don't let their uncorrected thoughts get stuck in your noggin. When you know the truth, it happens automatically for the most part.  Our speech and thoughts are like spells to [them,] and prayers to us. I was trying to focus more on written songs and their use of music against us. Don't be like singing along in the car casting spells-n-shiet on yourself, family, or friends. That not noice.


Growing up, I didn't pay attention to the lyrics in music. I would stick with the beats and rhythms I enjoyed. At one point I started to sing along but I didn't try to interpret the meanings behind the lyrics. When I gravitated to alt-rock from the tired classic rock, I paid more attention to what the bastards were singing about. Well, I'm always doing physical labor, and I like fast paced music to keep me fast fast and on the move. Al Green and Smokey Robinson are great for sex, but don't cut it when rockin' and rollin'. But whenever the message that the artist is trying to convey doesn't meet the standards for myself, I reverse the message back onto them, or change it altogether to protect my own mindset. If a lie/statement is repeated enough by you then it becomes fact in your mind, so they say. Or is there some reality to it? The more people that believe the lie, the stronger the spell becomes. Non-MSM has lost their power because their lies have become apparent. Their gig is up. Their tel-a-vision has been uncovered as it truely is. Tel-lies-vision.


Bestest fun spell I have is by Papa Roach and their song Last Resort.

"Cut your life into pieces.

This is your last resort.

Suffocation. No breathing.

Don't give a rut if you cut your arm bleeding.

This is your last resort."

This spell I keep for the likes of pencilneck, no name, howdy doody, noodlehead, fauxcahineass, ect… you get the point.

See what I done did there? I mirrored the original "I/my" with "you/your." I sing "fuck," but example "rut" for those who want to refrain from curse "spell" words. Power words. Everyone knows curse words are used to hurt another when in anger used. I think that vaccuums myself. Music lyrics are spells/prayers. I bet the frequency, tempo, ect… are involved too, now that I'm thinking about it. Do you not give praise in song to the lord? And is not praise a form of prayer? So to is music, or any speech or thought for that matter, spells/prayers to whatever belief. Doesn't matter even if an atheist doesn't believe in all that. Satanist believe in their spells and belief system. Christians believe in their prayers. Atheists might not believe in that stuff, but they better believe that Satanist, Christians, and any other "group" for that matter believes and acts upon said beliefs. Perhaps not in the Atheists best intrest, hmmm? Shoot, anyones best intrests for that matter, especially those not in "the club."


Anonymous ID: 78da15 April 18, 2021, 9 a.m. No.13454384   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Those who believe in government and science are like religious belief systems also. Probably where most Atheists reside. They have their own spells and prayers too like "How dare you." That phrase makes me think instantly of Greta Thorn"inmyside"berg and "The Buck" (antlers symbolism) insurance company commercials where the longtime spokesman uses the same "How dare you" line. Is that not a spell cast over my mind? So too does Pantifa and Black Lives Killed By Whites Only Matters To Divide Us groups. Call'um as I see'um. Shouting their spells to get enough "minds" to believe (come under their spell) and repeat. [Their] so called "Mainstream" Media cast lie spells every day, 24/7. Their Mainstream is a complete and total lie and their gREAT rESET VACCUUMS. Need to counter by always mirroring evil, bad, wrong, lie, dirty, ect.

Another thought on this is a song by Rush called "Spirit of Radio." After the break at 3:53 time stamp, the lyrics read

"For the words of the profits (prophets) were written on the studio wall.

Concert hall.

(crowd cheering)

And echos

With the sound

Of salesmen

Of salesmen

Of Salesmen"

In the video they spell the spell (>To spell or not to spell, that is the question. What is spelling but a spell within itself. It's spelled out for you plain as day.<) out with the word profit. My translation of "profit," in parentheses within the song lyrics, to "prophets," I believe is correct. Because we know their words have doubble meanings. (>And yes, trippple is how spelling should read too, but not after that point.<) So they tell us they write their anti-bIBLE passage from their false gOD on the wall of the studio while recording the musical song. Errr ahh I mean musical spell, that we all sing along to while driving in our trucks. Also on the concert hall as well so when we all cheer their spell, that is consent given. In the beginning of the song, they lay out exactly what they're going to do to us using radio.

"Begin the day with a friendly voice.

A companion, unobtrusive

Plays that song that's so elusive

And the magic music makes your morning mood"

But wait, there's more.

"Off on your way

Hit the open road

There is magic

At your fingers

For the spirit ever lingers

Undemanding contact

In your happy solitude."

Back in tha day, I would have never delved so deeply into the lyrics of songs. That was the job of my religion teacher during the Satanic Panic back in the early eighties. She would play the Ozz for us. Backwards of course, so we could hear the satanic messages inbeded. And I did make out some words and sentences. D&D was frowned upon for it would lead us to the dark side of the force blah blah blah. But now? I be like "Tell me more!"

"Invisible airwaves

Crackle with life

Bright antennae

Bristle with the energy

Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength

Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free

All this machinery

Making modern music

Can still be open-hearted

Not so coldly charted

It's really just a question of your honesty

Yeah, your honesty

One likes to believe in the freedom of music

But glittering prizes

And endless compromises

Shatter the illusion of integrity, yeah"

No need for me to explain this spell further. It's almost dubbly self-explanatory.


When I used play "violent" video games, I mostly would play as the good guy or reverse the bad character if bad only available. I'm more chaotic good you could say. Robinhood mindset instead of say, the Joker, where evil is as evil does. Get me? Though, knowing what we know now and what's comming, we won't need any Robinhoods anymore since we're inheriting the Earth. (biggest smile) In the end, always keep a positive attitude, good attitude, truth attitude, winning attitude. Think,  Be Best. That is all. Dismissed.