There is sometimes a fine line between a cop and a criminal. What drives their personality may be the same, and they have simply chosen different roles and professions to call their own."
There are presently about 8 billion humans alive on this planet.
Yet some self-anointed arbiter of what the planet “can support” has decided – without our consent or our vote – that the planetary population cannot exceed 500 million.
They realize the only way to depopulate the earth is via either a massive and deadly disease outbreak; which they TRIED with their COVID-19 nonsense . . . and failed. Or, a war.
Having failed to “cull the herd” with their COVID-19, the globalists will now go underground and then start a war.
Their goal is millions dead
18 U.S. Code § 700 - Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties. Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
17 More Highly Specific Anime Fetishes
It seems there’s no limit to the creative fetishes we can get from anime.
Die in a fire!
Right from incest to pedophilia to abuse – there isn’t much that Japan hasn’t kawaii-fied and presented to their non-Japanese audience as something that's totally normal.
Sexualization Of Female Children
The Rampant Pedophilia
Infantilization Of Women
Normalization Of Abusive Relationships
Tsunderes & Physical Abuse
Fanservice = Sexual Objectification Of Women
Consent Has No Meaning
No Repercussions Of Criminal Behavior
Poor Representation
Donald Trump threw off the timeline the elite were working on. Hillary Clinton was supposed to invade Syria to fight Russia, then create a second front in the Ukraine, and Donald Trump managed to stonewall these people.
The Battle at Dulce to Stop an Alien Breeding Program
Using Thousands of Young Women
He didn’t stop the plan. But he did create this timeline issue. So what you’re seeing now is a kind of confused rush to get back on schedule. Coronavirus was clearly a panicked Hail Mary move to get things back on track. All of these virus measures were intended to be brought in through the global warming program, and you’re seeing now that they’re spinning the Virus Regime off into a weather-oriented agenda.
Israel's role in the Iran–Iraq war consisted of support provided by Israel to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 to 1988. … Israel also provided military instructors during the war and direct support to Iran's war effort, when it bombed and destroyed Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, during Operation Opera.