Stop desecrating our flag.
Do you know what that line represents?
I'll give you a hint, it separates the "waters above" from the "waters below".
Like I said, stop desecrating our flag.
I have nothing to do with whatever you're talking about.
I said to stop desecrating our flag.
I've been here since the beginning, and I have an education thank you.
You obviously don't know what that line represents. It separates the "waters above" from the "waters below". It is a desecration to any countries flag.
You people don't even know what you support.
I do support law enforcement, I do not support the desecration of our flag or what that line really means.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
lol No.
Many of the blue will face justice. I'm sorry you haven't figured that out yet.
There absolutely are many excellent LEO's, but they've let the bad ones run amok for far too long.
The military is the only way.
You people = those who blindly "back the blue" and support symbolism you don't understand desecrating our flag.
Those who took an oath to defend the constitution and then looked the other way as it was trampled on. Those who "just followed" unconstitutional orders.
I never said anything about myself, but nice try to turn this on me. For your information I think very highly of GOOD LEO's and military, but not the many bullies and cowards in uniform.
You are so ignorant yet think you know so much.
I do not feel entitled to anything, that's your projection. I speak Truth.
Many LEOs have committed crimes while many others looked the other way. Talking about that does not mean I don't respect the good ones.
It also doesn't mean I don't support good LEO's if I don't support the desecration of our flag with a symbol even many Leos don't understand.
Look in a mirror and take your own advice.
Are you really this ignorant or just pretending?
You might want to work on your reading comprehension.
I bet you thought that was really clever huh?
That cake still represents the desecration of our flag, and soon you'll learn the truth about the symbolism you blindly support.