Anonymous ID: e79358 April 19, 2021, 7:29 a.m. No.13461231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1896

People are waking up, all over the place. I see it on all "THEIR" supposed websites, Twatter, fuckbook and now instagram, people are no longer afraid to bite back on the narratives. Don't get me wrong "THEY" are trying like hell to control the narrative in virtual reality but more an more individuals are questioning, criticizing, using sarcasm, humor and indignation in response to their ridiculousness. Its an interesting thing to observe. I am always posting shit that tells the truth. Had a couple of posts removed here and there but they don't seem to keen anymore on banning me….in the past I would get warnings now its just a friendly explanation as to why they took down a post and if they don't remove it they put some stupid factchecker label with link to their propaganda. What would really happen if we all just stopped watching listening posting and paying? I really wonder if we all just stopped giving them what we have our energy, our time and our money, I don't think they would survive and maybe that is the answer….just speculation from this anon.

Anonymous ID: e79358 April 19, 2021, 7:34 a.m. No.13461264   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This anon was never a big pot enthusiast. I never was against it but didn't know much about it benefits until it was suggested to me by a fellow user. I have health issues and PTSD so I gave it a shot and omg it works better than most medicines I have ever been prescribed. Maybe that is why it is on the banner….

Anonymous ID: e79358 April 19, 2021, 8:47 a.m. No.13461741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


its all Gene Therapy not a fucking vaccine. Its classifcation is one big fucking lie. Fuck the sheep who tell me and my mother that we need it. At my age I have a 99.6% chance of complete recovery my mother as 99.1% and my 18 year old has a 99.8% chance of complete recovery or not even having symptoms. Unfortunately I was too late with my adult daughter he got the Pfizer one, not a happy camper about that….