Anonymous ID: fdf0f7 April 19, 2021, 8:32 p.m. No.13467231   🗄️.is đź”—kun






There is nothing more irrelevant in this trial in regards to public knowledge than the “makeup” of the 14 jurors. The process of vetting and weeding out jurors has already been completed with input from both the prosecution, defense, and the judge. At this point, where a juror lives is not information anyone needs to know. But CBS News knows exactly what they are doing here.


Further, this sure seems like a shot across the bow for the jurors to come up with the “right” verdict or face reprisal from the mob, aided and abetted by a news media ready to provide them with personal information. Why are news outlets even hinting at identifying these people when there’s no journalistic value in it whatsoever? I think we know why.


The best case here is that the jurors never see this and never feel intimidated, but the mob stands ready regardless. The worst case is that the jurors do catch wind of CBS News hinting that they have their personal information and their decision is influenced by it. Finding Chauvin guilty of manslaughter might even be the proper ruling, but now, with what CBS News has done and seems to be pushing for, any ruling will have doubt cast on it.


The judge should step in and deliver a reprimand immediately, including barring CBS News from reporting from or in the courthouse. I’m not sure he will, though.

Anonymous ID: fdf0f7 April 19, 2021, 8:37 p.m. No.13467260   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7289 >>7294 >>7305 >>7309 >>7321 >>7324 >>7431




==Who are the jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial?–

–Though the jurors will remain anonymous, here's what we know about the jury seated for Derek Chauvin's trial in the killing of George Floyd. ==

By Paul Walsh and Hannah Sayle Star Tribune APRIL 19, 2021

Anonymous ID: fdf0f7 April 19, 2021, 8:43 p.m. No.13467289   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7305 >>7321 >>7338 >>7354 >>7431




Juror 2:


A white man in his 20s. He's from Minneapolis and works as a chemist. Because of his profession, he said, "I consider myself a pretty logical person…I rely on facts and logic and what's in front of me. Opinion and facts are important distinctions for me." He said he has a generally favorable view of the Black Lives Matter movement but added that "I think all lives matter equally" and that the "Blue Lives Matter" message among police advocates is a counter viewpoint that isn't necessary. He has not viewed the bystander video of George Floyd's death. He has visited 38thand Chicago where Floyd was killed because he and his fiancé considered moving to the area.


Juror 9:


A multi-race woman in her 20s. She is originally from northern Minnesota and said she was "super excited" to receive her jury summons because she believes it's her civic duty. She said she was eager to serve regardless of the case, but especially in Chauvin's trial, given the gravity of it. "It's a very important case, not just for Hennepin County…but nationwide," she said. "It's just something everyone's heard about, talked about…No matter the decision, people are still going to talk about it." She said viewing the video of Floyd's death left her with a "somewhat negative" impression of Chauvin. "No one wants to see someone die," she said. The woman also said she sees racial disparity in the justice system. In connection with that belief, she added that she agrees somewhat that Minneapolis police officers at times use too much force against Black suspects. She considers herself a "go with the flow" type, and assured that she can be open minded about the evidence. She is the niece of a Brainerd police officer.


Juror 19:


A white man in his 30s. He works as an auditor and was chosen for the jury after expressing confidence that he could be fair.He served in a jury five years ago and was dismissed as an alternate. "I was slightly disappointed after hearing the process," he said. "…I think it's an important part of our society." He said he saw at least portions of the video of Floyd's death and had a somewhat negative view of Chauvin because "someone died, and that's obviously not a positive thing." At the same time, the man continued, he said he can examine the evidence "from a viewpoint of the law" before deciding whether or not the defendant is guilty.

Anonymous ID: fdf0f7 April 19, 2021, 8:47 p.m. No.13467305   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7321 >>7338 >>7394 >>7431




Juror 27:


A Black man in his 30s. He immigrated to the United States 14 years ago and went to school in Nebraska and moved to Minnesota in 2012. He works in information technology and lives with his wife and dog. He speaks multiple languages, including French. Learning that he was in the jury pool made him "surprised and anxious," but he realizes it's his civic duty. While relating to Floyd's death and thinking "it could be anybody, it could have been you," he also said, "I believe that I will be impartial." He said he believes people have the right to protest, but at the same time, he realizes that businesses are shut down and damaged, and his wife is unable to make it to work. He wants to serve on the jury because "it is a service to my community and our country."


Juror 44:


A white woman in her 50s. She is a single mother who works as a high-level executive in the nonprofit sectorfocused on healthcare. She took the unusual step of summoning her own attorney to the courthouse. At one point, the judge halted the live video feed and cleared the courtroom of everyone except trial participants out of unspecified privacy concerns. The woman said the bystander video left her with a somewhat negative view of Chauvin, explaining that "a man died, and I am not sure that's procedure. … Not all police are bad, but the bad-behavior police need to go." At the same time, she acknowledged sympathy for Floyd and the officers at the scene that night, saying, "Everyone's lives are changed by this incident … and it's not easy for anyone."



Juror 52:


A Black man in his 30s. He works in banking and coaches youth sports. He said he has seen the bystander's videoof Floyd's arrest and that "I don't think [Chauvin] had any intention of harming anybody, but somebody did die." When pressed about assessing Chauvin's intent, the man said he could still "definitely look at [the case] from an objective point of view." He also said he believes discrimination exists well beyond what the news media reports.



Juror 55:


A white woman in her 50s. She lives outside Minneapolisand works as an executive assistant in a clinical health care setting. She said she has viewed the bystander's video, but she wrote in her questionnaire filled out months ago, "I couldn't watch it in full, because it was too disturbing to me." That said, she pledged that "I'm not in a position to change the law. I'm in a position to uphold the law. … He's innocent until we can prove otherwise."


Juror 79:


A Black man in his 40s. He works as a manager and says he has been a victim of home burglary in the past and the police came to help. He believes minorities are often arrestedbut disagrees with the concept of "defunding" law enforcement and said, "the police do a lot. … I would trust the police."



Juror 85:


A multi-race woman in her 40s. She is an organizational consultant who helps corporations improve personnel practices and efficiency. She is married with a son and said she spends a lot of time at ice hockey arenas. She said she believes police are human and can make mistakes. As relates to people who use drugs, she said,"I don't think a lot people would choose to have addiction as part of their life."Asked about the settlement, the woman said it wouldn't impact her. "I don't think that declares guilt one way or the other," she said.

Anonymous ID: fdf0f7 -- VideoVideo (04:31) : Video by Mark Vancleave. For the first time in Minnesota, the trial of Derek April 19, 2021, 8:52 p.m. No.13467338   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7431




Juror 89:


A white woman in her 50s. She works as a nurse and lives in Edina. She assured the court she could judge the evidence fairly despite having seen portions of the viral video of Floyd's arrest and after hearing about the settlement. The woman said her professional training would affect how she would look at the evidence. "We all use our life experiences to make judgments," she said, which in her work include resuscitating patients in urgent situations and dispensing opiates while on the job. The judge interjected and pointed out that she can't be "an expert witness."



Juror 91:


A Black woman in her 60s. She is a grandmother and retired marketing professionaland volunteers helping children in need with their homework. She said she started watching the video of Floyd's arrest but stopped after four to five minutes because "it just wasn't something that I needed to see." The woman said she has not formed opinions about either Chauvin or Floyd and was firm in saying news of the settlement would not affect her commitment to be an objective juror. She added: "I am Black, and my life matters."



Juror 92:


A white woman in her 40s. She lives in the suburbs and works in the insurance industry. Like others, she has viewed the bystander video and was aware of the settlement but said those would not be stop her from being fair and objective as a juror. The woman wrote in her juror questionnaire months ago that she didn't believe Floyd deserved to die and police didn't need to use excessive force. She also said, "If someone uses drugs, I don't think there should be ramifications of violence for that." However, she continued, Floyd was not completely innocent. She said she has generally positive views of police and opposes any defunding of their departments, but also believes "people of other races get treated unfairly" by law enforcement