Many on this board could use an injection of uncut reality. Listen to the guy who spends his free time walking the slums and talking to the people stuck there.
>Millions of people are getting that stimulus money and they can't spend it fast enough they're back at the malls, at the retailers, they are ordering on amazon and they are doing nothing to prepare for tomorrow. People are just living the party right now. They are in fantasyland. And I really really hope a lot of you went out and added to your preparations this weekend and take every day that we have before this whole house of cards implodes. Take every day that you have to prepare. I hope that things don't implode tomorrow and I hope that things don't implode next week or even next year, but at the end of the day hope doesn't matter because it is going to collapse when it is ready to collapse. But I'm taking every day and I'm doing everything I can to put the odds in my favor.