Friendly reminder: Stay home, stay safe, relax and let them own what's comming. Right now multiple sites are failing and I suspect is an attempt to control a narrative for a false flag. Deny them the oportunity to blame anyone else for any wrong doing comming from the hatemongering.
And they will see the abyss and they will taste it. Just make sure they find themselves cold and alone when that happens. They will either wake and man up or perish.
Ok I'll thsi here, the capital is under military occupation. Those soldiers were sent there by Real POTUS. Anyone that have been here since the beginning and followed drops in real time should remember this reply: "Control". No need to arrest anyone. Things are been allowed to happe so that poeple experience the Abyss. Awakening them mean they stand up and paticipate. The only way to restore the Republic is for the normies to start participating instead of just been expectators. We were told deaths will be minimized not that there were no be any dying. Outside threats are been kept on check. Look at what happened with the Ever Given ship. As soon as big box stores thought Real POTUS was out they started to cancel local orders to place them in China Factories. They had to be forced to keep the supply chains local. Patriots are in control.
The state of qresearch. Easy to troll because we got jus too many cheerleaders.
>Listen to the guy
They are up to something, the trick is to not provide them anyone to take the blame away from them.
Lead by example dear shill, we will watch you on TV.