today's Chavin verdict is a minor dramatic episode staged by a Democrat controlled state to prop up BLM and Antifa and prop up the agenda of other Democrat controlled states and the Democrats in DC
the key words are "prop up", because they are losing support more and more…
also, notice this does nothing to change the balance of power, as Republican controlled states aren't going for any of this rioting shit, no patriots minds were changed about the role of police, and the push goes on in many states to fix election laws, ignore Biden's EO's, resist vaccines and lockdowns and expose the stolen election, while the conservative media continues to expand viewership and Trump is even more popular among his 74 million voters
not only that, gun sales continue at a record pace…
but the scaremongers say this Chauvin verdict is a sign the country is falling apart, chaos is imminent, everyone will be forcibly vaccinated, guns will be confiscated and Democrats will win all future elections…
ignore the surface drama and look at everything that is pushing back against the communist/DS/Democrat agenda