for archiving offline
from the transcript. i tried to correct some of the auto generated errors.
black people I okay left versus right
what does that have to do with us
because '''the people on the left are
trying to use us the people on the left
are using us the Democratic Party are
using black people to fight their war
with antifa''' with it's getting very
very deep wait if y'all know who auntie
fuh is look auntie four up uh basically
a terrorist group I don't know what
people believe system is you call it
what you want to call
but they're basically like a militant
who in their anti-fascist that's what
'''anti-fascist and with that being said
this group is being paid for by you
guessed it the younger Rothschilds the
Clintons and the SOROS and the media's
downplaying this of this group they're
not telling people about this group''' but
'''people on the far left are trying to get
black people and as many people who are
part of the far left to join this side
and what they want to do is they want to
take the guns away from the people on
the far right their whole plan is to
even a playing field because the people
on the far right they deal with guns
they have all the guns and right now as
it stands the people on the left are set
to get slaughtered that's why they're
pushing gun laws and pushing gun laws'''
for the simple fact that if you're able
>It wasn't a Q drop.
seriously? I could have sworn it was. ok.