Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 11:54 a.m. No.13480261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

600 Venezuelans Cross into West Texas Border Town in Six Days


320 Migrants Apprehended near Border in Texas over 2 Days

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.13480267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0529 >>0628

Mexican Immigration Office Turned Me Over to a Cartel, Says Migrant


Mexican federal immigration agents turned a group of migrants over to one of the most violent cartels as part of a kidnapping and ransom scheme, a Honduran woman shared with Breitbart Texas.


The ordeal took place in early March in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo after “Teresa” and a dozen other Central Americans were deported by U.S. authorities to agents with Mexico’s National Immigration Institute. In a matter of hours, Teresa found herself turned over to the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas. The cartel has absolute control over Nuevo Laredo. CDN-Los Zetas even has convoys of gunmen in armored SUVs patrolling the city streets.


Teresa agreed to be interviewed by Breitbart Texas in an undisclosed location before she took a bus back to Honduras, fearing another encounter with Mexican INM officials.


“A friend had warned me that if I was taken to [Nuevo] Laredo, that I would end up with those people,” Teresa said in Spanish, refusing to refer to the Zetas by name. As a precaution, she hid her cell phone in her clothing so she could call for help if needed during the abduction.


One night, cartel members arrived at the INM facility so officials could turn them over for transit to a large warehouse. There, gunmen threatened Teresa and told her to call her relatives in the U.S. for a ransom. Much to her surprise, the CDN gunmen already had all the information she provided Mexican immigration authorities. Unbeknownst to the CDN, Teresa was able to record the events with her hidden phone.


The gunmen threatened they would subject her to severe abuse and claimed she was lucky to not already be killed. The woman’s relatives were able to wire $2,800 USD in small payments that night. Once the gunmen confirmed the payments, they took the woman to downtown Nuevo Laredo, where they released her.


Teresa approached Mexican federal and state authorities to report the incident and share her recording. While officials claimed they would investigate the matter, Teresa did not file a criminal complaint because she could not be placed in a witness protection program.


“I never thought it would be this bad,” Teresa said in Spanish. “As bad as things are at home, with what I went through here and how they won’t do anything about it … it’s much worse here.”


Breitbart Texas went to the location near downtown Nuevo Laredo where the gunmen released Teresa and asked the owner of a nearby business for access to the security footage, however, the owner claimed to fear for his life and refused. The owner said the CDN-Los Zetas have absolute control of the city and questions about their activities put everyone at risk.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.13480274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France Deports Algerian Delivery Driver Who Refused to Serve Jews


French authorities have deported an Algerian food delivery driver who was sentenced to four months in prison after stating that he refused to deliver goods for Jews.


The 19-year-old Algerian had been found guilty of antisemitic discrimination after refusing two deliveries from two restaurants in Strasbourg in January of this year, claiming that he did not deliver for Jews.


The Algerian, who had been working for the food delivery company Deliveroo, had cancelled two orders by two different restaurant owners on the same day. Days later, one of the restaurant owners and an association against antisemitism filed a complaint to the police, Franceinfo reports.


He was tried in a Strasbourg court just a week following this arrest after a police investigation linked his phones GPS history with a Deliveroo account, despite the fact the account had been borrowed from another driver.


Three months after he was sentenced to prison, the 19-year-old was deported to Algeria.


French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin welcomed the move, stating: “As I had committed to it, the ‘delivery man’ of home meals who had declared that he did not want to serve Jewish clients was expelled from the national territory today, after serving his prison sentence. Antisemitic hatred has no place in France.”


Raphael Nisand, the lawyer for the two restaurant owners, also welcomed the news and praised French cooperation with Algeria after noting that deportation cases can often be difficult to carry out.


The removal comes just days after France’s Court of Cassation ruled in another antisemitism case, the 2017 murder of Sarah Halimi in Paris.


The top court upheld a prior decision stating that the suspected killer of Halimi, Kobili Traoré, would not be charged with her death. A court had ruled Traoré was not criminally liable due to being in a state of delirium linked to his excessive marijuana use when he allegedly beat Halimi and pushed her out of her apartment window.


Rob riot steal is fine refuse to serve the Jew you're out

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13480279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They Convicted an Innocent Man – Paul Craig Roberts


Tuesday afternoon, a jury convicted former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin of three counts of murder and manslaughter of George Floyd. Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says, “This was a show trial essentially. . . . Chauvin did not have a fair trial. . . . The media convicted an innocent man, and the jury was too fearful to stand on the evidence, and that was the story of the trial.”


PCR points out, “At the trial, the bloodwork showed that George Floyd had three times the fatal dose of Fentanyl. There was also evidence given that Fentanyl causes breathing problems. In fact, an overdose stops you from breathing and kills you. It also came out that Floyd had breathing problems before he was restrained on the ground. Police videos showed Floyd was complaining about breathing when he was sitting in back of the squad car, and he asked to get out. The most surprising thing was the police video of Floyd being restrained showed that Officer Chauvin’s knee was not on Floyd’s neck, it was on his shoulder blade. . . . The video the media showed over and over again had ‘camera perspective bias.’ So, how you see something is what the camera perspective is. . . . The Chief of Police, who had already condemned Chauvin for having his knee on Floyd’s neck, when he saw the body cam video (from the police perspective), he was then asked on the stand what his opinion was, and he said he had not seen that. He also said Chauvin’s knee was on the shoulder blade of Floyd.”


The mainstream media never showed that video from the police perspective that shows Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade. According to PCR, “There was an abundance of evidence that there was at least reasonable doubt that Office Chauvin was not guilty of the charges. . . . So, why did they (the jury) convict? I think fear. . . . If you were on that jury and there was a mistrial or a verdict of not guilty, you knew your name would be leaked out and they would reveal who you are and Antifa and Black Lives Matter would be on your lawn threatening your life. . . . You knew you would face threats, and your house may be burned down.”


PCR says mainstream media tried Chauvin in public, and he was “never going to get a fair trial” no matter where it was conducted. PCR sums up the trial and the outcome by saying, “It was a situation where the evidence could not matter. The evidence had already been established by the media with ‘camera perspective bias’ the media showed for weeks and months, and the whole world was convinced that Chauvin killed Floyd with his knee on his neck. . . . This was a false fact, but it was far more powerful than the evidence in the courtroom.”

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13480286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0311

Black Lives Matter Says Communities Are Being 'Terrorized' More Under Biden Than They Were Under Trump


President Joe Biden is allowing police to become more of a threat to black Americans than former President Donald Trump ever did, at least in one aspect, Black Lives Matter now claims.


A tweet posted Tuesday criticized Biden over federal rules allowing police agencies to receive surplus military equipment.


“Biden is currently sending more military equipment to our neighborhoods than Trump did. You read that right,” Black Lives Matter tweeted.


“Our communities are being terrorized at a greater rate than they had been under Trump,” the tweet said.


On its website, Black Lives Matter explained that it wants an end to the policy of allowing police departments to access surplus military equipment under what is known as the 1033 program.


“Over $7 billion has gone to the law enforcement agencies since its creation under the Clinton administration. Disappointingly enough, the flow of military equipment to police under the 1033 Program has accelerated under the Biden administration — and based on recent reporting, police might just receive even more military equipment under the Biden administration than they did with the Trump administration,” the website said.


“No responsible leader should be increasing the weapons police have access to — and if President Biden cares about the countless Black folks who showed up to put him in office, he would recognize that. If we want President Biden to take swift action before his 100th day in office (just 10 days from now), then we need a lot of voices speaking out right away.”


Black Lives Matter suggested there is a correlation between military equipment purchases and civilian deaths, and repeated long-standing BLM claims that police agencies are racist.


“Military-style weapons and equipment have no place in our streets. They have no place in our communities and have no place in our schools or on our campuses. They especially have no place in the hands of police — violent upholders of white supremacy that have no regard for Black life,” the site said.


“With the stroke of a pen, President Biden can put an end to the dangerous practice of enabling and upholding white supremacy through the 1033 Program.”


According to data from the Defense Logistics Agency analyzed by the Security Policy Reform Institute’s Stephen Semler, $34 million in military gear was transferred to police agencies in the first quarter of 2021, the highest number since the first quarter of 2020.


In assessing the program last year, The Washington Post noted that most military surplus items obtained by local police agencies “are mundane items such as coffee makers, electrical wire and cargo containers.”


It also reported that “rifles, helicopters and Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles” were also obtained.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, noon No.13480294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

ICE Officers Instructed to Censor Arrest Reports Per New Biden Policy


An ICE Enforcement and Removal officer revealed to Breitbart Texas a recent email disseminating instructions to censor reports when listing particular facts involving the incarceration of criminal aliens.


The email tells officers to redact information prior to submission to Immigration Courts or the public as part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The source, who wished to remain anonymous, believes the instructions are designed to hide the full truth when criminal aliens are released instead of deported and then commit subsequent crimes.


Part of the email from the Acting Assistant Director of ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations reads (emphasis original):


As information related to enforcement priority determinations may not be final at the time a case is processed and may further develop over time, please do not include this information in the I-213 narrative. When this information is included in the I-213 please be aware of the need to redact that information when it is filed with EOIR/Immigration Judges or turned over in FOIA requests.


The request to remove information from an arrest report is unprecedented. The arrest report is a historical document that allows the officer to record circumstances of an arrest and the detention of the arrestee. Any attempts to dissuade an officer from documenting all facts at the time of an arrest, such as policy impacts on decision making at the time, place the officer in legal jeopardy at a later date if asked to testify why a decision or conclusion is reached.


As a hypothetical, an ICE officer takes a person into custody after he is released from jail on a criminal offense, but does not meet the Biden Administration’s policy threshold for deportation. Rather than document the release on the arrest report as a matter of policy, the report goes silent on the matter. Time passes, and the criminal alien re-offends. The prior arrest record will not show that the ICE officer was simply following orders to release and instead has to defend himself as if it were his poor judgment triggering the unfortunate chain of events. ICE management and the Biden Administration by extension have plausible denial.


The source says he has never been instructed to withhold decision information in an arrest report until now. He worried that individual officers will face professional consequences when criminal aliens violate laws after they are released.


The enforcement and removal policy disseminated by Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson limits an officer’s ability to arrest and remove a criminal without a supervisor’s written approval—creating a significant administrative burden for an officer who typical deported criminal aliens straight from local jails under previous administrations.


The policy has reduced the number of arrests and removals conducted by ICE. According to ICE statistics, less than a third arrested by ICE last year would qualify for arrest and removal under the Biden Administration’s policy.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.13480296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0304 >>0307 >>0811 >>0835 >>0993 >>1016

Woke Companies and Individuals Donate Millions to Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee



Dozens of woke corporations and wealthy individuals donated millions of dollars to President Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee, totaling a sum of $61 million.


Inaugural committees, unlike congressional and presidential campaigns, are free to accept corporate donations, providing an unusual occasion to give candidates huge money.


“The list included companies with major business before the federal government — on everything from taxes to regulations — such as Uber, Lockheed Martin, Comcast, AT&T, Bank of America, Pfizer, and Qualcomm, all of which gave the maximum $1 million,” Politico reported.


It’s worth noting Biden did not take any money from fossil fuel companies, foreign agents, or lobbyists.


As compared to former Presidents Trump and Obama’s hauls, Biden’s diverged. Trump out raised Biden by $46 million in 2017, while Biden over-performed Obama’s second term committee by $18 million. Obama did bring in nearly $53 million with his first committee in 2007.


According to Tuesday’s FEC report, the filings indicate three tranches of donations to Biden: One million cap, $100,000 plus, and notable individuals.


One Million Bracket:



Lockheed Martin



Bank of America



International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers labor union

Sherwood Foundation (Susie Buffett)

Levantine Entertainment LLC

Masimo Corporation


At Least $100,000 Bracket:




United Airlines




Charter Communications








Holland & Knight

Dow Chemical

General Motors



Quicken Loans

National Football League

United Association

United Food

Commercial Workers International Union

American Federation of Teachers


Notable Individuals Bracket:


Brad Smith, Microsoft

David Zapolsky, Amazon

Ken Griffin, hedge fund billionaire and Republican megadonor

Constance Williams, former Pennsylvania state senator

Jean-Pierre Conte, private equity executive

John Foley, Peloton

Haim Saban and Donald Sussman, Democrat megadonors

Chris Sacca and Crystal Sacca, venture capitalists

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill Austin, hearing aid billionaire

Laurene Powell Jobs, billionaire heiress

Arthur Blank, Home Depot

Amy Goldman Fowler, billionaire heiress

Jonathan Gray, The Blackstone Group

John and Ann Doerr, venture capitalists

Chris Larsen, angel investor

Thomas Tull, entrepreneur and film producer

Neil Bluhm, real estate

James Chambers, billionaire heir

Penny Pritzker, businesswoman

Lukas Walton, billionaire heir

Hamilton “Tony” James, The Blackstone Group

Reid Hoffman, internet entrepreneur

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.13480305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

FITTON: Schiff’s Secret Subpoenas


The Constitution and our civil rights have been casualties of the partisan Left’s assault on President Trump. Rep. Adam Schiff’s “Ukraine call” impeachment investigation of Trump included controversial and, as best as I can tell, unprecedented secret subpoenas issued for phone records, including those of Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer. The subpoenas led to the publication of the private phone records of Giuliani, Congressman Devin Nunes, journalist John Solomon, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow, attorney Victoria Toensing, and other American citizens.


In December 2019, Judicial Watch filed a federal lawsuit against Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee under the public’s common-law right of public access to examine government records after it received no response to our December 6, 2019, records request for subpoenas and related records. As our legal team put it in our lawsuit, “The records are of critical public importance as the subpoenas were issued without any lawful basis and violated the rights of numerous private citizens.”


In response, Schiff’s House lawyers claimed a smorgasbord of secrecy excuses: “sovereign immunity;” “Speech or Debate Clause” privilege; immunity from the Freedom of Information Act and transparency law. They claimed that the records are secret, and that Judicial Watch and the public do not need to see them.


Unfortunately, the resulting federal district court decision suggested that Schiff and the House have “absolute” immunity from inquiries about the subpoenas. As I noted at the time:


“Adam Schiff secretly subpoenaed, without court authorization, the phone records of Rudy Giuliani and then published the phone records of innocent Americans, including President Trump’s lawyers, a member of Congress, and a journalist. And now a federal court ruled today that Schiff, or any member of Congress can’t be held accountable for this unprecedented and potentially criminal abuse of power. Every American should be concerned about a ruling that suggests Congress has unlimited power to take and publish their private phone records!”


Judicial Watch appealed the ruling and an appellate panel here in DC heard oral argument last month. The transcript is worth a read.


Judicial Watch senior attorney James Peterson argued to the three-judge panel:

“This case is about shedding light on unprecedented and illegitimate congressional subpoenas. The extraordinary subpoenas at issue represent a supposedly unlimited government surveillance power and an unlimited ability by Congress to, at their whim, to invade the privacy of any American.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:05 p.m. No.13480326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0576 >>0610 >>1016



Google is suppressing public health studies they do not agree with.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:07 p.m. No.13480341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

Large Explosion At Sensitive Israeli Defense Factory


On April 21st, a large explosion took place in a defense factory in Israel.


The explosion seems to have occurred during a routine test at the advanced weapons factory which houses various types of missiles.


Officials may have underestimated the collateral damage of the test, which led to the explosion.


The factory is located in central Israel, and in proximity to residential areas. Civilians documented the mushroom cloud.


Senior defense officials are now investigating what went wrong, and whether guidelines were adhered to. There are still no reports of casualties.


Regarding Iran, Israel appears to have resigned that the JCPOA, the Iran Nuclear Deal will be restored.


Israel is lobbying the United States to push for improved international oversight of Iran’s nuclear program, as Washington negotiates to reenter the 2015 nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers, Israeli television reported.


Jerusalem is pushing for International Atomic Energy Agency officials to have greater powers in inspecting the nuclear sites, the Kan public broadcaster said. The position was formulated after Israeli officials concluded there will not be significant changes to the treaty, but nonetheless sought to slightly improve the terms of the pact, the network said.


The Biden administration has repeatedly said it will return to the nuclear deal, if Iran first returns to compliance. Iran has taken a hardline approach, demanding the US lift all sanctions against it first, putting the two sides at a stalemate. Progress is evidently being made.


Meanwhile, the UAE received Zvi Heifetz, Israel’s special envoy to the GCC states, in Abu Dhabi as both countries reviewed the progress of their bilateral relations since signing a peace agreement last September 2020.


Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, welcomed the Israeli official to explore further UAE-Israeli relations and mutual cooperation in areas such as trade, investment and tourism.


In March, the UAE established a $10 billion fund to invest in strategic sectors in Israel that include energy, manufacturing and healthcare.


Since the signing of the Abraham Accords, both countries have established reciprocal diplomatic missions, launched direct flights and held several trade visits – with the UAE attracting over 50,000 Israeli tourists.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.13480346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

Internal Facebook memo accidentally sent to journalist reveals the platform 'expects more scraping incidents' following breach that saw data from 533 MILLION users leaked


Belgian publication Data News was accidentally sent the memo on April 8 2021

It was intended for Facebook's PR staff in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

The memo reveals the firm's intent to 'normalise' data scraping leaks in future


Facebook is expecting more scraping incidents like a security breach that saw data from some 533 million users exposed, a leaked internal memo has revealed.


The email was intended for Facebook's PR staff in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, but was accidentally sent to journalists at the Belgian publication Data News on April 8.


Rather than exclusively focusing on the security problem, the social media firm is planning to spin future leaks as a 'sector problem' as to 'normalise' the issue.


The leak, involving data on users from across 106 countries, occurred back in 2019, but the trove of personal information was only freely published this year.


Before being posted on a hacker forum, however, the database was sold and resold privately by various cybercriminals who likely took advantage of the information.


Among users whose data was publicly leaked was Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and platform co-founders Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.13480357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0492 >>0568 >>0727

Derek Chauvin scribbled his lawyer's phone number on his hand in anticipation of having his bail revoked over murder of George Floyd


Derek Chauvin scribbled his lawyer's phone number on the palm of his hand before he was escorted out of a Minneapolis courtroom after being found guilty on all three charges in the George Floyd case.


The number is said to have belonged to the former cop's lawyer, Eric Nelson, and was visible as he stood up from his seat.


According to TMZ, Chauvin wrote the number down before the verdict and in anticipation of having his bail revoked.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.13480382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

India’s health ambassador dies one day after taking Covid vaccine


A well-known Indian actor and state health ambassador died just one day after getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), reports indicate.


Vivekh, a comedian and the Tamilnadu state’s ambassador for public health messages, had pushed his followers to get the jab, touting it as “safe and effective.” He then got jabbed himself, only to die of cardiac arrest less than 24 hours later.


The 59-year-old was said to be in critical condition at a Chennai hospital after being brought in unconscious around 11am the day after his injection. At the facility, Vivekh underwent a coronary angiogram followed by angioplasty.


A medical bulletin explained that Vivekh was on ECMO support, which pumps and oxygenates blood outside the body. The next morning at around 4:35am, Vivekh died.


One of Vivekh’s main tasks was to convince people in his state to abide by government health and medical intervention guidelines. In this case, Vivekh was tasked with convincing people who live in the region to get injected in order to “stop the spread.”


Vivekh was given India’s Covaxin injection at the Tamil Nadu Government Multi Super Specialty Hospital in Chennai. He told others to come there as well to get injected.


Vivekh’s injection was public. He filmed it during an event with television channels carrying video and photographs of the shot being put into his arm. Vivekh also uploaded video of his injection to his Twitter account.


Since Vivekh quickly died following the injection, many began to question whether the shot was to blame. Government authorities, however, insist that the two events are completely unrelated.


According to officials, Vivekh suffered from a mysterious bout of acute coronary syndrome and cardiogenic shock. He experienced 100 percent blockage of a blood vessel, though the government says this had nothing to do with the injection.


GreatGameIndia investigated not only Vivekh’s death but also many other deaths in the area from similar causes. The common link between them all is that the now-deceased had previously been vaccinated with Covaxin.

Coronavirus jabs are deadly – why would anyone take them?


The Covaxin jab, as we earlier reported, had already been linked to “neurological and psychological breakdown.”


At least one recipient who participated in a clinical trial claims the injection caused him to develop acute neuro-encephalopathy, leaving him “totally disoriented” to the point that he could no longer identify or recognize certain family members and relatives.


This individual tried to sue the center that administered the vaccine to him, only to have the facility sue him back. The Indian government, meanwhile, insists that Covaxin is “110 percent safe” and would never hurt anyone.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13480406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

"Demonizing White People for Being Born" Is the Ultimate Goal of Anti-Racist Curriculum, Per Head of NYC Private School


From here on out, it’s 24/7/365 anti-white from our elite. It will be intense propaganda basically instilling the idea to white children, “why were you born when you carry the original sin of whiteness?”


“Why do you continue to exist?”[Private School Head Admits ‘Anti-racist’ Curriculum Is ‘Demonizing White People for Being Born’, National Review, April 20, 2021]:


The head of a New York City private school that has been accused of indoctrinating students with progressive politics and “anti-racist” orthodoxy privately acknowledged that the school is guilty of “demonizing white people for being born,” according to audio from a conversation he had with a whistleblower teacher.


George Davison, the head of Grace Church School in Manhattan, told embattled teacher Paul Rossi in a March 2 recorded conversation that the school uses language that makes white students “feel less than, for nothing that they are personally responsible for.” He also said that “one of the things that’s going on a little too much” is the “attempt to link anybody who’s white to the perpetuation of white supremacy,” according to the recordings posted online.


“I also have grave doubts about some of the doctrinaire stuff that gets spouted at us, in the name of anti-racism,” Davison told Rossi, according to the recordings.


The conversation between Davison and Rossi was posted online this week by the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, or FAIR, a civil-rights organization that calls for a “common culture of fairness, understanding and humanity.” FAIR is supporting Rossi, a math teacher who was relieved of his duties at Grace for calling out the school for its “anti-racist” orthodoxy.


Attempts by National Review to reach Rossi and Davison on the phone Tuesday morning were not successful. A message for Grace’s school spokesman was not immediately returned.


Rossi laid out his concerns about the school’s social justice tactics in an essay he published in mid-April on former New York Times opinion editor Bari Weiss’s Substack account. Weiss is a member of the FAIR board of advisers.


“‘Antiracist’ training sounds righteous, but it is the opposite of truth in advertising,” Rossi wrote. “It requires teachers like myself to treat students differently on the basis of race.”


Some groups of students are assigned the “morally compromised status of ‘oppressor,’ based only on “immutable characteristics,” Rossi wrote in his essay. “In the meantime, dependency, resentment and moral superiority are cultivated in students considered ‘oppressed.’”


In his essay, Rossi said he questioned the school’s anti-racist orthodoxy during a “mandatory, whites-only student and faculty Zoom meeting” in February. When his questioning was shared outside of the forum, he said, he was accused by a school leader of causing “harm” to students.


“He informed me that I had created ‘dissonance for vulnerable and unformed thinkers’ and ‘neurological disturbance in students’ being and systems,’” Rossi wrote. “The school’s director of studies added that my remarks could even constitute harassment.”


Whiteness is the ultimate sin in 21st Century America, which should quickly help any rational person understand there exists no such thing as white privilege.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:20 p.m. No.13480427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican security forces rescue six kidnapped individuals during a drug cartel raid that left four people dead, including a 17-year-old girl, and 33 suspects under arrest


At least four people were killed and 33 were arrested after security forces in western Mexico raided a cartel’s hideout at a farm.


According to the Jalisco state attorney general’s office, authorities launched the operation Monday after they learned that a cell linked to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel was operating in the Guadalajara neighborhood of Chapalita.


Military soldiers and the National Guard arrived at the home at 10am and were met by a 17-year-old girl who quickly tried to shut the entrance gate when a police officer attempted to step inside.


The girl and two men attempted to disarm the officer, who shot and killed all three, according to Jalisco state attorney general Gerardo Solis.


The teen was pronounced dead while being rushed to an area hospital.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:21 p.m. No.13480443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ADL Pushes World Federation of Advertisers to Boycott Tucker Carlson And Fox News For 'Hate Speech And White Supremacy'


The first half of Greenblatt's speech will be spent bragging about how the ADL got Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Reddit to implement mass censorship of "antisemitism" and close with a push for advertisers to boycott Tucker Carlson and Fox News.


Here's an excerpt from Greenblatt's prepared remarks:


[L]et me share with you another vivid example of how hate speech and white supremacy is moving from the margins into the mainstream.


Just two weeks ago on his Fox News program, Tucker Carlson openly endorsed the white supremacist "Great Replacement Theory." If you haven't heard of it, this is a virulently racist and antisemitic conspiracy theory that holds a secret group of Jewish people are plotting to flood the United States with non-whites and immigrants in order to commit "white genocide."


This is not a new idea. In fact, it is a longstanding, toxic staple of white supremacist ideology. And yet, in front of the largest primetime audience in America, Mr. Carlson asserted this was happening because the Democratic Party intentionally was engineering a huge influx of immigration to bolster its voter base.


Now, I don't need to tell you how ugly this rhetoric is – especially when it is repeated by someone with millions of viewers across the country. But it's also dangerous, literally a prompt to violence.


Replacement Theory led to the chants of "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville in 2017, the night before they mowed down and murdered Heather Heyer. Extremists invoked Replacement Theory when they massacred 11 Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018; 51 Muslim worshippers at 2 mosques in Christchurch in 2019, and 22 Latinos in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart in El Paso that same year. So, make no mistake: This is a deeply dangerous message.


Now, immediately after this segment aired, we reached out to the network with a simple appeal: It's time for Carlson to go. The response we received back from Fox Chairman Lachlan Murdoch could be summarized as follows: We respect you and the ADL, but Tucker didn't really mean it. He was talking about voting rights, not embracing a white supremacist trope.


But I can assure you that Carlson's message was not lost on those white supremacists and bigots who are now applauding him for embracing their talking points.


Why do I share this story?


Again, it is an example of how hatred is being mainstreamed in America in 2021. And it is another example where you, advertisers, have a potential role to play.


Through your advertising muscle, you have a distinct and powerful voice in what information networks like Fox and Facebook will and will not allow on their platforms.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.13480479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran’s Rouhani Says 60% to 70% of Issues Resolved in Vienna Talks


The Iranian president said a deal can be reached in 'little time,' but the US insists there is still a 'long road ahead'


Iranian President Hasan Rouhani spoke positively of the indirect talks with the US that have been ongoing in Vienna aimed at reviving the JCPOA and said a deal could be reached in “little time.”


“The negotiations have achieved 60 to 70 percent progress,” Rouhani said on Tuesday. “If the Americans act honestly, we will reach a conclusion in little time.”


Diplomats representing Iran and the remaining participants of the JCPOA — China, Russia, the UK, France, and Germany — met in Vienna on Tuesday. The officials discussed the progress of two working groups that were established to figure out the steps needed to be taken by the US and Iran to revive the deal.


The EU said a third working group had been established to determine the sequence of the steps that need to be taken. The diplomats are expected to return home and convene again in Vienna next week for more talks.


While Iran is speaking positively of the talks, the US insists there is still a long way to go. “Yes, there has been some progress, but there remains a long road ahead,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday. “And I think it’s fair to say that we have more road ahead of us than we do in the rearview mirror.” Price also said that Biden’s envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, is returning from Vienna for consultations.


The US has the ability to revive the JCPOA at any time by lifting all Trump-era sanctions on Iran, but Biden officials have indicated they are not willing to do so even if Tehran returns to the limits set by the agreement.


Since the US withdrew from the agreement in 2018, an enormous number of sanctions have been slapped on Iran. Some measures were related to the country’s civilian nuclear program, while others were not. The US has said it will lift sanctions that are “inconsistent” with the JCPOA, but it’s not clear what that means.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:29 p.m. No.13480495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0769

White House to give Congress space on police reform


White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said President Biden would look to elevate passage of policing reform as a key issue, but that he would largely remain sidelined as congressional lawmakers work on legislation.


"As he’s thinking about what his joint session speech looks like next week, he has every intention of using it to elevate this issue and talk about the importance of putting police reform measures in place," Psaki said at a briefing with reporters.


"The stage we’re in now is that leaders on the Hill need to have discussions among themselves about where they can find agreement," she continued. "Often in those discussions, the most effective strategy is to allow for space for those conversations to happen privately. Once they come to agreement, and we’re certainly hopeful they’ll do that, we’ll take a look at what that looks like."


Biden has asked senior aides to work with outside organizations and civil rights groups to work to put pressure on Congress to act, Psaki said, and the president discussed the need for reform with the Congressional Black Caucus during a White House meeting last week.


Biden will not support changing or ending the 60-vote legislative filibuster threshold in order to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, Psaki said, nor will he set a hard deadline as lawmakers work through negotiations.


"We know that democracy in action means there are negotiations, there is compromise," Psaki said. "We’ll see what that looks like. But our objective here is to stay in close touch through senior members of our White House team, through the president himself, to be helpful and constructive and give feedback as needed, but also to leave space for those conversations to happen."


Psaki's comments are sure to raise questions about the lengths to which Biden will go to pass policing reform following the murder conviction of Derek Chauvin. A Minneapolis jury on Tuesday found Chauvin guilty on all three counts he was charged with in the murder of George Floyd in May.


While the House passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act earlier this year, it does not appear to have a path to winning the 10 Republican votes in the Senate needed for passage. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has put forward other proposals, and he is in talks with Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) on a potential compromise bill.


Floyd's killing in May, and the video of Chauvin kneeling on his neck for nearly 10 minutes, set off nationwide protests against police brutality and racial injustice.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.13480508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu: Bennett has cut deal with Lapid to be PM of left-wing gov’t


Yamina chair rips PM for ‘holding country hostage,’ pushing for ‘5th, 6th, 7th election,’ says he won’t let it happen; vows not to sit in unity gov’t that contradicts his values


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds to Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett’s address, with a speech of his own in which he says Bennett has already cut a deal with Lapid to be prime minister of a left-wing government.


He says Bennett would be a right-wing “head of a pin” of such a government that would be mostly comprised of the left (actually, in the most likely scenario, there would be 20 seats for the right (Yamina, New Hope, Yisrael Beytenu), 25 for the left (Yesh Atid, Blue and White) and 13 for the left (Labor and Meretz).


Yamina, he notes, only won seven seats in last month’s election, yet Bennett’s “unbridled personal ambition” to be prime minister is blinding him to the “destruction” he will inflict on the Israeli right.


“The majority of the public wants me to lead the country as head of a right-wing government,” Netanyahu claims, pointing to the fact that right-wing parties won a majority in the Knesset. He neglects to mention that three of those right-wing parties — New Hope, Yamina and Yisrael Beytenu — campaigned on replacing Netanyahu as premier.


Netanyahu says he is constantly hearing messages of support from the public and thanks them for their well-wishes.


״You are doing everything to not create a right-wing government,” Netanyahu says, addressing Bennett. “You’re prepared to do anything to become prime minister with just seven seats. And the only way for you to do that is to head a left-wing government of Lapid, Meretz and Labor with the support of the Joint List.” Interestingly, Netanyahu does not list the Ra’am party, which Likud has been wooing, among those potential partners.


“You call [what you’re negotiating with Lapid] a unity government?”


“What misrepresentation. What a transparent effort to fool the public. It’s a government with 50 left-wing and extreme left-wing MKs, together with you, a pinhead, with seven seats. There’s been nothing like this in the history of the state. It’s a spit in the face of democracy, a spit in the face of the promises that you made not to sit with Lapid,” he continues, noting that Bennett even signed a declaration on live television before the election in which he vowed not to sit in a government under Lapid.


Netanyahu notes that Bennett said before the election that it would be “undemocratic and immoral” to demand the premiership with less than 10 seats, as he is currently doing in negotiations with Lapid.


“How can one take what you say seriously when you are tricking the public?” Netanyahu asks.


“You call yourself Yamina (Right) but you are actually heading Smola (Left),” he snipes.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:32 p.m. No.13480518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

Putin’s Annual Address draws RED LINES NOT to be crossed. More info on Belarus coup coming


Russia Will Find a Way to Protect Its Interests If Other Countries Refuse Dialogue, Putin Says

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:36 p.m. No.13480547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

A Smoking Gun? Was China’s Military Fully Aware of COVID-19 in November 2019?


New evidence suggests that China’s military may have been aware of the COVID-19 virus back in November of 2019.


We reported yesterday that China has an extensive research network that supports biowarfare:


In the above article, we noted that Dr. Ningyi Jin is a virologist but he is also a senior military officer in the People’s Liberation Army:


Ningyi Jin is a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He is described as a virologist, who studies zoonotic diseases. He is a native of Jilin Province of Korean nationality and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is also a senior officer in China’s Peoples’ Liberation Army.


Today, Lawrence Sellin identified a document that indicates that China’s military may have been fully aware of COVID-19 in November of 2019:


Each day we get closer to the truth as we uncover more and more information about the China coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.13480566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

‘Green Infrastructure’ Backers Stand to Profit From Gov’t Spending Boost


Dem lawmakers, experts push green energy investments without disclosing financial ties


Democratic lawmakers and expert witnesses pushing President Joe Biden's $2 trillion "green infrastructure" package stand to profit from the plan, financial records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.


Biden's American Jobs Plan requires 100 percent of U.S. electricity to come from renewable sources—including solar, wind, hydrogen, and biomass—by 2035. The provision comes as a boost to Rep. Sean Casten (D., Ill.), who holds up to a $500,000 stake in biomass company Greenleaf Power, according to his 2019 financial disclosure. The Democrat stressed the need to make "big and bold" investments in "clean energy infrastructure" in a March statement that urged the passing of Biden's legislation but did not reveal his financial stake in Greenleaf.


Rep. Sharice Davids (D., Kan.)—who recently claimed that the American Jobs Plan would create a "smart and sustainable" economic boom—also holds up to $16,000 in clean energy utility companies, her 2019 financial disclosure reveals. Davids's portfolio includes Fuel Cell Energy, a hydrogen energy production company that enjoyed a 9 percent stock increase after Biden unveiled his proposal in March. The legislation steers $15 billion in taxpayer funds toward "climate R&D priorities" such as hydrogen.


Senate Democrats have also recruited climate "experts" in recent weeks to bolster government investment in green energy. Former Goldman Sachs executive Bob Litterman, for example, praised the American Jobs Plan while underscoring the need to "dramatically increase the flow of capital towards investments that will reduce emissions" during a Thursday Senate Budget Committee hearing. But Litterman—who also called for a "tax on fossil fuel production"—failed to mention that he is "betting his personal cash" on a slew of investments that short carbon-based energy companies. Litterman's investment firm, Kepos Capital, is also invested in "assets related to a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy," according to the Wall Street Journal.


Stephen Soukup, author of The Dictatorship of Woke Capital, highlighted the Biden administration's ties to "woke" financial services firms pushing for a "zero-carbon future." SEC chair and former Goldman Sachs partner Gary Gensler, he noted, is spearheading a "Climate and Environmental, Social, and Governance Task Force" aimed at punishing corporations for environmental misconduct.


"The aggressiveness of the efforts on the part of the Biden administration in this direction—specifically with regulations that will benefit former firms of a lot of the players in the Biden administration—is, I would say, unprecedented," Soukup told the Free Beacon.


Casten, Davids, and Kepos Capital did not return requests for comment. Biden's energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, also stands to profit from the legislation—she owns up to $5 million in Proterra, an electric bus manufacturer that Biden virtually toured on Tuesday. The infrastructure package calls for a $174 billion investment in the electric vehicle market and creates a program that would electrify "at least 20 percent" of the nation's school buses.


Casten ran for Congress in 2018 as a "clean energy entrepreneur" and climate change champion. He has faced conflict-of-interest allegations in the past over his Greenleaf investment and role on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. His office dismissed the criticism, claiming that Casten "has no control, managerial or otherwise over Greenleaf." Regardless of his role in Greenleaf's operations, however, Casten would benefit financially from a Biden administration mandate on renewable utilities.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:43 p.m. No.13480608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

Petition to undo Michigan Governor Whitmer's COVID executive orders has enough valid signatures


If certified, the petition will make its way to the GOP-dominated legislature for approval.



A petition drive in Michigan that attempts to repeal a law allowing many of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's coronavirus executive orders has enough valid signatures to send the matter to state boards, then legislature.


The state's Board of State Canvassers is set Thursday to hear the petition and send it to Michigan's Board of Elections for approval.


If the board, made up of two Democrats and two Republicans, recommends certifying the petition, the matter goes to the state's GOP-led legislature, which is expected to adopt and enact the repeal of the 1945 Emergency Powers of the Governor Act, and avoid a Whitmer veto.


Unlock Michigan expects the legislature will not chose to put the issue on a 2022 ballot for voters to decide, according to The Detroit News.


The Michigan Supreme Court in October 2020 said was ruled an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the governor. Whitmer then had her state health department director use the public health code to issue epidemic orders that essentially carry the same authority as her executive orders.


"If the Board of Canvassers does its duty on Thursday, this can be in front of the legislature as soon as next week," says Fred Wszolek, of Unlock Michigan, the group leading the petition, The Detroit News also reports.


The petition needed 340,047 valid signature for approval. The Bureau of Elections found that 460,358 of the total 538,345 were valid.


Whitmer is the later months of the pandemic has eased some of her virus health-safety mandates, which were among the strictest in the country, amid resident backlash.


Keep Michigan Safe, a group dedicated to protecting the governor's executive powers to keep people safe during the coronavirus pandemic said they would try and stop the repeal attempt.


"We're disappointed, but we will make our case to the Board of Canvassers and the courts to stop this ill-conceived and irresponsible petition drive," group spokesman Mark Fisk said.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.13480627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0638 >>0835 >>1016

U.S. nonprofit linked to Wuhan coronavirus lab has received $1.5 million in taxpayer bailout loans


Group sent hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds to Chinese research facility widely surmised to be original source of the virus as the result of an accidental leak.


A U.S.-based nonprofit that has helped bankroll coronavirus experiments at a controversial Chinese laboratory has received roughly $1.5 million in taxpayer bailout loans over the past year despite questions surrounding what role the lab in question may have played in the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.


EcoHeatlh Alliance, a New York biomedical nonprofit headed by British zoologist Peter Daszak, has been under scrutiny for more than a year due to its funneling of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a coronavirus research facility that sits just a few miles from where the first large outbreak of COVID-19 reportedly took place.


Though many questions remain unanswered as to how those funds were spent at the Wuhan lab, EcoHealth has nevertheless over the past year been the recipient of two whopping government bailouts bankrolled by U.S. taxpayers as part of a COVID relief program.


Data at shows that EcoHealth has received $1.5 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans over the last twelve months. That program originated in the CARES Act, a massive relief bill signed last March by President Donald Trump meant to counteract the devastating economic effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns.


The funds were reported on last week by the watchdog group White Coat Waste Project, an animal rights-focused group that seeks to halt taxpayer funding of animal experiments.


White Coat Waste has been critical of both EcoHealth and the Wuhan lab for the animal experiments in which they have allegedly engaged while pursuing coronavirus research.


The group claims that EcoHealth has funded "gain-of-function" research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a highly controversial form of research in which scientists increase the pathogenicity and/or transmissibility of a virus in order to study its potential for jumping into, and spreading among, human populations.


No direct evidence has emerged to substantiate those claims. But in the years leading up to the pandemic the Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaging in research to determine "spillover risk" and "spillover potential" of potentially pandemic coronaviruses.


The lab's experiments, funded in part by U.S. taxpayer dollars by way of EcoHealth, used "infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding" to make those determinations. The National Institutes of Health has denied that any of those experiments constituted gain-of-function.


Suspicions have persisted both among scientists and high-ranking government officials that the source of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic may have been an accidental leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


The Chinese government originally claimed that the first detected major outbreak of the virus was at a wet market just a few miles from the WIV.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:48 p.m. No.13480650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden to Showcase Business Tied to Energy Sec Granholm


In infrastructure push, Biden promotes company in which Granholm holds multi-million dollar stake


Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm owns up to $5 million in the electric battery and vehicle manufacturer President Joe Biden will promote on Tuesday as part of his push for a $1.9 trillion infrastructure bill.


Biden’s virtual visit to the electric battery producer Proterra comes days after Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to Thomas Built Buses, a North Carolina-based school bus company that counts Proterra as its main supplier of electric vehicles. The back-to-back White House visits to Granholm-connected companies risk at least the appearance of impropriety and demonstrate how lawmakers can use policy initiatives to pad their own wallets. Biden's infrastructure package includes a $174 billion investment in the electric vehicle market, calls for the replacement of "50,000 diesel transit vehicles" in favor of electric alternatives, and creates a Clean Buses for Kids program that will "electrify at least 20 percent of our yellow school bus fleet."


Granholm has taken a leading role in the administration’s forthcoming infrastructure package. The president in February tasked her with "identifying risks in the supply chain for high-capacity batteries, including electric-vehicle batteries, and policy recommendations to address these risks."


The Department of Energy did not respond to multiple requests for comment.


Granholm joined Proterra’s board of directors in March 2017; internet archives list her as a board member as recently as February 19, 2021, shortly before her confirmation on February 25. Her financial disclosures reveal up to $5 million worth of stock options in the green tech company, which went public in January through the special purpose acquisition company ArcLight Clean Transition Corp. Arclight, a NASDAQ-listed company, saw shares shoot up about 55 percent since its September IPO, a spike financial traders attributed directly to the acquisition of Proterra.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:51 p.m. No.13480673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0692 >>0750



JUST IN: GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski breaks ranks, votes with all Democrats to advance Biden's associate attorney general Vanita Gupta

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13480687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Company Sells Sex Robot ‘Clones’ Of Dead Partners Using 3D-Modeling Technology


For many people who have lost their significant others, sex dolls have provided one way to ease the pain of grief and loneliness.


However, sex robot company Lux Botics is taking things one step further – by offering a clone of dead partners using state-of-the-art three-dimensional modeling.


With demand for sex dolls booming amid the ongoing pandemic and lockdowns across the world, Lux Botics is offering “ultra-realistic humanoids” to satisfy the carnal needs of the singles without any other recourse.


The company’s flagship “Adult Companion” model called Stephanie goes for USD $6,000 on the Lux Botics website.


The model includes speech control, facial recognition, a “hyper realistic eyes” option and even the option of implanted real hair, as well as limited AI capabilities.


However, the company also offers the option of creating a facsimile of a lost loved one.


The company can either create a 3D model through detailed modeling prior to it being printed in ultra-fine resolution, or it can rely on photos of the individual.


A mould would then be constructed based on the 3D model, complete with a robot skeleton. The robot is then painted and fitted with the lips, nails, eyebrows and other features the customer chooses.


“We can make robots that talk but we have not made robots that truly walk on their own,” Lux Botics co-founder Bjorn told Daily Star UK. “We hope to develop this in the near future. We can make a large number of body parts that can move in a realistic manner.”


While the company hasn’t yet created body doubles, Lux Botics is offering the choice to customers.


Since the start of the pandemic, people have been desperate to cope with the solitude of self-isolation and lockdown measures. While many have resorted to traditional measures like purchasing a pet or using dating apps, sex doll sales have also skyrocketed as people seek an emotional crutch.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:54 p.m. No.13480701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0765 >>0774 >>0817 >>0835 >>1016

Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie Arrested for Perjury During Questioning About “Promise Program”


This is actually one of those small stories with BIG, very big potential. Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie was arrested this morning on a charge of perjury in an official proceeding. Broward School Board attorney Barbara Myrick was also arrested.


According to local news {LINK} Runcie gave testimony about how official school district programs were being implemented (aka “The Promise Program“) and whether any of the financial incentives were used by district officials for personal gain.


The details are vague as the media reporting on the arrest are slight; however, the backstory is something CTH has some strong information about due to our years of research into Miami-Dade and Broward County school systems – going all the way back to Trayvon Martin and the corrupt internal school administration practices we helped expose. First, the current events:


FLORIDA – […] Runcie, 59, was taken into custody by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and has since been released from the Broward County Main Jail. According to his indictment, Runcie lied under oath between the dates of March 31 and April 1 while testifying under oath to a state grand jury.


The grand jury was investigating the following, according to the indictment:


Whether refusal or failure to follow the mandates of school-related safety laws, such as the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, results in unnecessary and avoidable risk to students across the state;

Whether public entities committed and continue to commit fraud and deceit by accepting state funds conditioned on implementation of certain safety measures while knowingly failing to act.

Whether school officials committed and continue to commit fraud and deceit by mismanaging, failing to use, and diverting funds from multimillion dollar bonds specifically solicited for school safety initiatives; and

Whether school officials violated and continue to violate systematically underreporting incidents of criminal activity to the Department of Education.


How exactly the superintendent allegedly perjured himself during the investigation is not known at this time.


Myrick, meanwhile, was arrested on a charge of unlawful disclosure of statewide grand jury proceedings for the “knowingly and unlawfully public, broadcast, disclose or communicate to another person outside the statewide grand jury room any of the proceedings.” (read more)


The emphasis on the fourth bullet-point above is mine; because my hunch is THAT’S the key issue that Broward School Board administration can never let reach sunlight. If people knew the details about how ‘diversionary programs‘ were used to keep school-aged youth out of the criminal justice system; those details could lead to a much larger national issue about the diversionary programs themselves.


Students engaged in very criminal behavior in both Miami-Dade and Broward County, were never held criminally accountable. Instead the “Promise Program”, and other programs of a similar nature, used school discipline to replace the criminal justice system. Students engaged in drug offenses, burglary and some other even more serious offenses were intentionally diverted away from the criminal justice system (police, courts etc.) and instead were suspended from school.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:55 p.m. No.13480717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When the Intelligence is Questionable, Come to Where the Intelligence is Questioned


As Caitlin Johnstone points out in a column on Tuesday, the Central Intelligence Agency’s infiltration of the U.S. corporate media that began in the 1950s has gotten so bad, that the CIA practically owns the media today. What is called national security reporting in the U.S. essentially consists of reporters ludicrously believing whatever they are told by U.S. intelligence officials, who are schooled in the dark arts of deception.


Reporters’ repeated faith in “high” and “low confidence” whispers, delivered with zero proof, makes a mockery of even the idea of adversarial journalism. In their book, “confirming” other media’s reporting doesn’t mean obtaining evidence, but soliciting the same whispers. The unnamed “senior officials” know what suckers for scoops they are, even for scoops that all too often turn out to be false. But the damage is done.


Consortium News has not been playing that game for a quarter of a century now. Instead it was among the first media outlets to question the bogus intelligence-driven stories of the 2003 invasion of Iraq; the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the 2016 Russiagate fiasco — which refuses to go away.


Well, with the generous support of our readers, we are refusing to go away too.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 12:58 p.m. No.13480731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0767

U.S. Falling Behind China And Russia In Terms Of Nuclear Arsenal: STRATCOM


The Chinese nuclear capability is improving at an incredible pace, and could soon be useable in actual conflict, Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command warned.


He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he had just ordered all briefs on Beijing’s nuclear weapons contain no intelligence information vetted more than one month earlier “because it’s probably out of date” that quickly.


Richard testified that China is capable of accurately deploying nuclear weapons anywhere within its region, and it “will soon be able to do so at intercontinental range.”


“I can’t get through a week right now, without finding out something we didn’t know about China,” Richard told senators in a hearing alongside Army Gen. James Dickinson, who leads U.S. Space Command.


Additionally, he said Moscow was also getting ahead of Washington.


Russia is “aggressively engaged” in “conventional nuclear capability development and modernization, and are now roughly 80% complete while we are at zero,” said Adm. Charles Richard.


“It is easier to describe what they are not modernizing — nothing — than what they are, which is pretty much everything,” Richard said.


While China’s nuclear stockpile is vastly smaller than the United States’ and Russia’s nuclear arsenals, it is undergoing an “unprecedented expansion,” Richard said in his opening testimony.


Russia and the US are limited to some 1,550 nuclear warheads on deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles, deployed submarine-launched ballistic missiles and deployed heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments, according to the latest START treaty.


It is estimated that China has only about 320 warheads, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


Despite China’s nuclear weapons arsenal has grown dramatically, Russia remains the primary nuclear threat for the United States, Richard said. While the U.S. has yet to field any recent updates to its nuclear forces, Russia is about 80% complete in modernizing its nuclear capabilities, the admiral said.


“While we are at 0% [modernization], it is easier to describe what they’re [Russia] not modernizing — nothing,” he said. “What they are [upgrading] is pretty much everything, including several never-before-seen capabilities.”


Currently, the US nuclear posture is undergoing review. The purpose of the review is to “reduce the goal of nuclear weapons in our defense strategy,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren said, during the hearing.


Richard said he supported the ongoing review, but he cautioned against some lawmakers’ recent targeting of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, the planned $95 billion replacement for the military’s 1970s-era Minuteman III ICBMs, as a potential cut to save money.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13480752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0782 >>0835 >>1016

ISIS Terrorists Stormed Major Military Base In Nigeria’s Borno


On April 18, ISIS terrorists launched a large-scale attack on a major base of the Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) in the northeastern state of Borno.


The terrorists stormed the base, which is located in the town of Dikwa, following clashes with the NAF. Nigerian service members withdrew from the base leaving behind their equipment and weapons.


According to the Amaq news agency, ISIS fighters burned the camp as well as a pickup truck, an artillery piece and four armored vehicles. The fighters also seized three vehicles and loads of weapons.


Several photos shared by Amaq show at least two BTR-70 armored personnel carriers, a Panhard AML armored car and an OTO Melara Mod 56 105 mm howitzer.


Earlier this month, ISIS terrorists stormed a similar base near the town of Camuya in Borno. The NAF sustained heavy losses in the attack. Ten Nigerian service members were allegedly killed or wounded.


The situation in Borno is worsening, especially in the areas bordering Lake Chad. So far, the NAF efforts have failed to crop the growing influence of ISIS in the state.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:02 p.m. No.13480763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0835 >>1016

Va. Police Department Fires Cop Over Donation to Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Fund


On Tuesday, a Virginia city fired a police lieutenant after a data breach at a crowdfunding site revealed that the lieutenant had contributed to the legal fund of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old boy who opened fire amid riots in Kenosha, Wisc., seemingly in self-defense. The cop, like a few other police officers across the country, had mistakenly used his official email address to make the donation. He had also posted a comment supporting Rittenhouse.


Chip Filer, city manager of Norfolk, Va., fired Lieutenant William Kelly upon the recommendation of Norfolk Police Chief Larry D. Boone.


“I have reviewed the results of the internal investigation involving Lt. William Kelly. Chief Larry Boone and I have concluded Lt. Kelly’s actions are in violation of City and departmental policies,” Filer said in a statement. The city manager argued that Kelly’s “egregious comments” in support of Rittenhouse “erode the trust between the Norfolk Police Department and those they are sworn to serve.”


The police department had placed Kelly on administrative duty on April 16, after the report of the donation and comments first broke. The city manager’s statement noted that Rittenhouse faces multiple felony charges, including homicide. The statement did not explain that a New York Times video analysis provided strong evidence that Rittenhouse fired in self-defense.


“I want the residents of Norfolk to know that their police department will represent and uphold our organizational values of Service, Honor, Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Diversity,” Chief Boone said in a statement. “A police department cannot do its job when the public loses trust with those whose duty is to serve and protect them.”


“We do not want perceptions of any individual officer to undermine the relations between the Norfolk Police Department and the community. I ask the community to continue to support the officers of the Norfolk Police Department as in the past knowing that right now, at this moment, they are continuing to serve and protect them,” he concluded.


Kelly has the right to appeal the decision according to the City of Norfolk’s grievance procedure and according to applicable law.


The Guardian first reported the data breach last Friday. The newspaper published the names of police officers who had contributed to Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund in a story that began with this sentence: “A data breach at a Christian crowdfunding website has revealed that serving police officers and public officials have donated money to fundraisers for accused vigilante murderers, far-right activists, and fellow officers accused of shooting black Americans.”


The co-founders of GiveSendGo, the Christian crowdfunding site that hosts Rittenhouse’s campaign, told PJ Media they had “closed the loophole” and added more protections to prevent future data breaches.


Heather Wilson, one of GiveSendGo’s co-founders, insisted that Americans “have the right” to contribute to fully-legal crowdfunding campaigns like that of Rittenhouse “and not lose your job over it.”


Lt. Kelly had contributed $25 to Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund using his work email address. Along with the donation, he commented, “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong. Every rank and file police officer supports you.”


While the Norfolk Police Department should make it clear that Kelly’s statement does not represent the department as a whole, this contribution and the comment arguably fall short of a firing offense. Perhaps Norfolk’s police policies explicitly forbid the use of a cop’s official email address to make such a donation, but it seems the city manager’s central concern involved Kelly’s comment, not the donation itself.


Clay Messick, a 15-year veteran police officer and president of the local police union, told the Virginian-Pilot that the firing does not seem fair.


Messick called the decision “disappointing,” even though Kelly is not a member of his union. Messick said he never saw an administrative investigation conducted “so hastily.”


“We were hoping for a full, transparent investigation,” Messick told the Virginian-Pilot. “But after 72 hours, I do not believe that is what we got. It is hard to call this fair.”


Jacob Wells, the other co-founder of GiveSendGo, claimed that his platform has “never taken sides.”

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:04 p.m. No.13480784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 in Chicago Nursing Homes Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination


Twenty-two people in skilled nursing homes in Chicago have tested positive for COVID-19 two or more weeks after being fully vaccinated against the virus that causes it, officials disclosed on Wednesday.


Out of 627 people with confirmed infections of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus in skilled nursing facilities (SNF) in the Illinois city, 12 residents and 10 staff members were identified as contracting the virus 14 or more days after becoming fully vaccinated.


People get fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving their second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer jab or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine.


Instances of people who are fully vaccinated and still get COVID-19 are described as breakthrough cases.


Out of the 22 breakthrough cases identified by the Chicago Department of Public Health officials, 14 showed no symptoms, four required hospitalization (two for reasons said to be unrelated to COVID-19), and one died.


The patient who died experienced fatigue and respiratory symptoms before being diagnosed with pneumonia. The patient tested positive for COVID-19 when being admitted to a hospital. The patient died seven days later.


The death certificate listed complications of COVID-19 infection as primary cause of death, with underlying conditions including chronic kidney disease.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:07 p.m. No.13480800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disbarred East TN attorney found guilty of child sex trafficking


Booher is facing 25 years to life in prison, and will be sentenced in August 2021.



ROANE COUNTY, Tenn. — A disbarred attorney from Roane County has been found guilty of several sex crimes against children by a federal jury.


According to 9th District Attorney General Russell Johnson, Kent Booher, 61, was found guilty Monday for two counts of enticement, felony sexual offense against a minor while on a sex offender registry, sex trafficking of a child, and attempted production of child pornography.


The Tennessee Supreme Court disbarred Booher, who represented clients in Loudon and Roane County, after he pleaded guilty in a statutory rape case in Loudon County in 2014.


Booher is facing 25 years to life in prison, and will be sentenced in August 2021.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13480816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0843 >>0879 >>1016

Blinken: White House Working With Congress to Provide $300mln in Civilian Aid to Afghanistan


Peace talks expected to be held in Istanbul later this month between the Taliban and the Afghan government in Kabul have been postponed until after Ramadan. However, the militant group has also said it will refuse to meet for further negotiations for as long as US troops remain in Afghanistan after the agreed upon withdrawal deadline of May 1.


"As part of our commitment to invest in and support the Afghan people, we are working with Congress to provide nearly $300 million in additional civilian assistance for Afghanistan in 2021 from both the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.


That amount would double the foreign aid pledged to Afghanistan by the US this year, and comes after a November 2020 conference that organized another $12 billion to the war-torn country over the next four years. At that conference, US diplomats said another $300 million could be added to its present pledge if the peace deal with the Taliban held.


However, that amount is significantly less than the roughly $800 million per year in civilian aid the US has supplied in the past. In addition to civilian aid, the US also pays the salaries of the Afghan Armed Forces and provides Kabul's military with funding to purchase more American equipment. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said last week Washington will continue to do so, although he did not say for how long.


Earlier this month, US President Joe Biden said that all remaining US forces will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, which is the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda against the World Trade Center and Pentagon that provided the casus belli for the US invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. However, the February 2020 peace deal negotiated between the US and the Taliban rebel group had all US troops out of the country by May 1 of this year.


The US presently has about 3,500 troops in the war-hit country, plus perhaps as many as 18,000 private security contractor mercenaries, according to US military outlet Stars and Stripes. In addition, NATO and US partner nations have roughly another 7,000 troops, although some have already begun to leave. The Taliban, which was evicted from power in the 2001 invasion but has survived as a potent fighting force in the countryside, has said US and allied troops are legitimate targets for attack after the May 1 deadline.


Hush money to keep the war going?!

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.13480837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds of NGOs Reject Venezuelan Rule Obliging the Disclosure of Beneficiaries


Hundreds of non-governmental organizations in Venezuela rejected a new law that requires them to fully disclose information about both their beneficiaries and their donors on a government platform.


People protest in Caracas against human rights violations in Venezuela. (Source: Jullet Pineda)People protest in Caracas against human rights violations in Venezuela. (Source: Jullet Pineda)More than 660 NGOs signed a letter published on Tuesday which demanded the immediate repeal of the law, arguing that it violates the beneficiaries’ rights to protection, assistance, confidentiality, and privacy, especially of those who have been victims of crimes against humanity.


The government said that the initiative, published in the Venezuelan Official Gazette in late March, seeks to fight organized crime and terrorist financing.


However, human rights activists and humanitarian workers publicly condemned the rule last week, saying it is part of a strategy to criminalize the work of the NGOs, which often provide meals, medical treatment and legal support to Venezuela’s population amid the country’s severe economic crisis.


“This is an initiative of intimidation and political and social control. The Venezuelan state seeks to monopolize assistance to create more dependency when, in reality, it needs the cooperation of all social sectors to tackle the crisis,” said Carlos Trapani, coordinator general of the children’s rights NGO Cecodap.


Trapani’s said the organization provided psychosocial care to 3,500 people across the country only last year, a service that the Venezuela state doesn’t facilitate. He fears the new resolution might refrain the population from seeking the NGO’s service.


“People are afraid to talk. This measure could deter them from reporting their situation because they might lose government benefits or face retaliation,” Trapani added.


The human rights activist also alerted that the rule criminalizes civil society’s participation in the public sphere and international cooperation.


Harassment against local NGOs has escalated since 2020 when counterintelligence officers raided the offices of Azul Positivo, an NGO which works with those suffering from HIV as well as members of the LGBT community.


Despite calls from the United Nations and other international organizations to stop the attacks, state pressure on humanitarian organizations prevail.


“Most of the NGOs are instruments of destabilization, of conspiracy against the homeland. They receive resources directly from the United States and other parts of the world to conspire in Venezuela,” said the vice president of the ruling party Diosdado Cabello during his weekly show.


But Ali Daniels from Acceso a la Justicia, an NGO devoted to monitoring and demanding accountability from the judicial sector, says “the government has established a series of obstacles to obstruct the work we’re doing.”


These obstacles go from demanding more requirements to create a new NGO or update an organization's board members to establishing this new registry, he said.


The new wave of attacks against NGOs follows the latest report issued by a U.N. mission last year, which determined that the government’s abuses amounted to crimes against humanity.


“We’re the ones behind the reports published by the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. The government already finished the opposition, and now they’re coming after the NGOs,” said Daniels.


“We’re not going to register on the government’s platform. We’ll seek the support of the international community and keep pushing until they repeal the rule,” he said.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:15 p.m. No.13480854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California Man Charged with COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:27 p.m. No.13480933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0982

228 arrests after 70 000 individuals checked across Europe to tackle mobile criminality


Operation Trivium XIV sees 17 countries target mobile criminal groups using the EU’s road infrastructure


Between 13 and 16 April 2021, law enforcement authorities from 17 countries* targeted mobile organised crime groups active across Europe as part of the latest edition of operation Trivium. The operation was coordinated by the Netherlands and supported by Europol and is part of the EMPACT security initiative.

The coordinated actions led to:


228 arrests;

70 000 persons checked;

67 000 vehicles checked;

seizures including 88 vehicles, stolen goods, illegal substances and large amounts of cash.


One objective of this year’s operation Trivium was to locate wanted convicts of organised property crime on the run. Investigations during the operation identified the whereabouts of a number of these individuals.


During the operation, German authorities checked an individual suspected by Danish authorities to be linked to several thefts of GPS devices from agriculture machines. During the check of his vehicle, the German officer discovered 30 GPS units from agriculture machines, approximately 100 kg of gold, silver and ivory jewelleries, nearly 50 new high-end smartphones and 20 laptops. The suspect will be extradited to Denmark under a European Arrest Warrant.

A check by the Belgian authorities of a vehicle on a motorway parking led to the discovery and seizure of 380 kg of copper hidden in the nearby woods.


Operation Trivium, launched in 2013, focuses on a multi-agency approach to tackle crime. The operation targets criminal networks using the EU’s road infrastructure to perpetrate different cross-border crimes through police checks. The joint actions hit criminal groups trying to stay under the radar of law enforcement authorities by being mobile and changing their modi operandi. These activities based on a multi-agency approach enhance security on roads and contribute to increased trust and a feeling of safety in local communities.

Anonymous ID: fc397c April 21, 2021, 1:29 p.m. No.13480941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 men arrested in online child enticement operation


The men arrested lived in Denver, Aurora, Highlands Ranch and Westminster and range in age from 23-59.


AURORA, Colo. — Ten men were arrested after authorities ran a two-day operation that targeted people who were looking to arrange sexual encounters with minors.



Aurora Police's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), Homeland Security Investigations and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) partnered on the operation that ran April 8-9. Collectively the group is known as the Colorado Cyber Guardian Task Force.


“We are proud to work closely with our partners including Aurora PD and Colorado Bureau of Investigations to protect children and arrest individuals who prey on children,” said Steven Cagen, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations, Denver. “Child sex abuse is one of the most serious crimes HSI investigates due to the lasting psychological and physical damage it can inflict on victims.”


The men arrested were:


Joseph Goetz, 59

Edgar Pando-Caprio, 23

Brent Murray II, 30

Joshua Wagner, 46

Laurentino Espinoza-Pena, 56

Joshua Garcia, 37

Tommy Kilcher, 43

Jeremy Steward, 42

Peter Rodriguez, 50

Dylan Cornhoff, 27


Police said most of the men provided their professions to investigators during their arrests.


Pando-Carpio worked as a contracted overnight janitor within the Cherry Creek School District (CCSD). The district was notified of Carpio's arrest and will share more information with parents, staff and the public, police said. Police said Espinoza-Pena worked as a self-employed handyman, Kilcher said he worked at Cardinal Health and Goetz told police he owned Rio Leasing LLC.


Steward reported he historically worked in the bar/restaurant industry, police said. Murray was historically self-employed as a drone pilot and with USA Security, police said. Rodriguez told police he worked as a loader with a company only identified as Performance.


Garcia said he worked for Hertz as a car attendant, police said. Cornhoff and Wagner did not say where they worked during their arrests, police said


The men lived in Aurora, Denver, Highlands Ranch and Westminster.


The 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office charged each of the men with at least the three felonies listed below. Those charges are:


Soliciting for child prostitution

Criminal attempt

Patronizing of a prostituted child