Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:27 a.m. No.13485050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5061 >>5109 >>5113 >>5128 >>5175 >>5289


The anti-5G, and anti-AI narratives are China propaganda aimed to secure the ownership of tomorrows infrastructure.

Pay attention to those that push these fears.

>Tehy can program ur blood!

An antenna works by being long to capture a reasonable amount of the signal.

Eg: A millimetre wave would require a millimetre of antenna length.

"teh nano-sized blood invaders!" are too small to receive any signal, and the Skin Grounding Effect would block any millimetre wave from getting in.


The actual concern here turns back to the modulation of the signal. Our sweat pores have nerve endings that can be agitated.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13485056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5063 >>5245










Take this animefoul as an opportunity to see how boastful the wretched pickles here are.

We know he's a clown.

He knows we know he's a clown.

He does this because we know he's a clown, that's the frustration this mask is made for.


See through it, lads.

Your next thought, "Why doesn't someone do something about him" is part of his design, as they own the BO/BV team of this board, and they own the 'govern' program being used to capture your minds in their loosh net.

It's the momentum you feel in the threads - it's not organic by any means, and you can tell this if a thread is created that isn't owned by them.

It feels empty.

It's because they loaded the 'dough' up with their associated subliminals.

Each time you scroll across all that you're programmed with the momentum you feel.


Sick yet?

They use their scripted news flooder to fill the notables with their MOCKINGBIRD agenda - Directing our focus to where THEY want it.

They waste not a single picture to poison with subliminals that rape your mind in ways you don't see.

These positions of influence don't change, which means they hold them until they are banned; Which means they have developed dramatized distractions to maintain their control.

No matter the mask, if the BO/BV team remains the same, that baker is a wretched pickle, and our open boarders allowed them to solidify their leverage of control.

We need a cleaning of Fire lads, this whole place needs to be washed of their permanent shit stains.


It's unbelievable how much energy they spend keeping you censored.

You know well it's their groundhog day, the open boarders allows them to keep you frustrated and chasing your own tail as they change your behavior and maintain the focus of MOCKINGBIRD.


Stop the groundhog day, lads.

We need to build our Wall.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:37 a.m. No.13485078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An antenna is just a wire, no extra components needed though you did try to over complicate my point just to erode it.

You didn't pass the smell test and this didn't help~

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:40 a.m. No.13485085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5089

Trump Made Vaccines Great Again

There aretwovaccine pushes.

There aretwovaccine pushes.


One from our enemy, who wants us enslaved broken and weak. (Gates et al)

The other from /ourCleanMilitary/, who swore on their lives to protect You.


Trump dramatically changed the creation process.

The Military has secured the creation process.

We're in a whole new Vaccine game now


If China released a virus in their own country just to attack America, what's stopping them from launching another - more lethal - bioweapon?


The China Virus may just be recon…

That's why the Military is defending America from their future attack.

Issued on: September 19, 2019

Major points of interest:

Changed the incubation method


Increasing the range of effectiveness

Reducing the dose of antigen required


The idea has always been sound, the adjuvants and dosages were the corrupted problem.

He's Making Vaccines Great Again~


(Also, if you can, save your/their tonsils. They act as a natural 'vaccination' development station)


As with other areas of our life, it was once poisoned yet now made better.

Tools are defined by their intended use.~


The Army, directly under the command of Trump, is spearheading Vaccine developments now.

>Trump, as he declared Thursday, is officially the head of the project [Warp Speed].

>“You know who is in charge of it? Honestly? I am,” Trump said.

The Army is overseeing Warp Speed.

Design from start to finish.

The entire process is safeguarded by Americas Military.


>Army researchers are taking a "whole of government" approach with other agencies, including the National Institutes of Health; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; industry; and academia in the U.S. and abroad to detect, prevent and treat COVID-19, said Brig. Gen. Michael J. Talley, commander of Army Medical Research and Development Command and Fort Detrick in Maryland.


>The work being done by Army researchers is a collaborative effort with those partners to ensure there's no duplication, added Dr. Nelson Michael, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.


The next phase would be testing in larger animals that are more similar to humans, including monkeys, he said.

<Remember China blocking Americas teats on monkeys? They're throwing roadblocks onto our process of a safe vaccine.


>Michael said a risk/benefit analysis would be done to ensure the benefits far outweigh risks.


>Now, on the issue of LIABILITY for vaccine damage. You think they have special laws that protect them? Not any more.

>All of that was swept aside by consent of the industry


>They have all agreed to work under FAR

>Which is by FAR the biggest thing about operation Warp Speed.



Reject billy gates wet dream,#NoWO.

The Army is sworn to protect us, and under Trump they have our best interests in mind.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:42 a.m. No.13485089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091 >>5120


Though it's still not needed for something sufficient Vitamin D can solve.


Or Ivermectin

Or the plethora of other actual cures.


I think it was done to expose the industry, and how they slow-walk your cures for a variety of insidious reasons.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:43 a.m. No.13485091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5092


Then the fuckups of storage and mishandling is leading to the break down of lipid layers that lead to the body rejecting raw mNRA in our intra-cellular fuilds - shedding it with a massive inflammatory response.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:46 a.m. No.13485102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The reactions to these vaccines are different than the Squalene adjuncts that made our immune systems incorrectly identify some fats in our system as FOE.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 12:52 a.m. No.13485110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>women experiencing severe vaginal bleeding after the shot.

This is actually something to keep your ears open for..

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 1:21 a.m. No.13485188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5193 >>5213 >>5269 >>5274 >>5289 >>5296


It's also too costly to "hack" a human that way, as it's entirely dependent on infrastructure.

The CIA FARMers already have a more effective way of mass control, and you see it here every day.


Yet, we are affected by the electric soup we're in.

So while your reasoning is.. short sighted, naive even, you're not entirely wrong.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 1:26 a.m. No.13485199   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Add controlling the flow of information and a team dedicated to flooding online places with subliminal will-eroding messages and..

Well, you're living their control every day, so don't spout off non-sense like 5G/nanobots/AI et al.


There's something far more effective, insidious, and in your face to focus on.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 1:45 a.m. No.13485248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

I mean you pickles even keep this in your sourdough

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 1:58 a.m. No.13485271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5288


Very accurate single measurement for IDEN Fren or Foe, the post count is.

Look totally away from content, that does't matter.

But the post count…. ohhhh that post count~

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 2:06 a.m. No.13485291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5398


Correct, I said it boils down to who modulates the frequencies and if you want America to do so or communist china.

5G doesn't pass our Skin Grounding Effect, 2.4G does, though behavioral changes can still take place by agitating the never endings in our pours.

By combining that with passive listening tech, one can induce "bad feels" if a topic being talked about isn't "liked" by the ones modulating the frequency.

However, what you're assuming is that mass conditioning requires more than what we have.


You realize of course, that invoking "bad feels" when something isn't "liked" is basic dog training? That the "bad feels" can be invoked through a varity of means and those means are more present than ever on image boards, like this one.


So instead of focusing on issues that aren't, maybe focusing on what you're currently swimming through is more effective for gaining insights, as it's a tangible fact before your face.


Did I get that all?

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 3:55 a.m. No.13485523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5527 >>5692




















This one wants to become your template.

Sees themselves as a template for You, as a being.


They are siphoning your psychic energy and impressing themselves upon your being, to force you to mirror them. Like a predator traumatizing its prey.


Sick yet?

I am~

This is a level above insidious censorship, and is one of the most subtle and dangerous attacks against (You)r free speech I've ever seen.

Read this again, and again, and again, and Pray.

Pray to God above All, above this fool, way above this fool, and higher still.


Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 4:05 a.m. No.13485549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5562


The insidious nature behind wanting this control, is that our enemy seeks to punish (You) [make you feel terrible - like you're going against your "higher intuition"] when you're going against their objective, and rewarding you when you do what they want you to do.


It's the basics of Dog training, expect deployed through an astral entrainment they've spent a LOT of energy setting up~


These people are sick


Oh, by the way, Welcome to unrestricted Information Warfare.

This is how it's carried out on the 'chans.

Images, networks of subliminally associated words, and dark magic.

Because they require a set drumbeat to keep their entrained control, they are bound to a consistent presence and reminder of their hooks in your mind / aura.

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 4:09 a.m. No.13485562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584


The words Astral, Aura, and conversations of Magnetic Fields have taken place a lot lately, and it's for good reason.


These are the Waters we swim through, are you watching what's in them?~

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 4:19 a.m. No.13485584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5597


Atomists be damned, understanding of the Aether is growing.

The words often invoke a sense of distance, so here's something to keep in mind.

Magnetic Fields are produced by Current.

Your Heart has one, a powerful one.. what's running through it?

The same fluid associated through time as a source of Energy.



Next thought, can fields connect?

You can feel when someone "heavy" enters the room, no? Angry? Absolutely beaming with joy?

What radiates from us that we can sense, nay, how would the pressure of your own field tell what the pressure of another is?

No one is an island in our Life.

No planet is an island in space.

No star separated from the heartbeat of our universe.

One field within another within another within another within..

Can a magnetic field hold information?

If you could tell the pressure of another field, of someone beaming with joy entering a room, could quality be a discoverable factor in another field? Could info?

It's said that some people have great "Emotional Radar", would this mean there are discernible factors in another field one could see?


We are connected as we post here, there are an insidious few who know well what I speak of.

It's the control we're currently breaking out of~

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 4:37 a.m. No.13485625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.


So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body.

As an anchor is your Aura. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.


>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.


Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country. >Fight<

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:18 a.m. No.13485750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Plant food will end the world?

The absolute ignorance of these poor useful idiots~


The root chain of their evidence is a manufactured lie.

The IPCC has never yet used PARTICLE FORCING in their [released] models.

Clouds correctly account for ~95% of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Cloud nucleation is caused by Cosmic Rays and High Energy Nuclei from the Sun [Included in the 'Particle forcing' data].


The Sun controls our entire climate without remorse about what we do, what we eat, how we farm, or what fuels we use.

Only when you deliberately remove the Natural, are you left with Human Cause…

If the graph you're looking at doesn't include water vapor, or if the model being used doesn't include the complete 'particle forcing' data set it's called a CHERRY PICKED LIE.


Their models are akin to using the physics of Minecraft to predict real world values.

I proudly repeat.

Their models are akin to using the physics of Minecraft to predict real world values.

That's how blatantly wrong they are.


Their total input from the Sun is a ~.01% change in Total Solar Irradiance, ignoring 'particle forcing' and the effects it has on 95% of Earths' greenhouse gases.


This is the shallow physics of a video game.

Their model of the Sun is a simple skybox and they want your children to starve in a cold home because of it.

Read that again.

The root chain of their evidence is a manufactured lie.

A consensus of willful idiots proves nothing!


Useful idiots pandering to the ignorant, for the sole purpose of supporting Ch_nAs' insideous plan to undermine the worlds' economies.

Perhaps you're more influenced by Ch_nA, than the world is by our breath.



Only the dwindling blind accept it, even fewer have the arrogence to lie through their teeth about it~


The rest of us know better!

Quick video summaries

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:19 a.m. No.13485756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5768






Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:20 a.m. No.13485760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5768



Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:23 a.m. No.13485770   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:24 a.m. No.13485777   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:27 a.m. No.13485795   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:29 a.m. No.13485810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>9ce4c4 (lol)

Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Anonymous ID: 427e29 April 22, 2021, 5:31 a.m. No.13485818   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stop begging for attention, herpes infestation xD

''This insidious deployment is designed to trap you in a loop of "I'm a Christian [Name, mirrored behavior leads to marriage with satan] and rejecting that marriage to satan"''

It's "satan's toilet"'s stale shtick of "inevitability" that's designed to ware down your Will and accept being a template for satans toilet.

This is well worth a global report, it's insidious beyond belief.

Update: The "l❤TRAPS" flooder is designed again, to force you to mirror what you see. Mirroring is their primary weapon, that's why they post Pepe as their 'avatars' here so much.


Do you see how these deployments work together?

Do you see how much energy they spend eroding your Will? Demoralizing you?

How many pictures have you scrolled across that contain their subliminal attacks? (Hint: They. do. not. waste. any. chance. to. make. you. smaller.)


It's just, the worst and most disrespectful behavior I've ever seen.

Remember: As a combat tactic, they associates themselves with those they can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"


To invoke disgust against this mirroring act, I used "herpy caidsll" as a name replacement.

The baker (also satans toilet) is making an insidious statement in saying [#17063]"Also You Might Have Herpes" because THEY KNOW it's their own mirror trap they've deployed against (You).


All from the last few day, we saw the MOCKINGBIRD consensus here massage our minds for this marriage deployment. (The henry aids)




>"Woman are bad"






>lets go further

>The topic tonight is specific in detailing how MGTOW you should be.

>That's designed to separate you from Others.

>Tomorrow, they'll take advantage of your distance from Others and sell you a "satan" to marry.


>Prove me wrong~



>Is it a coincidence that the main discussion tonight revolves around marriage?



>You'll know I'm right, and have enough accuracy to point out their deployments, if the marriage flood happens tomorrow.

>Otherwise I'm just a fool eh.


(If you don't filter+ this ID, you'll see a lot of responses from me - do yourself a favor and Filter+)

''The phone is an embeded way, deployed a few days ago, to send impressions / messages into your mind''


Keep your Dream Door closed.

Herpy 'betrayer' Caidsll disappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his

Herpy 'betrayal' Caidsll isappears when you know about his