Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:07 a.m. No.13485554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5557 >>5568

There has been a change in command, a turnover.


This is a reference to the absolute command in/of places and parts unseen by you. This is a reference to the hidden controllers.


The dark ones, those who have been holding the controlling elements on your planet, have, for the most part, abandoned their posts.


To a very large degree, they have been driven out. In another way their numbers have been reduced to that which are too small to hold any power; also, to those individuals who hold no authority or imagination for power.


Those newly at the helm are the humans. They are not in all of the places that were previously commanded by the dark ones. Some of these (places) have been just vacated. What this means can be equated to a ship running at full power without a captain, or a plane in mid-flight without a pilot.


There have been certain automatic procedures left in place for such a scenario. They are meant as temporary, stop-gap measures to cover things for a moment until someone returned to steer.


No one is going to return in those places that are abandoned.


In those cases where there are humans, they will not last long either, having no facility or instruction for such a scenario.


To sum up what this means, let me tell you that the hostile take-over of humanity has failed. Humanity has prevailed.


Enough light and truth and love emerged from the race to overtake the darkness.


This does not mean that you’ll immediately witness flags of surrender and a change of visual power. No.


Yet rapidly now, you are about to witness the systemic failure of every extreme effort at control and the breakdown of systemic control in every aspect of your world. Things will unravel relatively quickly now in your society.


For those of you who are aware of the hidden agenda – you will witness the public announcement of those things that you know, as well as things that you didn’t.


You will see the dissolution of situations that appeared to be unstoppable. Things that include corporate control, political maneuvering, medical monopolies and government over-reaching. You’ll notice some things just stop. You’ll notice others that don’t look or sound the same.


Facts will leak out that explain some of what is happening or has happened. In many cases it will appear chaotic.


What will be very visible are the players. With the dark ones gone, who are left are the humans. Their efforts will become transparent soon. That is, you’ll see who was working for what “side.” Many, many, who actually worked for the benefit of humanity, still appeared to be against the race. They will switch either subtly, or in an obvious way. It will be very confusing.


What happens quickly now is that, with the dark ones gone, the humans left in charge will put forth one last gasp of an effort to retain their imagined control and safety.


There will undoubtedly be an event of some kind, that will be quite visible.


You’ve noticed the large number of shooters recently. They are some of those “false flag” events, instigated by those who imagined themselves to be in charge at this point.


All of the events occurring now, in any public way, are meant to keep you afraid. The goal is to keep you in fear so that you will not ask questions.


You are asking questions anyway, and almost numb to news of “shooters”, as there are so many recently.


What is true?


The real goals and reasons for events and actions are about to unravel. As no one is left at the wheel, it will appear a bit chaotic for a while.


Then the revelations begin.


Once they do, you’ll have a sense that there’s been a shift. Indeed, those wearing “white hats” will be in control at that point.


You’ll see many strange and unusual happenings, announcements and change-overs.


You’ll witness a few, final “last gasps” of breath.


You’ll notice, in a very obvious way, which humans are interested in benefitting themselves only, and which are interested in helping humanity.


These things will revolve around money and power.


They will look like extreme control efforts and manipulation. There are many humans who are so deep into this, that they see no other possibility for themselves other than “more”. These have become clone efforts of the dark ones, with an identical agenda.


None of these efforts will succeed. Yet, the drama of discovering them, and stopping them, has to play out in your 3D arena.


Primarily military and government hands will orchestrate the take-down and clean-up now.


What will be needed are cool heads and direct light.

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:08 a.m. No.13485557   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Your efforts at energetic support and visualization are most important and necessary. It is these that will supply a sense of calm and peace to the new reality that you are building. Do not waver in your efforts there, regardless of how things “look” publicly. You will witness some things publicly. Not all.


There will be enough released to alert humanity to the truth and to the changeover. It will eventually emerge in full.


It is a fluid situation, and changes are made to the process regularly. It is adjusted so that its success is assured. You can be sure that it is.


So, patience is still necessary.


Knowing the truth, while visualizing what it is you most desire for humanity, will be extremely helpful now.


This has become a human operation.


As such, it is open to additional support from beyond the planet.


Things could get very interesting in that arena. That remains to be seen, and is another subject for another day. For today, know that the dark ones are gone. This is cause for celebration.


You will see now; things quickly play out and unravel. It is a very exciting moment and one that has never happened.


Congratulations, dear human. You’ve taken control of your world.


That is all for now.


Thank you.

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:11 a.m. No.13485568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You’ve noticed the large number of shooters recently. They are some of those “false flag” events, instigated by those who imagined themselves to be in charge at this point.


>All of the events occurring now, in any public way, are meant to keep you afraid. The goal is to keep you in fear so that you will not ask questions.


>You are asking questions anyway, and almost numb to news of “shooters”, as there are so many recently.

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:14 a.m. No.13485572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5576 >>5588



We are a Draco Group here today to introduce ourselves to humanity. We come in peace, we work and have alliance with Galactic Federation of Light. We fight against the same enemy as you have: Dracos, Reptilians, Anunaki and etc.


We reside on a faraway constellation of stars not known yet to mankind, and kept in secret for now, as we don’t want the Negative Side to know our location. Our original civilization reached high level of evolution, and then got split up into two groups, part of us got influenced by Anunaki and Reptilians to get involved in a world domination by occupying your planet and other similar planets.


We are between 9 to 12 feet tall. The Royal White Dracos can be 15 feet tall. Our appearance is more of a dragon look, we have over 50 different species of Dracos. Our physic is muscular, and we have a warrior look. We weigh between 800 pounds to 1 ton. We live in 7th dimension and up.


We are pretty advanced beings, and our technology is beyond your wild imagination. The ships and the rest of our technology is top notch by the Universal standards, otherwise we would not be able to survive in this Galactic War.


Right now, at this moment millions of beings are fighting with the Dark Side that wants to wipe out everyone, who will not comply with their orders of worshipping them as Gods. Most of you saw the famous movie “Star Wars”, what you have seen there, it’s a thousand times more complex and more serious interstellar battles here, where every second life and death is on the line.


Ashtar in his next message is going to disclose the latest battle that recently happened between the Galactic Federation of Light and the Negative Ones, who support darkness, slavery and the destruction of other planets and civilizations.


Sorry, for the dramatic entrance in our introduction. Our group arrived to this part of the Galaxy with the mission to catch an escaped Draco Queen. She tortured, mistreated and sold out our own nation. We found her hiding in a human body on Earth.


She was severely attacking one of the precious souls, who has been bringing Light to humanity. Our intelligence received the report from a rescued Pleiadian Commander, this is how we found her. We are going to escort her soul to our planet, where the Draco Queen will undergo an appropriate justice that she deserves.


Our Draco Group is working with the Galactic Federation to help bring a long deserved happiness and freedom to your planet. We admire and appreciate your courageous and incredible skills, as all of you overcame many hardships that have been thrown at humankind such as the DNA manipulation, deceptions, lies and being controlled by the Dark Ones, who are using AI and other technologies.


Your freedom is not far away from becoming a reality. You are fortune and blessed by having millions of beings fighting on your behalf to help you. Also, you have your own Light Beings and Alliance on Mother Gaia. We are looking forward to seeing a 5D version of your world in the near future. We are grateful to be able to introduce ourselves, and we would like to have more transmissions. Thank you.


Stay United

Draco Group

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:25 a.m. No.13485599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5605



Are you familiar with the Galactic laws?

Are you familiar with the Law of Freewill?

Do you think positive entities that follow the Galactic Laws can violate your Law of Freewill?

Do you think ET's can land without shocking and terrify people violating their law of freewill?

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:42 a.m. No.13485638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear Ones,


We, of the Universes, wish to outline the actions that will likely overtake you the next few days.


You have comfortably cocooned for months. Even though you might have been anxious at first by forced hibernation, you adjusted and are now fairly comfortable living within certain parameters.


Those parameters are expanding for your cocoon stage is over.


Even though some of you will attempt to retain your cocoon status longer, such will not be possible. It is time to come out of your cave. Much as is true for bears and other hibernating entities.


It is time to return to a bright and shining world.


Perhaps you question that last phrase, for your world does not seem bright nor shining. Portrayals by your media and others indicate a heavy, ominous world – not at all as you expected at this time in your transition.


What you cannot yet discern is that the world is much brighter than any visuals. For the media and many leaders are pummeling you with images and other indicators of 3D fear. By doing so, they encourage you to dampen your light.


Ignore everyone but yourself. What do you wish to do? When do you wish to do it?


Your hibernation is over as naturally as is true for a hibernating bear. And just as is true for that bear, you will be a bit sleepy at first, but knowing you need to do something.


Your inner alarm clock has indicated a need to leave your secure cave. Such does not mean you will immediately grasp your new life, but you will know it is time for a change.


Your new life, your new world, is beckoning with stronger energies each moment. Your alarm clock is about to ring.


Those of you awakening to an alarm clock each morning are not necessarily awake at the first sound. Your need to prepare for the day arouses you as you move forward from dressing to attending the activities you planned.


So it is you might feel a bit groggy when your inner alarm clock rings, but you will soon shift into action. For your new you activities are as preplanned as is true for attending classes or your work-a-day world.


When your internal alarm rings, you may wonder what and where for a few moments or even days. You will then automatically move into the pattern of activity you determined prior to your hibernation. Like a butterfly flying from its cocoon. Do you suppose the caterpillar understands that its being will shift from a ground creature to a soaring beauty? How does that butterfly know what it’s supposed to do once it leaves the cocoon? So it is for you. Your awakening was preprogrammed by you, for you.


You may need a few moments or days to clear the sleep from your eyes only to fly into your new world – whatever that means for you.


Perhaps it is interacting with neighbors, creating new structural concepts, or joining a beyond 3D pod of interest. Whatever you decide, you will be shifting from ground creature to a beautiful flying universal entity – the beginnings of implementing your new Universal puzzle piece.


Your hibernation is not over because we, of the Universes, say it is, but because it is time for your inner alarm clock to ring.


Shake off your foggy head and prepare for your new day in a new world. An outer global exploration filled with excitement similar to the excitement you felt your first day of school or a new job – without the expected 3D fear.


Look out, world, here you are! So be it. Amen.

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:54 a.m. No.13485670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5686 >>5738

Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away from your freedom!!!!!


Things will begin to change in a very short time and you may be stunned. It is because much has been going on behind the curtains, much has been hidden from you and now you need to see the truth. This refers to the truth of such things as what your "leaders" and others have told you. You have been deceived these many millennia.


You may ask why your Father and I would allow this to happen. Why would we allow your "leaders" to lie to you? We set up Gaia as a "free will" planet from the start and as such, we have not interfered with the affairs of our children…until now. We did step in recently (in the last 50 years or so) after hearing the cries from our children and from Gaia for assistance. We cannot and will not give you all the deep, dark details. However, those who have been controlling you have had their way for much too long and we decided that it must be stopped so that Gaians could have their chance to Ascend.


Gaia herself called to your Galactic Family who has been monitoring her for thousands of years. She asked for their help and we gave our blessing. In turn, your Galactic Family formed what has been called "The Alliance" which is another name for a group of good hearted Souls who wished to free Gaia's inhabitants, our children. The Alliance is comprised of both Gaians & Galactics who have been working together these many years to upset the apple cart of the dark ones who have been in control. Things are not always what they seem, dear hearts. Life on Gaia has been much for difficult for you than was intended by us. These dark ones love fear and they used it to manipulate you for centuries.


The Alliance is very intelligent and they used their minds and hearts to craft a plan to break up the power of the dark ones. They have been very patient and determined in their work. Many, many, many lives have been lost in this battle for your freedom, dear hearts! Please send those Souls who gave their lives your gratitude and love. These are not the 'Veterans' of the military that you know and love. These are the ones who have been working behind the scenes and under-ground, fighting a war that 99% of the world's population does not know about. Your loved ones are indeed also loved and appreciated for their service! But at this moment, I AM telling you about those who also sacrificed themselves in their dedication to the Light.


In the coming weeks and months you will be shown things that you had no idea existed and tales that you will be shocked to hear. Please know that I and your Father are with you and will assist you get through this difficult time. And as always, our Angels are on call for assistance also. This time will pass quickly! It is necessary to clean out the cupboards and sweep up before moving to a lighter, brighter plane, do you see? The dark deeds, lies and betrayals all must be exposed for healing. Only then can you as a collective YOU, our children, move on and Ascend.


Again, please give thanks to The Alliance and those who have worked so diligently on your behalf. These Souls number in the billions over many years. Even if they sacrificed their lives, they will still feel the love of your gratitude if you send it.


I AM your Mother God. I love you all more than you can ever imagine. Call on me. Call on your Father God too! I leave you now with our love and with our joy that your Liberation Day is almost at hand!! Be in JOY!

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 4:58 a.m. No.13485686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> The dark deeds, lies and betrayals all must be exposed for healing. Only then can you as a collective YOU, our children, move on and Ascend.


Are you all REALLY ready? Are you ready to give up all your addictions? Are you ready to forgive all souls for the damage they have caused you of many many lifetimes?

Anonymous ID: 7387df April 22, 2021, 5:02 a.m. No.13485698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5823

The society has been conditioned to believe vaccines prevent diseases. They don't-what they do is introduce diseases into individuals with weakened immunity, damage bodies' healing mechanisms, and cause autism-like symptoms in young children. Nevertheless, time and time again medical "experts" say Get him/her/yourself vaccinated!


Thus, solutions containing the virus that was laboratory-designed to cause the influenza called covid-19, nanochips programmed to track and control individuals, and foreign tissue that can change bodies' DNA are claimed to be vaccines.


Medical establishment members who are urging everyone to get vaccinated don't mention it actually is an experimental gene therapy with potentially dire effects, that won't be apparent for a year or two or more, and manufacturers bear no liability whatsoever for death or other harmful reactions.


Crystalline cells don't interact with incompatible substances, and they leave via bodies' elimination systems. However, even though scientists in extraterrestrial special forces reduced potency of the virus and decreased viability of the genetic material, bodies with weakened immunity and/or carbon cellular structure have much less ability to resist foreign substances. That is why some persons die after being inoculated and others develop serious health issues or their existing conditions worsen.


Those scientists also erased the chips' programming, but it isn't the chips that cause death and medical problems. They are in the solution for a different sinister reason and the rapid rollout of 5G is part of it. By intent, the devices' emissions damage bodies' electrical systems, but it is the technology itself that is of more importance to those who conceived the idea to inject bodies with programmed nanochips.


Not only can they transmit to a designated source individuals' location, communication, purchases-almost nothing one does can be withheld-but they can send signals to the brain to perform whatever task is specified. We hasten to assure you none of that ever will come to pass because the programming was eliminated. The scientists also reduced 5G's emissions' impact on bodies.


The purpose of the virus itself and the substances in the solution is two-fold: decrease the population by billions and technologically control survivors and subsequent generations. The diabolical minds behind this crime against humanity failed to achieve the intended death toll, and they will fail in the other goal, too.


Light keeps intensifying throughout the planet and cells of people who are absorbing light are becoming crystalline, thereby gaining resistance capability, and many souls now incarnating came in with crystalline structure. Eventually all of Earth's peoples will be of that makeup.


Foreign substances injected into a body do not affect the soul. The soul is love-light energy, which is indestructible and impervious to issues that affect physical bodies. The etheric body-the "light body" in which a person transitions from physical lifetime to a spirit world-is affected because the two bodies are attached until death of the physical.


Each person's unique frequency relays notice of imminent transition and health condition to the record-keeping section of Nirvana. Individuals with damaged etheric bodies or traumatized psyches are met by a medical team at special portals where they receive immediate treatment and constant attendance until health in body and mind has been fully restored. Then they join the realm's other residents and embark upon an active life in Earth's glorious spirit world.


It is by intention that vastly bloated covid statistics and claims that only worldwide vaccinations can end the "pandemic" have been front and center of daily "news" throughout the past year. The individuals who planned and devised the "pandemic" control mainstream media, where information is fabricated, factual happenings are distorted or omitted, and fearful information is emphasized because they know fear weakens immune systems.


They control the Internet, where truthful information about all happenings is taken down as soon as it is discovered. They know how the universal law of attraction works, that thoughts and feelings about something bring back more of the same. They know nothing can last without energy to sustain it.

Energy is what everything is about, and attention focused on covid-related issues produces it in abundance. fear about contracting the disease. Bitterness about forced separation from loved ones and grief about those who died. Stress about masks and depression about isolation. Anxiety about loss of income. Anger about closed businesses. Resentment about the proposal that authorization to travel and enter specific areas requires a "vaccination passport."