Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 1:05 a.m. No.13485145   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5173


Then why do they constantly steal our nations intellectual property constantly.


Weaponized vibration and frequency technology is proven to cause harm to life on our planet.

Everything is Energy Frequency and Vibration. When you research these challenges think of it in this context.

Keywords searches to evaluate:

– Cryptocromes

– cymatics

– Dr. Raymon Rife

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 1:16 a.m. No.13485175   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5180 >>5181 >>5188 >>5289


And the brian is not a receiver?

an antenna?

Decoding our world via sight, smell, vibration, and frequency?

How would you hack a human?

We live in a polluted environment saturated every day with frequency . It is not our natural default state. Plain and simple. Yes the frequencies can be tuned in such away to work in concert with humanity and the planet. Birds, humans and bees are having major issues right now due to this pollution. The evidence is everywhere.

Please educate yourself on before making assumptions.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 1:35 a.m. No.13485224   🗄️.is đź”—kun




I dunno…

The way I look at digital swamp these days it is the past. It is so fucked up its a tear down not a fixer upper. Really looking forward to the collapse of consciousness to a new truth with everyone fully connected.

I have no idea what we will become resonating at our true state of being with everyone connected. When the truth is common knowledge the new ways of life are bigger than we can ever imagine. By design based on my experiences… Its always profoundly better than we can imagine.

Why is it that humans are the only species that doesn't work in concert with the planet?

The failed control systems gotta go. All of them. We are designed for so much moar.

Moar proof. Why do we use on 10 -11%.

Why so many suffer from dopamine deficiency?

Pineal calcified?

Suppressed at every level to keep people in lower vibrational states.

Nothing will stop what is coming. They do know this and the frequencies are changing.

Solar flares?


Last few days…


I dunno…I think there is a much bigger story here…why do they go through so much trouble?

We are moar powerful than we currently realize.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 1:57 a.m. No.13485269   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5289 >>5291


Ok its go time!

Did you not see the Q drop on this?

Why did Q drop Grassly doc re sniffy and son selling weaponized frequency / vibration tech to Chy-Na.

Your condescending tactics reflect your mirror quite well. What layer would you like to discuss?

You assume much from one post.

Talking about someting infinite with words is limiting. What layer would you like to discuss my condecendin fren.

I traverse all of them daily in context.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 2:26 a.m. No.13485322   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5430


So this is known. Some of your sauce is what it is… we can probably get a little moar concise than what you got here..maybe.


So worked in bioinformatics for a long time. In what I saw its the slow kill. (Many layers here too.) So when I look at an adversary that wants to depopulate a plant of a species that is so uniqe you have to pull out multiple ways of control. Not every technique works. So there are many but the key is to control perception of the people to direct / dictate decisions. By our own free will.

Now why are anons such a threat to them?

Can kill a narritive (perception) within a very short time frame.

Comments like naive and short sided…you don't have everything here. It is a combined approach to depopulate. Starting with the mind. There is no expese to great to accomplish what they want to do. You really think they care about money? They know its a control mechanism. Its a green piece of paper. That is worthless that dictates everything.

Do you really think the DS is on a budget with our "money" as they try to kill the population. Moar logic and cowbell plz

Did you really say naive?

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 2:49 a.m. No.13485360   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5387 >>5585



I am not assuming anything.

I am going from experience here. Sauce is almost impossible but we can attempt. So here we go.


Do you ever look back on your lifes path and find very profound memories / experiences that stick with you deeply?

For whatever reason. Trauma, realization….whatever doesn't really matter. It only matters that it has always resonated for what ever reason in a context at the time youassigned to the situation.

Now today with all you have learned in life looking back on that situation with a new context of what actually occurred?

Mine was death.

At the time i was very young the thought of how could I possibly become nothing. No moar thoughts. No moar life as I could comprehend at age 5.

First thing to realize is we are actually on a path. Constantly tested. Tested for what exactly? Well what do you remember deeply?

Learning to pause is one of the greatest tools a person could learn. Realizing we control our world from the heart outward is a key one to figure out.

Here is a fun one … What is the range of electromagnetic frequency of the hearts resonance? (Yes it has been measured.)

This type of research is not always done on a computer. You dig?

Learned to play yet? There is a lot going on at all the layers.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 3:10 a.m. No.13485398   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Yeah thats great…I get where you are coming from.

I guess what I am saying is when the mind is trained and not working without our knowledge so to speak (which it does all the time by design…fills in the gaps that are missing)

Bad feels arise then fade away.

Just like all other thoughts.

2.4GHz is the technique they usee in labs to induce cancer in lab mice / rats. Guess what? Works great for this application. How many currently have 2.4 in their home?


Chy-na will never be in control of anything on this planet again after this last showing. Or should I say CCP/PLA?

The world is going to crush chyna and they will be the worlds bitch after everything is revealed.

Here is the playbook

Is that enough tangible fact in your face?

How old is this book.

Is it required reading for some groups?

Why do you need to be an assole to deliver your point? (You know that is a tactic I see dalily and usullay only two reasons)

So much anger these days. Fonny thing is can always jump on the right wave it was always right in front of your face.

This is still way bigger than you are imagining.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 3:23 a.m. No.13485433   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5440


Would it surprise you to learn that the distance it EMF range is little over 6 feet?




Looking back at life's path of profound experiences. The Good / bad … all of them that were truly profound that stuck with you throughout life.

Do you start to see pattern? One key thing to consider when reflecting on these experiences is perceiving the situation from ALL angles. You will start to see patterns emerge.

If you have specifics you are qurious about ask. Somehow what I carry around works best this way for whatever reason.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 3:44 a.m. No.13485500   🗄️.is đź”—kun


But is even that real?

I don't believe the MSM portray's the majority accurately in the US and that has been the scam all along.

You are watching a fictional account of the world right now.

They don't represent the majority.


>We will see what mRna "vaccines" are for real.

>MY guess is by the endo of 2021.

Time will tell I guess. Pray.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 4 a.m. No.13485537   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>The mass media isn't really the problem


Yeah but its a big contribution to the programming. MSM, NLP, Interwebs, corruption at all levels… one big connected brainwashing fuckery machine.

MSM is an aggregate resource for collecting souls.

These systems are in process of imploding. Ratings tell the current story of who is on the team and who is not. DJT pretty much shined a light on all of them to show us the big picture. Are there any questions of how big the swam really is? Only a few shadow players not fully revealed yet?

We are the calm before during and after the storm.

People gotta wake on their own clock.

We are merely here to help them along as they transition.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 4:11 a.m. No.13485569   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5582



Its all good all anons been going full retard at one point or another.

This has been ride.

But we are one persistent group of retards.

Fucking love this place. Common we are going to look back on this time and miss these moments workin as the hive.

So every anon needs to chill and take it all in … we are truly living in an amazing moment in time.

Team anon is thriving right now … regardless or retardation or cranky.

Somehow it balances out. Dont ask me how but it does.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 4:52 a.m. No.13485665   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Yeah so there is a bit of a history there….like since the beginning of image breads.

But whatever. Assign what ever you believe to it because then it is now actually a thing. So thanks for share that thought.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 5:01 a.m. No.13485695   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Every post matters

Do I have to explain why?

Or can you retards figure it out on your own?

Why is unification of all people right now absolutely necessary?

You never know who you are really talking with on these breads at any given time.

So treat them the way you would want to be treated. You go in with hate you get right back. How do you "fight" a spiritual war with yourself.

PRO TIP: You are already are fighting yourself anytime you go after anyone with hatred in your heart regardless of intent. How do you choose to reflect the world around you today?

Big day. Lets get after it.

Anonymous ID: b542e8 April 22, 2021, 5:32 a.m. No.13485822   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Thre is a difference between Serotonin and Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.

It actually causes an unatural event to occure by forcing the cell to release serotonin to another cell. What the cell does not take via the recptor it gives back to the original cell. The origin cell should take back what was not used. This is the nature of our design. SSRI's inhibit this natural event from occurring.

The thought is it will leave moar serotonin available for other cells. Seems to only interrupt the systems natural function.

You are correct it has been shown statistically to be a placebo. Appears to only mask the depression.