No one can come to Jesus Christ less they do so by the call of the Father.
Who chooses his own people.
We practice True Religion, and Follow after that thing which Good is. In
the Truth and the Way and the Light of Jesus Christ.
21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.
22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.
23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.
When we have fallen from the path of Uprightness, caught in the snares of the world,
cast down in our folly, like dogs returning to their vomit. Stumbling into sin instead of
out of it. As it is written, For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean
There is no good man but God.
But it is also written, Cast Down Never Fallen. I frustrate not the grace of God, saying that if
righteousness come on account of the law, Christ is crucified in vain. Through Jesus Christ
we are dead to the law, which he came not to do away with, but to fulfill.
God said to the 1 lost sheep when he finally found him, I love you more than the 99.
Even if a man repents for one day on the last day of his life, his sins will be forgiven him.
Blessed is he who puts his Trust in the Lord, Every man under the Vine and the Fig Tree.
The House is Divided. But we still stand our lamps. Like Zions children, who were brought forth
the second she fell into travail. Its painfully clear that We Will Not go down without a Fight. That
Some of Us, Altogether, Even WW, Are United Not Divided. That Some of us built our houses on
the Foundation of Stone, on the Cornerstone of the Covenant which became the Cap. On Jesus
Christ. The Holy Trinity, and One God. His Words.
That Some of Us will not only Stand the Storm. But that We Are the Storm and the Angels that Ride
it like the Calm passing through it saying Peace, Be Still. That We Speak from that One Heart and
One Mind and One Voice that throws Mountains out of the way. Joshua Commanded the Army of
Israel to rise out of the grave and fight, and the sun to stand still so they could finish their battle in
one day. Moses slayed a giant with 2 strikes while it was carrying a mountain to war, and split the
ocean. David slew Goliath with a rock. Jude laid out helophernes with such unbridaled awesomeness
that Judah immediately proceeded to get absolutely wrecked by Israel even though Judah outnumbered
Israel 10/1, Paul escaped 40 men who made a pact not to eat or drink till they killed him, and turned an
entire jail into pebbles with his prayers, allwhile writing tons of books. Like 2 Apostles singlehandedly
traveled to India and conquered portions of it entirely for Christ. The devil was so absolutely butthurt
about the book Isaiah had wrote that he tried to stop Isaiah from writing his second book by murdering
him, when Isaiah went to Heaven and finished the book with the angel of the Lord. Jonah survived in a
whale for 3 days, saved the city on ninnava from definite destruction, and was not satisfied. Abraham,
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, all got tossed into ovens and shrugged it off. When they tried
putting Abraham in one, after a few days an angel ran out of the fire at nimrod and threw an egg at
his head while he was running away that had a magical ocean inside of it. Nobody knew it then, but
that egg was the end of bro. Enoch saw the end in the beginning, and everything else. And praised
the Lord. Noah built a boat for 120 years and sailed the apocalypse, allegedly the giant moses slew
road a unicorn behind the ark and bargained with noah to let him hang on in exchange for the unicorn.
Unicorns are infact biblical. The dudes who killed the prophet Zechariah negotiated with a pool of his
boiling blood until they had killed 94,000 people, and pleading, the boiling stopped. They stoned him
to death for being politically incorrect.
Jesus Christ Saved the World lying down his life for his friends.
Fear not, For I Am with you. Fear not, for I Am he who Helps You.