most of what you are talking about it fake and put here to discredit the board.
Or it is used to try and train the anon to behave like creeps and speak in loose platitudes.
it's all fake.
most of what you are talking about it fake and put here to discredit the board.
Or it is used to try and train the anon to behave like creeps and speak in loose platitudes.
it's all fake.
that is your operational word for the night, eh?
you and the shills spreading that lie here?
the one who fixates on something of that nature is often doing a self reveal.
"most of what you are talking about is fake"
that's all you have? a keystroke mistake?
that's called being a badger.
is that you, shining man?
this person is a cringe bot pretending to be a creep.
No, shill, we don't want sadness and suicide from anyone.
they may be pests, but they are still people.
here he is trying to train people to talk like no one does.
next do the 'post your tits' bit.
or describe a porn girl like you're a slave traider.
you got them all.
imagine learning about other people to the point of thinking you can say who is or isn't broken and then using your advanced training, as an officer of a government or institution, to attack some random person practicing their free speech and trying to trigger them into sadness , depression, suicide?
I wouldn't want to imagine that but it sometimes seems that is what we face here.
they are paid to be assholes and they dare attack those who say 'see, see the asshole. See him try to train his degenerate hateful racists speech patterns.'
and you're on a payroll.
and you think if there were war trials you'd be exempt?
are you or aren't you?
obviously I can't know for sure.
but here is the thing: who isn't broken?
tell me one person?
the idea that some are and some are not is the most broken idea of all.
but, too, each person has gifts. And in those areas they are the leader and the one to emulate. So we take the good with the bad.
and you, traioned in psychology, should know thesethings, but, I repeat, it does seem like you use your gift for harm, and it's not just a rouse.
war trials?
I guess that would be war games?
I didn't say crime.
Most are nice most of the time.
Most are not nice some of the time.
Many will pretend to have a dark side to be effective in scaring away goony people.
none will be as bad as the scaremongers make them out to be.
individually people can keep the demons down.
no one is immune from being human, person who I really have no idea about who you are except that you like to be cruel to people . . .
I'm always long winded.
most of what I post isn't but . . . often.
be nice to people. Support and nurture.
two year famefag-versary?
is this really AFLB?
does he look like he has trouble sleeping?
and what about this chap?
They say he's a polished interviewer.
Wait, that's Polish.
Polish American.
Polish Pennsylvanian
and then, of course, the anonymous Amish guy
And this woman . . . found her self in a no win game . . .
this one I always was like 'wow, is this real?'
so now you resort to slander?
I make no threats.
I merely am giving a retrospective of old memes and images.
slander is a problem, and you ought to stop it.
he's awesome
who do you think I am?
seriously you are confused.
who are you?
I'm not an agent
I don't make threats
Often memes are visual prayers
you're seriously confused.
you're used to speaking in an empty house with no one daring to talk back.
that tags you as not being a long term anon.
it's only been that way for a few months, before there would be real people here, not your quality of posting, as if you are the head-jerk in charge.
PS: I think that the stoned guy in the picture, even though he's a bit over weight, is kind of cool and looks like a 'fun guy'.
so you're all wrong about me. If you're really him, I put the kiss on the forhead to say 'ya, this is a good person who someone's baby.'
worthy of being loved.
so I'm a horror to you?
why must you make everyone else a villain?
one day they slandered AFLB and claimed he posted the worst of it and I posted in his defense so . . . if you're him you'd remember that, if you really could know who I am.
you're an imposter.
the real Leafie is a jerk only to get attention and test people. He's not an asshole badger who can't give up the grudge.
you're not him.
oh, leafie, you know I just want to give you a deep tissue sexless massage so you sleep like you haven't in years and dream of the world that you want, without me in it if you like it that way.
but I like leafie, and I don't mind that he's in his mom's basement somewhere and playing video games and posting here . . .
he's attacking me and I've always thought he was kind of cool in a stoner kind of way . . .
maybe he needs a nap.
Leafie, if that was you at 6AM you said you were really really tired.
you been up too long?
get some rest.
if you are really leafie you know I'm here all the time too, so, back the F off.
go to bed.
yes, it is a cringey thing to say but . . . really it's true.
yes, I was imagining you too tired to go to bed and I was there with you massaging your tired sholders and making you sleepy so you'd go to sleep and have peaceful dreams. I was giving you a deep tissue sexless massage in my mind and saying 'It's OK, leafie, I know you'ver overworked yourself. Now sleep. Sufficient to the day, you know"
and you'd be like "No, I must . . . resist. . . must keep insulting" but then
you fall deep into sleep and dream about someoene
who you actually feel very fondly for (I have no idea, it would be you).
and then you sleep and dream with a giant smile and renew your heart and mind and come back a shining man ready to bring the love for everyone.
everytime you're tired you'll imagine some random hot guy massaging you and releaving your tensions and making you sleep the deep deep sleep and maybe even dream of Jesus if that's what you want.
You can't banish him and if he visits you, I'm good with that.
by the way you're not the real leafie, maybe he's really in the bread and just not telling you it's really him?