Q /POTUS must be using her as a ploy. If Brennan and other corrupt CIA think she is the best choice… BEWARE.
Q /POTUS must be using her as a ploy. If Brennan and other corrupt CIA think she is the best choice… BEWARE.
Ya Know.
April Showers bring May flowers?
Ya Thi[N][K] you should take some with you?
Ya Think D[I][R]t should h[A]ve been dug up soo[N]er.
Do they see the LIGHT yet?
[C]an’t any[O]ne [U]nderstand what [P]eace IS?
Ya working hard on your new/next TV Program
When will it be on the air?
[H]ow many guest sta[R]s will sit in the [C]hair(s) this season?
Wo[W], [J]ust heard yoiur show may be a cross between those old TV shows…
Truth or [C]onsequences
To Tell th[E] Trut[H]
Let’s Make a Deal and
You [B]et Your Life
Should be fun to watc[H],
Ya Kn[O]w
I can’t believe SHAPE THE WORLD today.
I feel like a slave sometime
[H]aving to work for the Man, eve[R]y night and day
So much [C]orruption in the world
I’m just so [FED] up with the whole system.
Ya Think we could go back in time when a [D][O]llar was a [D]ollar and your word was worth something as well.
[H]ope you [R]eally [C]hange things [F]or the [B]etter…[I]magine what the World would look i[F] all [L]awmakers changed and [A]ll [T]old the TRUTH for a CHANGE