Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:22 p.m. No.13492910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2923 >>2949 >>2956 >>2959 >>2961 >>2979 >>2990 >>2994 >>3017 >>3075 >>3101 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219


The four red pills : part 1

This is my first attempt to write down what I think I have learnt over the years after searching for the truth about that nagging feeling that I have had ever since I saw the first matrix movie and before the movie came out and coined the term the red pill. Which scared the crap out of me as at the time I was smoking loads of weed and computers were just becoming the norm.

What can I say, every time I thought I got a handle on one red pill then I stumbled upon another?

I thought that I really had a problem due to my upbringing, maybe it was me, maybe I had problems with my mind due to smoking cannabis, I can honestly say that I do not miss smoking weed anymore, it has been over 14 years now that I do not do substance abuse, like weed, drink, or shot drinks.

So rather then go on about how I got to here, I will just list the 4 separate red pills that I discovered and what effect they had on me.

1) Monetary system: Zeitgeist the movie (this explained the monetary system although tried to make you believe that there is no god, this may or may not be true, but people need faith and good guidelines and morals –

The petrodollar, federal reserve and the language used to mask old and nefarious propaganda agencies. Secret organisations and the elite groups, such as the Rothchild’s, Rockefellers, etc

2) Mgtow: (men going their own way). This was the one that has probably had more influence on the way my life has gone due to being blue pilled. 100 years of feminism, lobbyist’s, victim nature being used as a control mechanism, and emasculating of men and feelings of not being enough.

3) Statism: the belief in politics, ideologies and group think.

4) Language: and mind control. Persuasion, projection, subversion,

Qanon: how to research and how to identify language for the purposes of control.

These four subjects are vast and not just to be thought of as snippets of info, I have spent almost 14 years going from one to the other to sometimes combinations and sometimes all 4 together which seem to finally fit and seem to make sense.

I have looked at philosophers, writers, history, factual documents, and so much more to try to get to grips with what freedom means.

So, what have I learnt from all this knowledge, well it can be summed up in 2 paths of life?

1) Patience and understanding

2) Not seeking validation from anyone.

That is, it. Quite simple after all that time of reading and watching and listening and understanding.

No one can make you do anything if you chose to not want to do it.

We live in a society that we did not create, and we can only be responsible for our own actions.

In a western society such as England, where you do have freedoms up to a point, if you choose to live here, then there are rules.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:24 p.m. No.13492923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2949 >>2956 >>2959 >>2961 >>2979 >>2990 >>2994 >>3017 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219



You might not agree with a lot of them, but you do not have a choice if you live in a city. You can let it get you down or you can go about your way, contribute what you must and just get on with your way of life.

This could mean a mundane life or an exciting one. If you are not chasing money, then you do not need to be rich, you need shelter, food and amenities, such as electricity, gas, broadband and mobile.

Be brave but not foolish, be honest but polite, get a set of guidelines and live by your conscience, cause and effect.

Shit can happen to you, but its up to you whether you want to become a victim or stand your ground, choose your battles.

Once you fully understand the 4 red pills, and trust me you never stop learning, there is nothing that will bother you.

You can empathise with the world, but you can only help people once they come in to your sphere, if they are willing to listen.

This thing about trying to get everyone to think they are the special one is hollyweird bullcrap.

I don’t buy it, and I won’t sell it, it is about taking accountability for one’s own actions and not looking to blame anyone or anything.

Attempts to figure out what is happening and why

I no longer use things like Facebook or the any other social media sites, I do how ever use the internet for research. Be careful what you believe on the internet. Facts can be distorted or even wrong. The language used can give you a sense of the truth but lead you to believe in a fabrication of the truth.

I am going to just write and then try to put these thoughts into some sort of order, right now I have lots of things to say but keep thinking that they need to be in some order. Hopefully when I finish, I can copy and paste and move explanations around.

So first, like any problem or issue, to get to the bottom of it, you must dismantle it and take it to the beginning.

We are born into this world solely reliant on our parents who during their relationship either decide to have children or are born as an act of consummation.

A new born hopefully is looked after and fed, cared for and loved, not saying this is the case but ideally, depending on the social and monetary and education of the parents. The child is then taught to eat, sleep, behave or not, and then taught language. (this could be any language).

Although this seems obvious it is this use of language that has the most effect on the individual child, how people talk and behave around the child, the use of language and how it is used to generate fear, love, discipline and how and what to think. Depending on gender.

So, then the child is influenced as to what it is to be a male or female, in a natural habitat without these indoctrinations we would fall naturally into our roles and be happy to live out lives where we would just live and reproduce and nurture and protect. Both males and females compliment each other relying on the other’s strengths and aiding the weakness. If you have good genes in your parents you should not have too many problems finding a partner, there will always be some that do not and so they may not reproduce. This is what is called survival of the strong, this could mentally or physically or both types of strengths. The child is then put through the education system, until they are 16 or so before they are now asked to take a loan and carry on studying some sort of degree or useful qualification. this is then their possible chance to leave the rat race after working until they are 65. if they possible can make until then, in the mean time they are bombarded with media or what they should have and what they could have, get rich quick, crime on TV all modes of media, who cares about tomorrow, live life for now, everyone is dispensable, you have thousands of friends online.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:27 p.m. No.13492949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>2959 >>2961 >>2979 >>2990 >>2994 >>3017 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219




The truth is friends online are not friends and people block and ignore people for the slightest of things. In the meantime, it is all about no shame, anything goes, i am so important that it matters what I think, they distance them from their families, isolate themselves, and then this is without taking into account what they are watching, listening to, or reading online.

Everyone has had a text sent to them which has been taken out of context as what is written does not have a voice and can be misinterpreted harshly, this can cause arguments and ill feeling. It is a well-known fact that teenagers are the most easily influenced by someone who speaks what they want to hear and show them shiny trinkets or glimpses of what they see and want from the media companies.

Think Catcher in the rye (book about the transition between teenage and adulthood years).

As a teenager you are bombarded with sexual images, and then pitted against each other as sexes and now also gender (some bright spark thinks there are 72 genders now). A teenager’s mind is not fully formed, and their hormones are raging, so what comes next, thrill seeking, drugs, drinking, partying, the opposite sex, mood swings, and the world is unfair and its everyone's fault apart from your own.

I suppose rather than going through the years of a human being, men and women have their different paths, women have a shelf life of sexual attractiveness and finding a partner who will willing give up everything to sacrifice himself for one person. Men are told to man up, find a path and be a provider, protector, lover, all round super man, who will mostly never match up to the convoluted expectations of what is put into a woman's head of what a real man is, or should be, (this can change from day to day and hour to hour) depending on the woe-MANs mood. (Mgtow - men going their own way).

Now for the serious part, if anyone is still reading this then do not be offended as this is actually a fact of life where women are concerned. they are generally easily influenced by wanting to be protected, cared for, given free stuff from the government, and will hardly ever vote for anything which does not benefit them or takes something away from them. I am not saying all but the majority will and as we live in a democratic society and the majority rules, this means that they are easy targets for manipulation by propaganda agencies, the politicians and spin doctors, now called campaign managers.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:30 p.m. No.13492959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979 >>2990





In the meantime, the men who have literally built this society with their bare hands to make the comforts that everyone enjoys, and given them this safe society are discarded like yesterday’s leftovers,

the suicide rate amongst all ages of men is at the moment at an unprecedented rate which I believe is actually not being reported accurately. there are thousands of shelters for women, but hardly any help for men, who when faced with losing everything will turn to self-destruction as the state will turn them into a criminal at the very mention by a woman of abuse.

I would like to say that men are poor creatures who are being treated unfairly, and women are stronger as they carry a lot of burden of bringing up children, keeping house, being caring and generally all-round good eggs. the men are misogynist, knuckle dragging apes. selfish, lying and good for nothing wastes of space until useful enough to be needed and then they need to be shamed into being responsible, cannot cope with real life and want always turn to childish behaviour and act out. All this is true of any person and this also includes men and women. It is easy to pass the blame to the other sex, your better half or the one who is holding you back.

These are all socially generated problems and actually the real problem is the divide and conquer agenda which is being put out there by the state media and the constant barrage of news shoved in your face from your mobiles, movies, free newspapers, television, social media and everywhere you look by the adverts and music, programs, Netflix, binge watching of series.

Seriously, I would like to think that there is a way to help everyone with a sentence or phase or some sort of magic words which would help everyone solve their own problems. The reason why i am writing this is not to be used as a guide to help all people but this is a attempt to get some of the things that as a man that i have been through and what i am seeing on a day to day basis from men and young males, who are just desperate for something to hang on to for the sake of sanity. They seem lost, even the ones who seem to have their shit together are literally one fuck up from self-destructing and then either mentally, physically or financially getting into a mess because they do not understand the problem at hand.

Stop and think, first reaction to any issue is blame and anger, what about reflection, reasoning and solving the issue, what is now happening with most people is they resort to verbal violence, There are many emotions that a person should go to before violence is even thought about. it should be the last course of action if all else fails. Actual Violence does not solve anything. It is destructive and there is no coming back from this course of action.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:33 p.m. No.13492979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990 >>2994 >>3002 >>3017 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219






So, what is the problem at hand. well let’s see what the media says it is, IT IS MEN. because of this and that and their behaviour and their ways, but what is the media actually promoting on a daily basis, men violence, killings, targeting the children, abandonment of families, cheating on a spouse, betrayal and all other manner of things.

This is not to say the everyone should not be held accountable for their actions. You commit crimes you do the time, but wait until it is proven in a court of law , with anonymity for both parties and if it is a false claim then that person should be punished accordingly by serving a portion of the sentence that they tried to get the other person convicted of by law.

We now live a society where most males are no longer head of the house hold, and have female bosses, most of human resources is run by women and even though feminists are still protesting that things are not equal, it is actually now at a unfair level, female nature is to complain loudly trying to get the attention of everyone who will listen , backed up by the state and feminist lobbyists, whilst males are generally more stoic,

we now have almost 35 % of households which are single parent with the majority being single mothers who the state props up with handouts, this is leading to unruly kids, again not all, prisons with most of the population from single mother households, substance abuse, I will state this again , not all but the majority of households in poorer areas and with community housing or council estates have these problems, The way women generally control their children is through emotional bargaining or blackmail, unfortunately we have now almost a second generation who have been bought up like this and so even the male children are showing these traits, now known as the left, liberal or pro feminist thinking, their usual method is to start trouble and then play the victim, with the female vote up to over 50% this now means that the voting demographic has changed , add this to the grey vote and you have a easy manipulated voter base who will willing give away their anonymity , leading to less privacy and finally eroding of civil rights, we are heading towards a 1984 George Orwell style society, this is a very serious issue as the civilian who follows all the laws is still under surveillance.

how long before we go the way of China and have social credit system thrust upon everyone, this is the worst type of dystopia imaginable thrust upon any people's and it is a voluntary, voted by the peoples on themselves on their own people, we are almost at the point of the Stalin population when the family would turn in their own family members for wrong think.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:37 p.m. No.13493002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3017 >>3018 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219


>>>13492959 (You)

>>>13492949 (You)

>>>13492923 (You)

>>>13492910 (You)


The problems created are the problems that have always existed but with the rise of technology and AI the population is easier to reach and influence, with smart phones the media companies have direct access to almost the entire population of the western voting public, and most governments have been under the influence of media companies for decades, it is even said that Murdock of the newspaper the sun, sky platform and now fox news has had a back door to 10 down Street and literally every politician ever voted into number 10 has had to go to him and ask for his indorsement, now we have Facebook, Google, Twitter and the other social media controlling the narrative to populations around the world in any language, with The divide and conquer agenda and division against men and women, religion , race, colour old and young, and influencing other politics and cultures, and any other ideology that can be dreamt up, it is easier to pick off individuals who understand or can explain this or anything that goes against the narrative the media wants to put out,

The biggest problem the male generation have now is that there are very few positive male role models or mentors around that they can emulate or follow as most males have been through the same system that was their before and committed the same mistakes but unfortunately for the younger generation it is worse as the governments have almost all been infiltrated by female lobby groups, feminists ideologies and left and liberal thinking ambassadors , what most of the public is campaigning against is toxic masculinity but what is happening is that all males are being grouped as one problem, there is no place in this western world for men who hate women, also who do not own up to their behaviour and nor should there be, but with the divorce courts, separating father's from their children, forcing them to pay maintenance , even imprisoning them for none payment while the women is claiming off the state , has the family to rely on and if she is remotely attractive will have no shortage of white knights to take the place of the person who is the father of the children,, this plus the battered and bruised pride and ego of the man in this situation is hard to cope with,

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:40 p.m. No.13493018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3034 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219



, the fact that men do not generally talk about this to anyone is what leads to a self-destructive life style, and if they do decide to commit suicide they will not try as a cry for help, it will be violent and permanent on themselves first and then on anyone else who is in their sphere, women and the state need to realise that they may be able to without these men but whilst this is happening to them the other men are witnessing this done to people they know , brothers , father's , uncles , friends and they know that they will not put themselves in the same situation, even if they find the one they want to marry. Mgtow is the only place left for men who cannot rely on the state or family or friends, it means " men going your own way" it is not a woman hating ideology, it has identified women's true nature and laid it out for all to hear , warts and all, and women's true nature has been set free now they do not need a man to rely on, but seriously, women are only thinking short term solutions, they are not looking at the bigger picture, most women are waking up to this fact but the damage has been done and being done on a daily basis, and the men used and taken advantage off have walked away, they may date and have relationships but there is hardly any man with any sense will sign the marriage contract knowing how stacked it is against him and his labours.

The absolute abandonment of ethics and morals from the feminists leading the charge for equality with privilege , equal pay with reduced or lightened duties to bring the females who want to achieve the same as men but have the clause of a woman's prerogative is making work places a nightmare, plus the women who don't agree with this rampant selfish self-centred narcissistic behaviour is including the females who are not feminists , because they are not going to vote against the rights as it does not benefit them, they forget these laws and #metoo is effecting Their own men folk, men are literally walking on eggshells on a daily basis trying not to trip over some said or done politically incorrectly thing just in case some overweight prima Donna gets triggered, the problem with so called groups is that no one who actually wants these folk picked on or will protect them but due their outrageous behaviour are beginning to back away from defending these minority groups who were once upon a time shunned mocked or ridiculed being championed is that it gives these once outcast groups some sorts of status which they do not deserve, you cannot be a victim if you cause the trouble, there is no place for bullying but there should also be no place for weaponizing victim behaviour,

Briffault's law: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:43 p.m. No.13493034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3044 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219



This brief statement sums up the complete disloyal behaviour of women who benefit from living in a gynocentric society when they have the state as husband and father, yet this state taxes the men who have to fund this state with taxes to prop up their own demise,

The powers that be realized that by having a bigger voting demographic by including easier manipulated voters meant that they could use the democratic vote by getting more taxes and also taking advantage of female nature to take away citizens’ rights,

The halogen dialectic was a method used to achieve the desired outcome to separate men from women, families, children, etc

The method is creating a problem, wait for a reaction and then provide a solution which benefits the agenda. Very simple but devastatingly effective, if the true nature of the female is analysed it will show, there is no such thing as the sisterhood , it is self and family first and then possibly what they are perceived by society next, if it looks like they are better thought of then they will show caring, but they will dismiss and completely ignore and blame at the same time anyone who does not think they are the angels,

Edward Bernays a nephew of Sigmund Freud (definitely someone to research) was one of the first people to realise this when he was working for a tobacco company and hired a large group of young women to march down New York streets and convinced them that smoking a cigarette was a symbol for a torch of freedom, thus setting in motion a trend of the patriarchy keeping women from being held back , there was a case to he made that women were unfairly treated, but what has happened is that the women who campaigned for equal rights did not want to or realise that they have been used to take away their protectors in men who genuinely have the best interest of society and its citizens at heart.

I feel that I have been banging on and on about the behaviour of females and their unthinking and selfish behaviour, but this is very important as this leads directly into statism and the monetary system.

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:44 p.m. No.13493044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3054 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219



Edward Bernays a nephew of Sigmund Freud (definitely someone to research) was one of the first people to realise this when he was working for a tobacco company and hired a large group of young women to march down New York streets and convinced them that smoking a cigarette was a symbol for a torch of freedom, thus setting in motion a trend of the patriarchy keeping women from being held back , there was a case to he made that women were unfairly treated, but what has happened is that the women who campaigned for equal rights did not want to or realise that they have been used to take away their protectors in men who genuinely have the best interest of society and its citizens at heart,

I feel that I have been banging on and on about the behaviour of some of the brain washed females and their unthinking and selfish behaviour, but this is very important as this leads directly into statism and the monetary system.

The battles we now have to fight are nuance and intricate, we need laser like precision of thought to be able to see through the stuff that is influencing us on a day to day basis.

The usual events are borne out of cause and effect, a time old truth known by many in the leverage industry, from media to politicians and spin doctors, but they also know that if you have data on individuals such as big meta data then you know what people are like and also how to use crowd control to manipulate them. It is like chess but with real people as Q says.

On a lower level this is how women control men, they are taught from almost birth that the way to get things is to manipulate the boys and men and women now, and the ultimate lottery ticket is to have a willing slave to do all the heavy lifting whilst ensuring that he serves them with unending devotion and overlooking and making excuses for all the crap behaviour, because i am women and hear me roar, (marriage, memberships, ideologies, religions etc etc) keyword LOVE) this word has been used to start and finish lives ever since language was invented ,

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:46 p.m. No.13493054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3062 >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219



There are things in this world that are so hard to explain. I believe I have gotten to the bottom of almost all things that make us tick but the last subject and the start of chapter 9 of my four red pills thread I am finding the must difficult to begin and yet it is what makes the world go round LOVE.

there are so many facets to this. From personnel, romantic, lust. Passion. Greed. Validation. Patriotic. Ambition.

The word love is so much more. People have died. Betrayed. Stole. Cheated. And killed in the name of this one word. It evokes so many emotions and actions. It can inspire. Defeat. Brings despair or joy. Jealousy , Revenge.

In the right hands it is more powerful than any super power. In the wrong hands it can be used for the most destructive purposes. It is the one thing we all long for but it is a double edged sword. Which can kill a opponent or yourself. Through strength of character or rage.

Thise who use it for leverage can command undying commitment and loyalty or sacrifice of ones own life for another.

I see this as the weapon which is the most deadly used for control and emotional blackmail and bargaining and it is firstly in the firm grasp of women.

Yet men feel and sacrifice it more without even realising it.

So where to begin?

To be continued

This has been the hardest chapter to start or try to quantify.

It is a self control or a control mechanism. It is a yearn. A ache. A everything good bad and destructive .

For now this is a good description of love by banditrants

Anonymous ID: 667767 April 22, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.13493071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3075 >>3109 >>3143 >>3161 >>3179 >>3208 >>3219






note: right now i am just finding random videos but there will probably be better videos out there which go into better visuals and explanations, plus this is just a first draft of what i believe is the meaning of love !!!

Theory of LOVE ? words and emotions matter, the love making has been changed to sex, and then to take it further down, it has been changed to fcuking, and banging and every other horrible thing that can be attached to it.

Men who have lost faith with marriage as it has been turned into a weapon of a resourced based business and commodity, men have turned into simps and cucks, or sex starved idiots who will lie, cheat and anything to get sex. Porn is everywhere, freely available and the whole world seems to be losing its mind, all negative energy.

Child birth has been violently attacked with birth control, sex, abortion and children have been used as a resource by females who have been propped up by the state, where having a baby guarantees them privileges, divorce courts, men have been used as cash cows and blamed for everything under the sun. Now separated due to the pandemic and sex is made scarce as even if indulged, it is done under fear of being caught, All this imbalances the liquid in a human body and this will effect the children born.


Nikola Tesla and other findings of calm of frequency and water memory?

Music and frequency effect water, water carry's memories, this will include dna and sperm?

1) ←frequency resonance in sound <-frequency in medical research.

2) <-water memory and structured water,

note this video makes note that the human body is 70% water and that water retains memory, plus the effects of water from music? <-short video about water memory.

3) <- short video humanbody water 60%


Anonymous ID: 667767 April 23, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13493263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Been meaning to drop that thing i wrote around 6 years ago on here for a while.

amazing how close to the truth it really was all the way back then and completely stone cold sober when i wrote it.



Note: Academic agent spells it out clearly in this video and this is one of the red pills that is on my list of four in a post i wrote around 6 years ago and is pinned to my profile!!! last link on this post,

I advise watching this short video a few times so it hits home!!!


Public Opinion Doesn't Matter: Five Lessons


My appearance on Guide to Kulchur:​

Keith Woods on Hypernormalisation:​

