Corona-Ausschuss #50 mit 666-Ken Jebsen
Corona-Ausschuss #50 mit 666-Ken Jebsen
ab 2:25:00 ständig die 666.
Wundert nicht sonderlich.
David Icke ist auch einer von denen und macht exakt dasselbe.
>Sven Hedin
Total unabhängige Quelle.
>Adolf Hitler had been an early admirer of Hedin, who was in turn impressed with Hitler's nationalism.
>and occasionally attempted to convince the German government to relent in its anti-religious and anti-Semitic campaigns.
Also eigentlich müssten dich jetzt die Shills hier attackieren wegen deiner Quelle.
Tun die allerdings nicht.
Ui ui ui ui
>After the collapse of Nazi Germany, he did not regret his collaboration with the Nazis because this cooperation had made it possible to rescue numerous Nazi victims from execution, or death in extermination camps.
>because this cooperation had made it possible to rescue numerous Nazi victims from execution, or death in extermination camps.
>rescue numerous Nazi victims from execution, or death in extermination camps.