Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 9:18 a.m. No.13495287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5293 >>5342



We are a Draco Group here today to introduce ourselves to humanity. We come in peace, we work and have alliance with Galactic Federation of Light. We fight against the same enemy as you have: Dracos, Reptilians, Anunaki and etc.


We reside on a faraway constellation of stars not known yet to mankind, and kept in secret for now, as we don’t want the Negative Side to know our location. Our original civilization reached high level of evolution, and then got split up into two groups, part of us got influenced by Anunaki and Reptilians to get involved in a world domination by occupying your planet and other similar planets.


We are between 9 to 12 feet tall. The Royal White Dracos can be 15 feet tall. Our appearance is more of a dragon look, we have over 50 different species of Dracos. Our physic is muscular, and we have a warrior look. We weigh between 800 pounds to 1 ton. We live in 7th dimension and up.


We are pretty advanced beings, and our technology is beyond your wild imagination. The ships and the rest of our technology is top notch by the Universal standards, otherwise we would not be able to survive in this Galactic War.


Right now, at this moment millions of beings are fighting with the Dark Side that wants to wipe out everyone, who will not comply with their orders of worshipping them as Gods. Most of you saw the famous movie “Star Wars”, what you have seen there, it’s a thousand times more complex and more serious interstellar battles here, where every second life and death is on the line.


Ashtar in his next message is going to disclose the latest battle that recently happened between the Galactic Federation of Light and the Negative Ones, who support darkness, slavery and the destruction of other planets and civilizations.


Sorry, for the dramatic entrance in our introduction. Our group arrived to this part of the Galaxy with the mission to catch an escaped Draco Queen. She tortured, mistreated and sold out our own nation. We found her hiding in a human body on Earth.


She was severely attacking one of the precious souls, who has been bringing Light to humanity. Our intelligence received the report from a rescued Pleiadian Commander, this is how we found her. We are going to escort her soul to our planet, where the Draco Queen will undergo an appropriate justice that she deserves.


Our Draco Group is working with the Galactic Federation to help bring a long deserved happiness and freedom to your planet. We admire and appreciate your courageous and incredible skills, as all of you overcame many hardships that have been thrown at humankind such as the DNA manipulation, deceptions, lies and being controlled by the Dark Ones, who are using AI and other technologies.


Your freedom is not far away from becoming a reality. You are fortune and blessed by having millions of beings fighting on your behalf to help you. Also, you have your own Light Beings and Alliance on Mother Gaia. We are looking forward to seeing a 5D version of your world in the near future. We are grateful to be able to introduce ourselves, and we would like to have more transmissions. Thank you.


Stay United

Draco Group


**Channel: Erena Velazquez

Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.13495315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Message from JFK: We Were Born Free


Good Morning Fellow Americans and the World,


I am the 35th President of United States speaking today to everyone around the world. Right now, it’s time to say no to this global nonsense that has been imposed on everyone for over a year now.


My Dear Americans and Surrounding Nations, how long are you going to tolerate being deprived of simple joys and force to wear this cloth over your face and feel like you are not a person anymore. This Dark Agenda was created by the world controllers, who don’t think that you deserve to have any rights, they only want you to follow their orders like sheep, so far, it has been working and fooling billions of people with their lies and illusions.


Please, remove the veil from your eyes. They are not going to stop, unless you are going to stand up for yourselves as a Collective Consciousness globally and say it‘s enough of the dictatorship and tell them: ‘’We Were Born Free And No One Can’t Take That Away From Us.” If you remember nothing stopped them from assassinating me, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others, who fought for your freedom and prosperity.


I am just reminding all of you that you are free and no one can tell you how to live your lives. Right now, the Dark Ones are already “screaming“ with their full voice that a new virus is here, and it’s more deadly then the previous one. Do you understand and see what they are trying to do to you? They are not going to stop until they succeed with their plan of eliminating 90% of the human population and keeping the 10% survivors as slave labor.


This is a real threat to humankind, and it’s not my vivid imagination here. The New World Order plan has been in the works for many years by the Darkness. The controllers put a lot of time and effort for their plan to succeed. They are going to continue to push and push until all of you are going stand together as one and say loudly: “We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore, We Want Our Freedom Back And You Can’t Stop Us!”


Please, understand that this is all about their control and power over Earth and humanity. This planet has been controlled for so long, and now it’s time to liberate yourselves and Mother Gaia. You carry Light in you, and the Darkness can’t win against Light.


Europe is on fire at this moment because they are standing up for themselves and saying: “We Want Our Freedom Back.” People are tired of living under constant restrictions imposed by the ones, who think that they are representing your best interests and know what you need. Please, open your eyes and go deep inside your heart to find out what is not the real truth, because your the one who can determine, what is real and what is not.


My Dear Americans and All the Nations on Earth, the future of this planet is in your hands. You and others have a big responsibility on your shoulders to prevent what took place on similar planets like Mother Earth. What happened there? Life was completely wipe out and the planets are no longer there. They were blown up.


I am here today to warn you and remind you that all of you need to channel your Light within yourself and reunite with others to spread the Light and Freedom to end this global oppression. Unite together as One Voice, One Consciousness and become unstoppable Force of Light for the Freedom of Humanity!


The Father, Prime Creator always reminds us that we are all one – Universal Love and Universal Light. Please, remember you are now and forever will always be the Light and the fountain of never ending Love. My heart and soul are with my Fellows Americans and the World. Thank you.


Love and Blessings


Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 9:33 a.m. No.13495361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5390

Make sure before all this breaks that you get all your friends and family on record that voted for Biden.

Get them to admit it and defend it now before they start denying it.

Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 9:42 a.m. No.13495412   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why is Dicyanin dye illegal?


Dicyanin Dye is illegal because it is said to have special properties when placed between two glass planes. The resulting effect gives anyone the ability to look into the Astral Realm, along with seeing a persons emanating aura. Essentially proving that another plane of reality exists.

Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 10:03 a.m. No.13495522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5535 >>5542

Think about it:

It would be more convincing for the Intel agents in here to lurk instead of shilling.

With the board so active because of all the shilling its more appealing. It give the impression that a lot is going on.


If the shills did not shill here, the board would move slow and not get any attention.


I think their tactics are backfiring.

Anonymous ID: 43d9be April 23, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.13495669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682

Whats more appealing to anons?

1) a very slow board with no shills taking days to fill.


2) a busy, hectic battlefield, shills to the left flank, shills to the right flank, shills everywhere! SHILLS BEHIND THE WIRE!




(In the Vietnam War, Broken Arrow was a flagword to indicate that a ground element was facing an imminent threat of being overrun. It gave them first priority for all air support missions within range.)