Wearing a mask is about being a fake, a phony.
The idea that wearing a mask can stop a virus is a fake, phony idea and meant to manipulate and control people.
Fifteen times in the book of Matthew Jesus addresses the subject of “mask-wearing.” He addressed it once in Mark’s gospel, and four times in Luke’s gospel. Add all that up and you have 20 scripture references that address mask-wearing, and everyone of them is cautioning us against wearing a mask.
Did you know the word “hypocrite” in the NT means “stage-actor?” Let me quote to you from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Greek Words as it defines the word “hypocrite”: “Pretender; it was a custom for Greek and Roman actors to speak in large masks with mechanical devices for augmenting the force of the voice.” Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines “hypocrite” this way: “an actor; stage-player; pretender; a dissembler.”