Agree on that white cross on green field sign prol indicating a cabmen's shelter nearby. Just took a peek at some stock pics but havn't found that sign yet. Just back from being on the move. Need we look more? Or is it a moot dig? Anon needs to go back and catch up on last week's digs.
UK Anon finds a detail of a yellow bike locked to a lamp post in the CORINTHIA HOTEL pics and finds same bike in StreetView for MAY 2014.
Noice f'g detail find, Anon.
Question is, how long before the SV publication date could the images be taken? When SV says "MAY 2014" should we assume they averring the images are "as of" MAY 2014 and not a day earlier?
In your first graphic, you meant NOV 2012 thru APR 2014 right?
>The tear down of SPAMALOT would have occurred beyond 2 MAR 2014. Item 4 eliminated along with a blanked display and item 5, the installation of 1984
Welp, here is a Spamalot marquee posted to TripAdvisor in APR 2014. And a bonus picture of a sidewalk sign warning people that the end of the theatre run for SPAM was nigh- also submitted to TripA in APR 2014
>Now would be a good time to confirm that ROT3 was captured within moments of the other two traf cam pics. Have we already covered that ground well enough?
Eliminated the possibiity that ROT3 was taken at a different time?
I thought the HIGH VALUE pedestrians from EMB to YELLOW MACK, then RED BIKE JACKET connection held the sequence together. Although the daytime CH pic could be afternoon/early evening of the same evening- based on the logic that a red (pinkish) sky is seen in the West, and bringing to mind the sailors' saying "Red sky at night…" This would be expected in the late afternoon.
Anon, do you think those staged signs, poss for St.Pats parade/Marathon could explain that solitary sign near HISP and TATT?
>what about the notion that it served as a signal.
>A bit clock and daggerish, yes. Seems a rather novel thing to do, leaving a bike at such a location. Not seen in other pics/vids of the area, as far as I recall.
Was thinking that too. But there were a couple of pics I recall near Emb Place/Ocean Leisure store in which a bicyclist appears. Tried to find on Ocean Leisure store website pics but it may have changed. Will try Time Machine. Could've been SV also.
Gud pic showing TATT fully lit up with gangway doors open, yet eerily empty.
Notice the first sign advertising live band entertainment, second sign saying something about rooms available for events, and the third saying spend a night on the town, on the river. Of note in this hi-def pic are seems like small holiday lights on the gangplanks- yet no Christmas holiday ad banners as seen in a pic or two.
HISPANIOLA has some special lights on her bow railings too. Maybe was after Christmas holiday. A gud pic to compare to the darkened TATT in LISAMI6 pic.