Almost entirely missed your point in posting that. I went to the link, looked at the noice very painting-like picture of Westminster from across the Thames, and said noice picture. So, we are getting a pretty gud set of pictures that day that DO NOT MATCH BrownBear's picture he says was taken on 20JUN2014. Hmmm
Is this picture allegedly taken 20MAR2014 at a LONDON24 photo contest close enough to LISAMI6 to be NOTABLE in the GR bread? But, for two reasons: 1) It is the best picture found of a possible match to LISA. ie MILLBANK, lighting of TATT
Should mention Air Memorial differences but also why that pic might show it lit up vs lights out in LISA but that LISA is a simple capture.
Now, anons might like to know why we think the picture is falsely attributed to a date in June, the date of the London24 photography event.
I think the find of the MILLBANK BLDG lights match in that 24LONDON pic vs LISA compelling enuf to NOTABLE here and in GR.