Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:34 a.m. No.13495732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5756 >>5782 >>5804 >>5992 >>6128 >>6141 >>6164 >>6212 >>6240 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol – Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown


Political “insurrections” only make screaming headlines in the fake news the one time in the decade it involves Trump supporters.


Black Lives Matter protesters stormed the Oklahoma Capitol on Thursday and forced Republican Representatives into lockdown.


This was after the Oklahoma Governor signed a bill that protects drivers who hit unhinged protesters blocking streets and highways.


Of course, the BLM mob said this was racist.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13495746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5773 >>5782 >>5915 >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional security aid to Israel, causing mixed reaction


Over 300 US lawmakers have urged Washington to uphold its commitment to provide “full” and “unconditional” security assistance to Israel.


In defense of the US-Israel relationship, some 330 members of the House of Representatives – roughly three-quarters of its membership – signed a letter sent on Thursday to the chair and ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee, which regulates public spending.


The letter – whose signatories are split fairly evenly between Democrats and Republicans – comes less than a week after Representative Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota) and 15 Democrat co-sponsors proposed a bill that looks to place conditions on US aid in an effort to seek accountability for Israeli treatment of Palestinians.


Noting that aid reduction or pre-conditions on security assistance would be “detrimental” to Israel’s safety, the letter states, “Congress is committed to maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge and its ability to defend itself, by itself, against persistent threats.”


As per that agreement, the terms of which were codified last year in the US-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, Israel is due $3.8 billion in security assistance in the 2022 fiscal year. Of this, $3.3 billion goes toward military financing and $500 million for co-operative missile defense programs, the letter notes.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13495751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Spanish interior minister and leftist leader receive death threats, bullets sent in letters


Pablo Iglesias, head of the leftist electoral alliance Unidas Podemos, has taken to Twitter to share information about the death threats he and other politicians have received, but his opposition has questioned their legitimacy.


In a series of tweets, Iglesias recounted how they found out about the threats. “The Ministry of the Interior has received a letter addressed to me with death threats against me and my family. The envelope contained 4 bullets of Cetme,” he wrote.


He also provided photographic evidence of the bullets and letter, which read, “Pablo Iglesias Turrión, you have let our parents and grandparents die. Your wife, your parents, and you are sentenced to the death penalty. Your time is running out.”


El Ministerio del Interior ha recibido una carta dirigida a mi con amenazas de muerte hacia mí y hacia mi familia. El sobre contenía 4 balas de Cetme.

— Pablo Iglesias 🔻 (@PabloIglesias) April 22, 2021


Inglesias, a candidate for the Madrid regional election, added that this was not the “first time” such threats had happened and noted that head of the Civil Guard, Maria Gamez, and Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska had received similar letters.


Spanish media outlet El Pais noted that the police report filed by Marlaska referred to a letter that read “you have 10 days to resign. The days of laughing at us are over. National Police. Civil Guard. Time is not on your side for the taponazos [very loud gunfire or explosion].” Investigations into the threats are now underway.


Iglesias attributed the threats to the “normalization and whitewashing of extreme-right hate speech.” He also claimed that the media was partly responsible for spreading lies about those who received the letters.


During Madrid's regional electoral debate on Friday, Iglesias got up and left after his claims about the threats were dismissed by several opposing politicians. The candidate for the right-wing party Vox, Rocio Monasterio, voiced his disbelief at the debate, saying, “I encourage you to go and report these threats. We don't believe anything. And if you want to, then get out, which is what many Spaniards want.”


Iglesias left after stating that he would not debate the extreme right.


According to El Pais, Iglesias and his Unidas Podemos alliance are expected to achieve 9% of votes in the Madrid elections while the conservative and Christian-democratic party, People’s Party, is expected to win with 39% of the votes. The regional election will take place on May 4.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.13495753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6259 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Top US Banks Deploy AI Surveillance To Monitor Customers, Workers


Several US banks have employed AI surveillance systems as a big-brother-type instrument to analyze customer preferences, monitor workers, and even detect nefarious activities near/at ATMs, according to a dozen banking and technology sources who spoke with Reuters.


Sources said City National Bank of Florida, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and Wells Fargo & Co are conducting trials of AI surveillance systems which offers a rare view into what could soon become standard for corporate America.


Bobby Dominguez, the chief information security officer at City National, told Reuters the bank would begin to "leverage" facial recognition technology to identify customers at teller machines and employees at branches. The trial will be conducted at 31 sites and include high-tech software that could spot people on government watch lists.


In Ohio, JPMorgan is already conducting AI surveillance trials at a small number of branches. Wells Fargo wouldn't discuss its use of AI technology to monitor customers and employees.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.13495757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5770 >>5776 >>5782 >>5786 >>5807 >>5815 >>5894 >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6270 >>6291 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Washington state vaccine provider denies white people access. The state health department says it's for equity.


White people are put on a 'standby list'


A health provider in Washington state is denying white people access to the coronavirus vaccine and the state's health department is reportedly allowing it to happen.


The African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry is currently prioritizing only "Black, Indigenous & People of Color" for vaccination appointments at four sites across King County, Washington, an area which includes the state's most populous city, Seattle.


On its website, AARTH states that "the COVID-19 vaccine is available to all people 16 years and older who live or work in Washington state." However, white people are not eligible to receive the vaccine through the provider, but instead are encouraged to join a waiting list.


Individuals interested in receiving a vaccination through the provider are required to fill out an online form specifying whether or not they identify as BIPOC. If not, they are prompted to join the "standby list" with the promise that they will be contacted should appointments become available.


On a separate webpage for the standby list, AARTH states, "We will notify you if we have vaccine surplus available for a clinic regardless of our focus or your eligibility."


AARTH — a nonprofit group that describes itself as a "non-religious … faith-based" organization that aims to respond to major health issues affecting people of African descent" — did not deny its race-exclusionary program when questioned by Jason Rantz of KTTH-AM.


"Part of the reason we ask that is because of the funding that we receive," AARTH consultant Twanda Hill told Rantz. "We have funding because we are able to reach people of color. Federal funding, state funding, county funding. They want to know who are we serving."

What else?


Rantz also reportedly reached out to the Washington Department of Health regarding "whether or not vaccine providers may discriminate on the basis of race." But in response, the health department reportedly dodged the question with various explanations regarding equity.


One department spokesperson, Kristen Maki, explained the "prioritization is designed to address current inequities and barriers to accessing vaccine, and get the people who are at highest risk vaccinated first while federal vaccine supply remains limited."


Another spokesperson, Franji Mayes, said that the department is coordinating with communities of color because of "systemic inequities" in health care. She added that "dealing with racism is a stressor that is bad for health and life expectancy."

Anything else?


On AARTH's website, the group points out that the coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately affected the black community in America. And that trauma, it says, has only been further exacerbated by police brutality.


"The deaths of Brenna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony Mcdade and countless other murders demonstrates multiple examples of the sad truth: that America is far from that shinning city on a hill that offers liberty and justice for all," the group states. "Their murders at the hands of police officers represents endemic social injustice, deep seeded hatred and hardness of hearts. This truth has been laid bare for the world to see."

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.13495774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness Meeting With Chinese Communist Party Think Tank.


Anti-Trump impeachment witness Noah Feldman met with a Chinese Communist Party think tank, The National Pulse can reveal.


The Harvard Law professor, who was called to testify by the Democrats in former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial, visited the Shanghai Institutes of International Studies (SIIS) and met with leaders from the state-run think tank.


A previously unreported press release, published in 2016, describes Feldman’s’ SIIS meeting:


“March 21: SIIS President Yang Jiemian meets with Prof. Noah Feldman of Harvard Law School. Dr. Shao Yuqun, Executive Director of the Center for American Studies also attend the meeting. The two sides talk about the relation between China’s domestic governance reform and its foreign policy as well as Sino-U.S. relations. Afterwards, Prof. Feldman shares ideas about the trend of international politics with SIIS young research fellows and graduate students.”


The think tank has extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, which aims “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies” according to the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission.


The Vice-Chairman of the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” this effort sits on the think tank’s board, has repeatedly attended SIIS events including its 50th anniversary, hosted SIIS leaders at his events, and even funded research carried out by SIIS.


Tung is also the Founding Chairman of the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which seeks to “effectively disseminate positive messages to the media, key influencers and opinion leaders, and the general public” regarding the Chinese Communist Party, according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings with the Department of Justice.


The National Pulse has previously revealed CUSEF sponsoring trips to China for mainstream corporate media outlets in exchange for “favorable coverage” – a program that SIIS has repeatedly participated in.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.13495778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6203 >>6265 >>6330 >>6371 >>6487 >>6559

Democrat New York Mayor ‘Applauds’ Trump For Urging Supporters To Get COVID Vaccine


New York City's top Democrat is giving President Trump a round of applause after he again urged supporters to get the controversial vaccines.


Earlier this week, President Donald Trump spoke extensively to the New York Post, and urged his supporters to take one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines first developed by his administration’s Operation Warp Speed. Now, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is celebrating the former President’s rhetoric.


“I’m all in favor of the vaccine,” President Trump told the Post on Thursday. “It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.” He added that, after he received the vaccine, he did not even experience the adverse symptoms that many Americans feel for days. “Not even a bit of arm soreness,” he said. “It’s pretty amazing stuff.”


Now, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, routinely a critic of President Trump who has publicly derided the President’s policies while he was in office, “applauds” President Trump for urging his supporters to take the controversial vaccines. “I am glad he did that,” said de Blasio, who even the Post notes is “normally a fierce critic of the former commander-in-chief.” De Blasio added, “We gotta speak to everyone, we gotta tell everyone it’s so important to get vaccinated, including folks who had doubts.”


President Trump has often incorrectly claimed that the vaccine would help working Americans return to a normal life. However, the CDC now claims that Americans must continue to social distance, wear masks, and eat alone even after taking the vaccine, and numerous countries and American cities – including New York – are developing vaccine passports that will be required to enter public areas. The Biden regime is developing its own vaccine passport system that will be enforced using the weight and power of corporate America, rather than the often unpopular federal government. Some Republican governors have banned such passports, including President Trump’s governor in Florida, Ron DeSantis.


After leaving the White House, the former President first spoke publicly in favor of the controversial vaccines after Anthony Fauci appeared on Fox News and begged him to do so. “If he came out and said, ‘Go and get vaccinated. It’s really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country,’ it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him,” Fauci told Fox News’s Chris Wallace on March 15.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:43 a.m. No.13495788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800 >>5836 >>5992 >>6085 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

FCC Orders US Broadcasters to Identify Foreign-Government Sponsors of Programs


WASHINGTON—The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on April 23 it had voted unanimously to adopt rules requiring public disclosure of broadcast television and radio content sponsored or provided by foreign governments.


The disclosure would be required at the time of a broadcast if a foreign governmental entity paid a radio or television station, directly or indirectly, to air material. Current rules do not specify when and how foreign government sponsorship should be publicly disclosed.


“The order increases transparency, ensuring audiences are aware when a foreign government, or its representatives, uses the airwaves to persuade the American public,” the FCC said in a statement.


Jessica Rosenworcel, the agency’s acting chairwoman, said reports of foreign government-sponsored programming had multiplied in recent years.


“We know that foreign entities are purchasing time on broadcast stations in markets across the country, including Chinese government-sponsored programming and Russian government-sponsored programming right here in our nation’s capital,” she said in a statement.


Democrats in Congress have been pushing the FCC to act for several years.


Rosenworcel said when broadcasters lease a portion of their airwaves, they must ask the leasee if it or its programming is from a foreign government entity.


If the answer is yes, a sponsorship identification will need to be placed on air and documented in the station’s public file.


If the answer is no, the broadcaster will need to independently verify the leasee using the Justice Department’s Foreign Agent Registration Act website and the FCC’s foreign media outlet reports, Rosenworcel added.


The National Association of Broadcasters said in a statement it supported the FCC’s goal of public disclosure of foreign government-sponsored programming. But it said the agency’s new rules created “burdens for the vast majority of broadcasters that do not air this content.”

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.13495789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5803 >>5812 >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

2 More Deaths Linked To J&J Vaccine, CDC Panel Says


Update (1240ET): As we await the ACIP's recommendation on whether J&J's Janssen COVID-19 vaccine should be allowed to be used on American patients as soon as this weekend, some disturbing new details about rare but deadly side-effects have emerged.


According to slides shared online that were presented to the ACIP team during today's meeting, two more people have died from a rare combination of blood clots and low platelet counts potentially linked to the J&J jab.


This brings the total known deaths to three, among nearly 7 million Americans who have received the shot. Seven more have been hospitalized, including four who landed in the ICU, while five have been discharged home, members of the CDC panel's safety workgroup found Thursday.


As we have reported, federal health officials called for a nationwide pause in use of the shot on April 13 after they received reports about six women between 18 and 48 who had developed the blood clots. When ACIP first met last week to examine the safety concerns around the J&J shot, members decided they didn't have enough data to make any recommendation.


The presentation, prepared by the CDC panel's safety subgroup, asserts that the risk of the clotting syndrome appears to be highest for women under 50, a group that includes about 7M American women. Meanwhile, the risk appears to be less than one in 7 million doses for men and women over 50. So far, cases have been reported in people aged 21 to 77, almost all of them women.


The full committee is expected to vote Friday on its recommendations for use of the vaccine. It is possible that the committee will recommend a warning label be added to the vaccine or suggest its use should be restricted by age, sex or both factors. Biden administration officials have previously said they would look to the CDC’s advisory panel for guidance on lifting the pause in the shot, and they are expected to make a final decision soon. "I think the FDA and I both feel strongly, and the CDC feels strongly that we need to act swiftly after that analysis," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters in a press briefing Friday. "But I do think that there is plenty of people who are interested in the J&J vaccine if just for convenience as well as for a single-dose option."

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:45 a.m. No.13495796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

At Least 130 Migrants Feared Drowned in Mediterranean as Capsized Boat, Bodies Found


MILAN—Merchant vessels and a charity ship searching the Mediterranean for boats carrying migrants has found 10 bodies floating near a capsized rubber boat believed to have had 130 people on board, French humanitarian organization SOS Mediterranee said.


Another wooden boat was still missing with about 40 migrants aboard, a spokesman for the group said on Friday.


The civil hotline Alarm Phone had reported three boats were in distress on Wednesday, prompting SOS Mediterranee to launch a search “in very rough seas, with up to 6-metre waves,” the non-governmental organization said in a news release issued earlier.


Three merchant vessels helped the charity’s own rescue ship Ocean Viking search for the boats in international waters northeast of the Libyan city of Tripoli.


SOS Mediterranee said merchant ship MY ROSE found three bodies in the water and an airplane from EU border agency Frontex spotted the rubber boat soon after.


When Ocean Viking arrived on the scene it did not find any survivors but there were 10 bodies in the water nearby. The statement issued on Twitter carried a photograph of a capsized black rubber boat.


A spokesman for the NGO said he had no information on the third boat that Alarm Phone had said was in distress.


Libya, divided by civil conflict for years, is a major route for migrants seeking to reach Europe.


The U.N.’s International Organization for Migration said that the latest deaths would bring the tally for the central Mediterranean route to close to 500 people this year, more than triple the toll for the same period of 2020.


“States stood defiant and refused to act to save the lives of more than 100 people,” said IOM’s Safa Msehli. “Let it be clear that it is state responsibility to respond to distress calls at sea,” she added.


The U.N. agencies called for reactivating state-led search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and for a halt to returning migrants to “unsafe ports.”


The IOM said in a report at the end of March that last year more than 2,200 people perished at sea.


The true toll is probably far higher as aid groups reported at least five “invisible shipwrecks” that were never confirmed as they left no survivors.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.13495811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5896 >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

2 soldiers, 1 Marine arrested in ‘Operation Keiki Shield’


HONOLULU (KHON2) — A multiagency undercover law enforcement operation targeting child sexual predators in Hawaii resulted in the arrest of three service members suspected of soliciting sex from minors.


Between April 2 and April 4, officers and special agents posed as minors online and targeted those intending to meet children.


Two active duty soldiers and one Marine were arrested after law enforcement officers met them at a predetermined location.


“The Hawaii Department of the Attorney General and its Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force are committed to working with our military, federal, and local partners to protect one of our most vulnerable populations—Hawaii’s children—from being preyed upon by online predators,” said Hawaii Attorney General Clare E. Connors. “We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with these military criminal investigative agencies and commend their leadership in holding service members who break the law accountable.”


Since 2019, four operations have been conducted jointly between military and civilian law enforcement as part of “Operation Keiki Shield,” resulting in 24 arrests and 16 convictions.


The identities of the suspected individuals has not yet been released.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.13495831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242 >>6456

Biden to Visit UK for G7, Belgium for NATO Summit in First Foreign Trip


Joe Biden’s first foreign trip as President of the United States of America will be to the UK and Belgium in June for major international summits, the White House has confirmed.


A statement from U.S. Press Secretary Jen Psaki from Friday seen by this publication revealed that President Biden would be attending the G7 summit in Cornwall, south-west England, between June 11th and 13th, where he is anticipated to also hold bilateral meetings with fellow G7 leaders, including Conservative British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


Biden will then travel to Brussels, Belgium, the effective capital of the 27-member state European Union, to take part in the June 14th NATO Summit. The president will also participate in a U.S.-EU summit, which will “underscore our commitment to a strong Transatlantic partnership based on shared interests and values” and discuss a “common agenda” on various issues, including “climate change”.


“This trip will highlight his commitment to restoring our alliances, revitalizing the Transatlantic relationship, and working in close cooperation with our allies and multilateral partners to address global challenges and better secure America’s interests,” the White House press secretary said of the overseas trip.


A British government source told Politics Home: “The PM looks forward to welcoming President Biden and other world leaders to the G7 in June.”


Bojo calls Biden to plot 'Build Back Better', Green Agenda


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 10, 2020


While notionally on the opposite sides of the political spectrum, neoliberal pro-immigration Johnson will likely have more in common with Democrat Biden than he did with former President Donald Trump, who Johnson branded “unfit to hold the office of President of the United States” when Mr Trump was a candidate for the Republican Party nomination.


On speaking to the then-president-elect after the November 2020 election, Johnson described his conversation with Biden as “refreshing”, saying that he looked forward to working with the Democrat on defending free trade, NATO, and human rights and in “the fight against climate change”.


Prime Minister Johnson and President Biden have already reportedly plotted a “green alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative under their wider commitments to tackling alleged manmade climate change. Both have also used the World Economic Forum’s progressive “Build Back Better” slogan in describing their visions for the world.


Biden is also a known opponent of Brexit, in sharp contrast to his predecessor Mr Trump, saying in 2016 following referendum: “I must say we preferred a different outcome.”


He reiterated in 2018: “Had I been a Member of Parliament, had I been a British citizen, I would have voted against leaving.”


Boris Johnson refused to address a question on Joe Biden’s anti-Brexit position, but praised the prospect of “American global leadership in tackling climate change”.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 10, 2020


And while former president Donald Trump was keen to complete a bilateral trade deal with the UK, last month it was reported that the Biden administration was not looking at an agreement with Brexit Britain until at least 2024, with sources saying the president was focusing on domestic issues and trade with China.


President Biden also did not give a positive impression of his feelings towards Britain, when he refused to speak to the UK’s national broadcaster on account of being “Irish”.


When the BBC asked Biden for a “quick word” for British viewers in November, the president-elect responded, “The BBC? I’m Irish,” walking away with a smirk.


Bojo calls Biden to plot 'Build Back Better', Green Agenda


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 10, 2020

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.13495839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

Texas Border County Declares Disaster amid Migrant Surge – Seeks National Guard


Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan signed a local disaster declaration on Wednesday amid the recent migrant surge and its impact on the small community of Brackettville, Texas. In the declaration, Judge Shahan requests outside law enforcement assistance. It also asks Governor Greg Abbott to activate Texas National Guard.


Sheriff Brad Coe recently expressed his concern with the burden the migrant surge has placed on his small office. In addition to the countless hours patrolling local highways to reduce human trafficking, Coe also contends with property owner complaints of damages from migrants.


Sheriff Coe spoke to Breitbart Texas on the issue of the declaration and believes nearly 25 more counties will similarly act. The impetus for the signing of the declaration is the concern for public safety and health, partly due to the numerous high-speed pursuits and the accidents caused as a result.


In part, the declaration reads:


WHEREAS, the health, life, and property of the residents of Kinney County is under imminent threat of disaster from the human trafficking occurring on our border with Mexico. The ongoing border crisis has resulted in thousands of illegal aliens invading Kinney County and overwhelming our local, state, and federal law enforcement. This continual violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity has resulted in residents of Kinney County being assaulted, threatened with violence, and robbed, while also sustaining vast amounts of property damage.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.13495844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Farage Calls for Boycott of China-Made Products to Stop Rise of Communist Regime


Nigel Farage has urged Britons to boycott Chinese-made products to “stop the rise of this horrible, communist regime” following what he perceives as a fracturing of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network after New Zealand rejected plans to challenge its major trading partner, China.


The Brexit leader made the remarks on Thursday after New Zealand’s foreign minister rejected calls from allies in the Five Eyes to expand its remit to include a political scope that would include challenging China.


“We are uncomfortable with expanding the remit of the Five Eyes relationship,” Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said this week.


Farage said that New Zealand — which with Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Canada form the Five Eyes — was essentially “launching a new close alliance with China and they are effectively leaving the Five Eyes intelligence network”.


“We have just lost one of our closest and oldest allies in the world because they are completely in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. New Zealand sold their souls to communist China and why? Well, because lots of their exports go there. And it is just the worst example yet of what China is doing to our world, to our allies,” he added.


Farage Accuses New Zealand of ‘Selling Their Souls to Chinese Communist Party’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 22, 2021


However, Farage suggested that Britain’s own political establishment was not above going soft on China, recalling how Prime Minister Boris Johnson initially backed the use of Huawei in the development of its 5G network in January 2020, before pressure from Five Eyes allies and British parliamentarians, as well as a review from GCHQ, resulted in the government announcing a ban on using Huawei equipment in 5G networks by 2027.


“Remember that Boris Johnson wanted to sign up to Huawei, Boris Johnson calls himself a Sinophile,” Mr Farage said, reaching further back in time to the golden era of the Tory Party’s love affair with communist China under Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne.


However, the Johnson administration appears to be attempting to exert some pressure on China, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announcing this week a 95 per cent cut to China’s aid budget — with some £900,000 million remaining earmarked solely to “fund programmes on open societies and human rights”.


UK Cuts Taxpayer Funded Aid to World’s Second-Largest Economy China by 95 Per Cent


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 22, 2021


On Thursday, MPs backed a motion labelling the oppression of the Uyghurs and others in Xinjiang province as genocide. While non-binding, the vote was a landmark censure against the communist regime.


Farage said, however, that it would take more than government to stop China from becoming the world’s biggest superpower, urging Britons to boycott China-made products where they can.


“At the end of the day, China’s going to become the most powerful and by far the most dangerous country in the world if they continue to get richer and richer.


“And they will continue to get richer and richer if you go on buying the amount of Chinese products you currently are. It’s not easy… but if you want to stop the rise of this horrible, communist regime, do your best to buy fewer Chinese products,” Mr Farage said.


This was not the first time the Brexit leader called for citizens to boycott Chinese goods, making the same request at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus, warning that individual action may be needed to stop rising Chinese hegemony if the West’s politicians fail.


Farage said at the time: “In the final analysis, it is not governments that do business, but individuals making their own choices with their money.


“With this in mind, I pledge today that as far as is humanly possible, I will not knowingly buy a product that is made in China from now on — certainly not while this barbaric regime is in place. If tens of millions of people have the same view, then we will win. If not, then China will rule the world, and no doubt, our politicians will applaud from the sidelines.”


Exclusive Video: UK Parliamentarians Declare China Is Committing Genocide in Xinjiang


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 23, 2021

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13495909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

Nominee for Biden's top science adviser met with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of soliciting prostitution


President Joe Biden's nominee for Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Eric Lander, twice met with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein - which is now complicating his Senate confirmation.


Politico reported Thursday that Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell, who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, is asking for more information about those meetings.


'We're having a hearing on him next week and we'll see what happens with that,' Politico said she answered when asked about Lander's Epstein connections.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13495930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

Ransomware is growing at an alarming rate, warns GCHQ chief


Cyber criminal gangs are looking to 'exploit the accelerations in connectivity and poor cyber security,' warns GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming.


The scale and severity of ransomware is growing at an alarming rate as cyber criminals look to exploit poor cybersecurity to maximise profit, the director of GCHQ has warned.


Organisations and their employees have been forced to adapt to different ways of working over the last year, with many now even more reliant on remote services and online collaboration platforms.


But while the increased use of digital technology has provided people with many benefits, it is also benefiting cyber criminals who are able to exploit it for their own gain.


"Our reliance on technology to stay close to loved ones, enable different ways of working and access crucial services has dramatically increased. Most of this has been to our benefit. But it's benefited our foes too as they exploit the accelerations in connectivity and poor cybersecurity," said Jeremy Fleming, director of GCHQ, the UK's intelligence and cyber agency.


Delivering this year's Imperial College Vincent Briscoe Annual Security Lecture, Fleming warned how hostile nation-states are looking to exploit the digital realm to conduct cyber attacks – including attempts to steal coronavirus research and exploit supply chains with malware and phishing attacks.


But cyber criminal gangs also represent a major threat and Fleming warned that ransomware in particular represents a cybersecurity danger for organisations of all kinds.


"We've seen ransomware become a serious threat, both in terms of scale and severity. Increasingly, it targets crucial providers of public services, as well as businesses, as criminals play on our dependence on tech," he said.


Ransomware attacks involve cyber criminal groups infiltrating networks and locking files and servers with encryption then demanding a ransom of millions of dollars – often in Bitcoin – for the decryption key to return the files.


The rise in remote working has provided cyber criminals with additional avenues to gain initial access to networks as they exploit remote desktop services and VPNs, often secured with common or default passwords, while the nature of remote work means it's more difficult for information security teams to differentiate legitimate behaviour from potentially suspicious activity.


That's led to a rise in ransomware attacks against organisations in all sectors – and the attacks remain successful because there's a significant percentage of victims who'll pay the ransom of millions in order to retrieve their files.


"It has resulted in serious disruptions to education, health and local authorities, caused huge losses for unprepared businesses and has rapidly become a significant threat to our supply chains," said Fleming


"There's a whole other lecture here about the need for concerted action to address this trend – but for now, all I'd say is that it's growing at an alarming rate".


While ransomware is a growing threat to organisations, there are cybersecurity procedures which can help make networks more reliant against attacks.


They include avoiding the use of default login credentials while also adding two-factor authentication to help secure user accounts.


Organisations should also apply security patches and updates as soon as possible after they're released, to stop cyber criminals being able to exploit known vulnerabilities as part of attacks.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:06 a.m. No.13495943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6015 >>6032 >>6037 >>6141 >>6265 >>6280 >>6487 >>6559

Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will allow embassies to fly the Pride flag on the same pole as the US flag


President Joe Biden's administration will allow US embassies around the world to fly the gay Pride flag on the same flagpole as the American flag, reversing a Trump-era policy.


In 2019, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blocked embassy requests to fly the symbol of support for LBGTQ people on the same pole as the Stars and Stripes.


But now Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has given approval to fly the flag at diplomatic outposts around the world, according to a confidential cable reviewed by Foreign Policy magazine.


The move comes before May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, and before June, which many nations recognize as Gay Pride month.


Blinken's cable says the chiefs of mission who run the embassies and consulates can choose whether to fly the Pride flag or showcase other symbols of support for LGBTQ rights based on what is 'appropriate in light of local conditions.'


Embassies are required to get permission from the State Department when flying anything besides the American flag on their main flagpoles. Blinken's cable gives them carte blanche to fly the pride flag.


In February, Biden issued a presidential memorandum aimed at expanding protection of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people worldwide.


The memo directed U.S. agencies working abroad to work harder to combat the criminalization of LGBTQ people by foreign governments and ordered the State Department to include anti-LGBTQ violence, discrimination and laws in its annual human rights report.


Blinken, however, has yet to name a State Department special envoy for LGBTQ rights, a post that was left vacant for much of the Trump administration.


At least 69 countries around the world have laws that criminalize same-sex relations, according to Human Rights Watch.


Blinken's cable also noted that in some countries, a U.S. embassy flying the Pride flag, or discussing legalizing or decriminalizing same-sex relationships, could do more harm than good, causing a backlash, Foreign Policy magazine noted.


'Posts should support efforts to repeal [criminalization] legislation, while ensuring that 'do no harm' remains our overarching principle so U.S. efforts do not inadvertently result in backlash or further marginalization of the LGBTQI+ community,' the cable read.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.13495985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5992 >>6007 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING


Brock Simmons from The Gateway Pundit reports, After PEACEFULLY smashing up churches, historical museums, and immigrant run businesses the other day, the antifa terrorists of Portland have once again proven that there is no low they won’t sink to.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:14 a.m. No.13496002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6130 >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559

Report: US Open to Lifting ‘Terror’ Sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank


Biden administration might not be willing to lift Trump's terror designation of the IRGC


Since the Biden administration refuses to lift all Trump-era sanctions on Iran to restore the JCPOA, the US is negotiating with Tehran what specific sanctions need to be lifted through indirect talks in Vienna.


According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration has signaled it is willing to lift sanctions on key sectors of Iran’s economy, including ones on the Islamic Republic’s central bank and nationalized oil and shipping companies.


The Trump administration imposed sanctions on Iran’s central bank over claims of terrorism. It hasn’t been clear if the Biden Administration was willing to lift non-nuclear-related sanctions, whether they are terror-related or over alleged human right violation. But since vital parts of Iran’s economy are under “terror” sanctions, not lifting them would be a non-starter for Iran.


The Wall Street Journal report also said the two sides are at odds over the designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization. Sources told the Journal that the Biden administration is unwilling to lift the terror designation of the IRGC. This could be unacceptable to Iran since the sweeping designation sanctions any members of the IRGC.


The Trump administration’s move to designate another state’s military as a terror organization was an unprecedented move. If President Biden is unwilling to lift the designation, it’s tough to believe he is serious about reversing Trump’s policies and rejoining the JCPOA.


A State Department official told reporters on Wednesday that the US has broken down the sanctions to Iran into three categories. One category is sanctions that the US is willing to lift. The second category is sanctions that the US is unwilling to lift. And the third category is sanctions that the US is not sure about, what the officials called “difficult cases.” The official said the US told Iran that it needs to review all of the sanctions in the third category.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13496033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harris moves forward with new Central America strategy


The Biden administration’s policy toward Central America is starting to take shape as Vice President Harris takes the lead on a potentially treacherous portfolio that straddles diplomacy and migration.


Harris and other administration officials on Thursday laid out a new approach to the region that will try to tackle both the challenges created by Central American governments and why so many of their citizens are deciding to make the trek to the U.S.


"The bottom line is that this initiative, from my perspective, must be effective and relevant to the underlying issue, which is addressing the acute and the root causes of migration away from that region," Harris told a group of philanthropists working in the region.


President Biden last month appointed Harris as the administration's point person on regional migration. Since then, she has been in close contact with top Mexican and Guatemalan officials and on Wednesday announced plans to visit Guatemala and meet with President Alejandro Giammattei.


Migration from the Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — is driven by a wide range of reasons, ranging from systemic corruption and political oppression to near-famine and the aftermath of tropical hurricanes.


The administration's strategy is an attempt to prioritize which to address in the short and long term by separating them into acute issues, like natural disasters, and chronic problems, like corruption.


Ricardo Zúñiga, the State Department special envoy for the Northern Triangle, told reporters Thursday that the administration's ultimate goal is to "create enabling conditions that allow for these societies to thrive."


"When something goes wrong in Central America, we feel it in the United States," said Zúñiga. "We are very connected as societies. The truth is, we are very closely linked."


Advocates and experts in the region say that while many in Central America consider migration to the United States as an option, there are often specific events that prompt an individual or a family to relocate.


Those are the acute causes the Biden administration is zeroing in on as opportunities for short-term success in stemming the level of migration that’s created a crisis at the U.S. southern border.


The aftermath of hurricanes Eta and Iota, which hit Honduras and neighboring Nicaragua within weeks of each other last year, is currently among the top drivers of migration.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:21 a.m. No.13496053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077

Berlin must provide Moscow with results of Navalny’s tests, says diplomat


According to the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, there is online footage of the conditions the blogger is being held in


MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. German officials, who have expressed alarm over the health of Russian blogger Alexey Navalny, must provide Moscow with the results of his medical tests, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday in an interview with the RT Deutsch TV channel.



According to her, Navalny is being provided with all the necessary medical aid. "There is online footage of the conditions he is being held in. Let’s not come up with something that does not exist," the diplomat stressed.


Zakharova reiterated that this "unsightly story" with the alleged poisoning of Navalny was staged on German territory. "This is a serious matter that really has damaged bilateral relations significantly," she noted. "What is more, recently, I have heard many statements by Western representatives claiming that Navalny’s current health condition is due to him allegedly being poisoned with a chemical weapon back then. We sent about four official requests and three letters from our law enforcement bodies to Germany, and we did not receive a clear answer," she specified.


The spokeswoman clarified that Berlin must provide Moscow with the data about what Navalny was allegedly poisoned with, in Germany’s opinion, and hand over his test results. "If the West cares about his health so much today, why have they failed to this day, for over six months, to provide what they are obligated to provide?" Zakharova asked.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:23 a.m. No.13496072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli delegation to DC to oppose US nuke deal revival, but won’t talk details


Netanyahu instructs top security officials to emphasize that Israel not bound by any agreement, committed only to its own security interests and ‘will act accordingly’


Ahead of an Israeli delegation traveling to Washington DC next week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the security officials participating in the mission to voice objection to the US return to the Iran nuclear deal, but not to hold talks on the issues.


Netanyahu emphasized in a meeting with the delegation on Thursday that Israel is not a party in the nuclear agreement with Iran, and not committed to it. Clarifying that “Israel is committed to its own security interests only and will act accordingly,” an Israeli official said.


“The instructions to the senior security officials that are flying to Washington for talks is to present Israel’s opposition to the agreement in Iran and not to negotiate over it, because we are talking about a return to the previous agreement that is dangerous for Israel and the region,” the official said speaking on condition of anonymity.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13496120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141 >>6265 >>6487 >>6559


Newt Gingrich accuses Biden, Harris of parroting Chinese propaganda on race in America


'The American president and vice president are doing as much damage to the U.S. as any propaganda campaign I can remember,' former House speaker says.


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is accusing President Biden and Vice President Harris of conducting a "propaganda campaign" that parrots the same messages about systemic racism in America that Communist China has delivered.


In an interview with Just the News, Gingrich said the messages Biden and Harris gave after the Derek Chauvin trial verdict matched those offered by Chinese diplomats at a contentious meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, with U.S. officials last month.


It was a missed chance, Gingrich said, for Biden to celebrate a jury verdict that showed the American judicial system worked in convicting Chauvin in the death of George Floyd.


"I thought it was an amazing moment; he could have come out, he could have said, the system works," Gingrich said in an interview broadcast Thursday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "A jury met of 12 good Americans, and they reached what they thought was the right decision. And that is such a strong contrast with Russia, or China or Iran or Venezuela."


"Instead, he and Vice President Harris came out and basically made the day for the Chinese communists, who basically had given the same speech in Anchorage to the American secretary of state," he added. "It was astonishing when you understate the clips from Harris and Biden, run them all around the world. And you don't have to worry about the Chinese propagandists, the American president and vice president are doing as much damage to the U.S. as any propaganda campaign I can remember."


Gingrich said the Biden administration's argument that America suffers from systemic racism that affects its reputation across the world is undercut by the very crisis it is facing at the southern border, where migrants from all over the world are fighting to get into the United States.


"Somehow we're supposed to be told that this is really something that we should be ashamed of," he said. "The other point I would just make is if there's so much systemic racism, how come so many people want to come to America from all around the world? I don't think the average person in El Salvador says, 'You know, I don't think I better go to America because after all, they have all that systemic racism.' I think they think we're nuts."


The former speaker said he believes the Democrats' incessant criticism of the United States and the behavior of the news media is insulting the patriotic instincts of most Americans and can become a powerful issue for Republicans in the 2022 elections.


"They're too deeply committed to a sort of woke version of life," he said of the mainstream news media. "And the very people they have hired are so I think out of touch with reality. … In the long run, I actually do believe facts matter. And I do believe that the average American, despite every effort of the left to brainwash us, the average American continues to move in the right direction and continues to look at all this stuff, measure it and then figure out themselves what exactly we should be doing. So I'm an optimist. I think in the long run, all of the liberal lies will fail. And in the long run it is the truth that will, in fact, set us free."

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.13496125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6135 >>6141 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Soros Makes First Contributions of 2022 Cycle



George Soros‘s first disclosed political donations of the 2022 cycle are out, giving an early glimpse into the liberal megadonor's spending priorities now that Democrats regained power in Washington, D.C.


Soros's only disclosed donations during the first quarter of 2021 were to two of the party's newest faces, first-term senators Maggie Hassan (D., N.H.) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D., Nev.), as well as its oldest, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.). Soros gave the maximum allowed $5,600 to Hassan, $2,900 to Cortez Masto, and $7,900 total to Leahy's campaign and PAC.


All three recipients are up for reelection next year. Hassan and Cortez Masto have both launched reelection campaigns and are top targets of Republicans, who need to gain one seat this cycle to regain control over the upper chamber. Leahy, on the other hand, is 81 years old and has yet to announce whether he will run for reelection. If he retires, it could put another state on the map for Republicans.

Republicans will likely make the Democratic senators answer for taking contributions from Soros, a billionaire who has become synonymous with big money on the left. Soros is the cofounder of the Democracy Alliance, a secretive donor club for liberal elite that has been used to beef up outside groups that support the Democratic Party. A Soros-funded dark money organization, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, is currently working to pressure these and other Democratic senators on a variety of left-wing issues, including abandoning the legislative filibuster.


Accepting thousands of dollars from one of the biggest dark money donors in world history potentially complicates Senate Democrats' top legislative priority, the For the People Act, which Democrats argue would eliminate loopholes that allow nonprofits and organizations like Soros's Democracy Alliance to spend millions of dollars without disclosure.


Republicans view Hassan as particularly vulnerable on dark money hypocrisy.


"After lamenting the influence of special interest groups in Washington for years, Senator Hassan has now happily accepted contributions from the biggest liberal influence-peddler of them all, George Soros," National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman T.W. Arrighi told the Washington Free Beacon in a statement. According to Arrighi, the Soros contribution is emblematic of a larger shift to the left by Hassan since she was first elected in 2016, when Soros also donated to her. "Hassan has lost touch with New Hampshire," Arrighi said, adding that "the Maggie Hassan of six years ago would not recognize herself today."


As Republicans look to next year's elections, they could end up running a trio of current and former governors against the Soros-funded incumbents. New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu, Vermont governor Phil Scott, and former Nevada governor Brian Sandoval have all been mentioned as possible Senate candidates, even though none have formally announced.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.13496146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whistleblower DHS official speaks out about the border crisis


On Thursday night, Fox News’s “Hannity” aired an exclusive interview where a Department of Homeland Security official whistleblower unleashed on the crisis at the Southern border and the mishandling of the situation from top U.S. leadership.


“Morale is low,” the official, whose identity was hidden due to the current gag order on DHS officials, told Sara Carter. “There’s an overwhelming feeling that at a moment’s notice that you can be redirected into something more mundane, less what you signed up for which is basically to patrol the border. People are just very burned out and there’s not a lot of optimism that it’s gonna get better anytime soon.”


When asked if they’re frustrated with the current immigration policies, the official said, “Yes, because the policies were implemented irresponsibly and I think they do not have any sense of realism with people that implemented them because they’re not down here, they haven’t been here, they don’t have significant law enforcement backgrounds that I’m aware of…Until you’ve done this job, or actually have some feedback from people who have, you’re not well equipped to manage the human capital that’s involved in working this.”


DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denies that there’s a gag order in place, but DHS officials tell that’s not the case. Moreover, migrant detention facilities have been close to media and only a few images and videos have been released showing the crowded and concerning conditions.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:35 a.m. No.13496163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France Supports Chad’s Military Government, As Rebels March On The Capital


On April 22nd, France backed the Chadian Army’s takeover of the country, after the battlefield death of President Idriss Deby.


Any other choice allegedly undermines its superficial fight against militants in the Sahel.


Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian justified the installation of a military council headed by Deby’s son on the grounds that stability and security were paramount at this time.


“There are exceptional circumstances,” Le Drian said.


Deby’s son Mahamat took control of the country and its armed forces on April 21st, dissolving the parliament and suspending the constitution.


According to the constitution, National Assembly Speaker Haroun Kabadi should have taken over.


The speaker himself said that he gave up his mandate to Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno.


“Logically, it should be Mr Kabadi…but he refused because of the exceptional security reasons that were needed to ensure the stability of this country,” Le Drian said.


President Emmanuel Macron repeatedly called he wants France to distance itself from attempting to call the shots on its former colonies and he has urged the older generation to hand over to Africa’s younger politicians.


This has backfired, since in Mali there was fait accompli, and then there were incumbent presidents in Ivory Coast and Guinea returning to power.


Deby, although criticised by human rights groups for his repressive rule over three decades, was a lynchpin in France’s security strategy in Africa.


About 5,100 French troops are based across the region as part of international operations to fight Islamist militants and France has its main base in N’Djamena.


France is largely unconcerned of the potential chaos that this could cause in Chad, since it is mostly interested in its 1,200 troops remaining on the border between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.


Meanwhile, the Libyan-based Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT) said they are marching on the Chadian capital, willing to fight against the military takeover.


The FACT rebels, are mostly a group formed by dissident army officers, and they rejected the military’s plan and have vowed to resume hostilities.


Mahamat said the army wanted to return power to a civilian government and hold free and democratic elections in 18 months.


Still, opposition and the FACT rebels are strongly against this. Chaos in Chad seems to be just beginning.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:35 a.m. No.13496166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242 >>6456

Houthi Drones Targeted Aramco Facility, King Khalid Air Base In Saudi Arabia


Early on April 23, the Houthis (as Ansar Allah is known) carried out a drone attack on targets in the southern Saudi provinces of Jizan and ‘Asir.


The Yemeni group targeted a facility of Saudi oil giant Aramco in an unspecified part of Jizan with a Samad-3 suicide drone. At the same time, the group targeted King Khalid Air Base in ‘Asir with two Qasef-2K drones.


Later in the morning, a third Qasef-2K drones was launched by the Houthis at a “military installation” in King Khalid Air Base as a part of a second, smaller attack.


The Samad-3 has a range of more than 1,500 km, while the range of the Qasef-2K is around 150 km only. Both drones are usually armed with high-explosive fragmentation, HE-FRAG, warheads.


“This targeting comes in response to the ongoing aggression and blockade of our dear country,” Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Houthis, said in a statement.


The Saudi-led coalition claimed that all three drones launched in the early morning were successfully intercepted. The coalition didn’t comment on the second attack on King Khalid Air Base.


The Houthis launched dozens of suicide drones at civilian and military targets in Saudi Arabia in the last few weeks. Many of the drones were intercepted by the Saudi-led coalition. Yet, a number of attacks were successful.


These attacks are meant to pressure Saudi Arabia to end its war on Yemen. The Kingdom is yet to step back and endorse a political solution, despite the high cost of the war.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13496184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6196 >>6242 >>6265 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 “cases” are occurring in people who were already vaccinated


Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has calculated that upwards of 60 percent of all new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated” for the disease.


“Clinicians have been telling me that more than half of the new Covid cases that they’re treating are people who have been vaccinated,” Risch told Bannon.


As we have been warning, the so-called “third wave” of the Chinese Virus will be due to people who were vaccinated contracting and spreading the disease to others.


While Americans who buy into the plandemic narrative have been led to believe that the jabs will protect them against serious symptoms should they test “positive,” Risch says that the medical establishment is looking at things a little bit differently.


“I think the American public has been sold on the vaccine by the research that shows that they reduce the infection of mild to moderate symptomatic infection by somewhere between 60-90% depending upon age and vaccine … however, that is not the measure that public health infrastructure, administration, and Dr. [sic] Fauci are using to look at the efficacy of the vaccine,” he added.


What Big Medicine is most interested in, according to Risch, is whether or not the jabs actually prevent the spread of infection. It would appear as though they do not, and are actually spreading the disease to recipients and their contacts, based on the latest data.


Risch was ostracized by his colleagues for promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine


Risch says the reality of how these injections function should serve as a wake-up call to people who think they are going to bring us back to normal. This cannot happen, it turns out, at least not based on the metrics being used by the government to determine when it is “safe” to end the restrictions.


“They’ve estimated that more than 60 percent of the new cases that they are treating – Covid cases – have been people who have been vaccinated,” Risch admitted.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.13496193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6214 >>6242 >>6456

“We [Patriots] Have to Show Righteous Indignation” If Democrats in AZ Win Their Case Today – President Trump’s Campaign Attorney, Boris Epshteyn


Steve Bannon at the WarRoom Pandemic interviewed President Trump’s Campaign attorney, Boris Epshteyn, to discuss the Temporary Restraining Order dropped by the Democrats last night in Arizona.


Boris Epshteyn: “The expectation is that this will fail, it will not succeed. You never know.” “These arguments [of Democrat Steve Gallardo, the sole Democrat of the five-person Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and the Arizona Democratic Party] are weak.” “If they succeed [with their Temporary Restraining Order, TRO] there is going to be a more in-depth hearing next week.”

“We [patriots, deplorables] have to show righteous indignation … that this is unacceptable … We cannot allow the courts, which refused to give rightful hearings … we cannot allow for the court to manufacture ways to stand in the way.”

“Why don’t we all want to know the truth?’ “Why wouldn’t we want to know the truth? The answer is obvious … here’s the answer, it’s about the old-fashioned, hard ballots…”


Steve Bannon: “The Democrats are panicked. They’re panicked about the good old-fashioned way that they did this.”

“When this continues forward this is not going to go unnoticed. This is the new front.”


BE: “This is where the new woke is going to attack.”

“We should all be coming together in this. Of course, the Democrats won’t … they don’t want this, but we as patriots have to insist on it and don’t back down.”


“In 2022, there’s going to be a big election out there .. what happens now is going to be determinative [to] if we win that race in 2022.”

Raheem Kassam: “This screams guilt.” “There is an audit supposed to be done and at the last minute the Democrats are trying to stop it. Why would they do that?”

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:43 a.m. No.13496220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obamanomics vs MAGAnomics – Biden Tax Plan is Part of Intentional Effort to Force The U.S. into a Service Driven Economy, Again


Let’s start by being intentionally direct with each other. The JoeBama tax proposals are not accidental or misguided; far from it. The intent of Obama’s third term economic policy is to return to forced globalism and diminished U.S. middle-class prosperity…. the often mentioned “service driven economy.”


There is nothing of value behind the obsequious term “service driven economy.” The multinationals are paying for this administration, just like they paid the Obama administration, for economic policy that advances their interests.


Congress goes along with the K-Street demands because Wall Street is now the primary benefactor of legislative intent. Nothing about their effort is done with American interests in mind.


Let me also be clear… Ever since I put forth the explanations of “A New Dimension in American Economics” I have been contacted by several prominent people within the financial institutions and academic sphere who agree with the principle. However, every single person states there is too much risk in explaining the intent and motive behind the curtain.


What JoeBama is proposing in his tax plan is specifically intended to rapidly advance the interests of Wall Street and corporate multinationals. Before getting to the baseline of how, let’s first look at his proposals as purposefully leaked:


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -President Joe Biden will roll out a plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, including the largest-ever increase in levies on investment gains, to fund about $1 trillion in childcare, universal pre-kindergarten education and paid leave for workers, sources familiar with the proposal said.


The plan is part of the White House’s push for a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax system to make rich people and big companies pay more and help foot the bill for Biden’s ambitious economic agenda. The proposal calls for increasing the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from 37%, the sources said this week. It would also nearly double taxes on capital gains to 39.6% for people earning more than $1 million.


That would be the highest tax rate on investment gains, which are mostly paid by the wealthiest Americans, since the 1920s. The rate has not exceeded 33.8% in the post-World War Two era. […] Sources said details would be released next week before Biden’s address to Congress on Wednesday. Details of the plan may change in coming days. (read more)


We do not need to guess what these impacts would be; we have already seen exactly what results they would generate. We have specific examples from both state domestic (see the Connecticut example), and national outcomes. The “rust belt” was created by these policies that incentivize off-shoring and outsourcing that benefits multinationals and hurts U.S. based national companies.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.13496247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456

Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx Didn't See Video of Adam Toledo Shooting Before Court Statement


When last we met Cook County district attorney Kim Foxx, she was trying to defend her decision not to prosecute actor Jussie Smollett for his fake hate crime story. Foxx is on defense again today, trying to explain why no one in her office viewed the bodycam footage in the shooting of Adam Toledo by a Chicago police officer before releasing a statement in court that said the 13-year old was armed at the time he was shot.


“I recognize the significant public interest in this case, the horrific end of a life for a 13-year-old boy at the time when police engagement is under tremendous scrutiny,” Foxx said. “And (I recognize) that our version of events at that time was the only version of events that people had, and people give great trust to that.”


Foxx is trying to find a way to be excused for telling the truth. The kid threw the gun away a second before he was shot — any reasonable review board or jury would understand that in the cop’s mind, Adam Toledo was, indeed, armed.


But reason and logic left the building a long time ago in Chicago.


“We have taken the last week to figure out who should have flagged it, what the discrepancy was, why the discrepancy was made and what happened along the chain to allow this to happen,” Foxx told the Tribune.


Chicago Tribune:


When asked why the office waited six days to publicly clarify their statement, Foxx said the question was “valid, and it is one of the things we’re trying to get an answer to and make available to the public.”


“It’s not lost on me that this does look fishy, it’s not lost on me that this has shaken confidence, it is something I personally am concerned about, have been concerned about from the beginning, and we want to make sure that we are public with what happened here and how we make sure this doesn’t happen again,” she said.


“Factually, yes, the description of (Toledo) having the gun, where the gun was placed in the lead-up to the shooting, was accurate,” she said. “But … the impression that was left with many that the gun was in his hand at the time that he was shot.”


This is important to those who are trying to make this case another national kabuki play about police brutality, police racism, and “black lives matter” — at least some black lives. If you’re shot and killed by a gangbanger while standing on your front lawn, the Black Lives Matter folk don’t think your life matters very much at all. In order to join the ranks of martyrs to police racism, you must be unarmed and killed by a policeman — even if you’re armed less than a second before a fatal shot is fired, it’s OK because the propaganda spinmeisters can magically transform reality into fantasy and make “almost unarmed” as potent as gunning a black teen down in cold blood.


Nothing that comes out of this investigation into the death of Adam Toledo can be trusted. No statement, no “evidence,” will ever exonerate the officer or portray the young man as anything other than a victim of police racism. The narrative is set, the actors have been given their lines, and the extras are chomping at the bit to play their role as a Greek chorus in this tragedy.


Curtain, up! Let the play begin.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.13496252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6265 >>6294 >>6487 >>6559

Louisiana Leads 10-State Lawsuit Against Biden’s Climate Order


Ten states are suing President Joe Biden for his executive order directing all federal agencies to commence work on what he describes as “the climate crisis.”


Biden on his first day in office signed the order, which says the federal government “must advance environmental justice” and, among other efforts, “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” and “bolster resilience to the impacts of climate change.”


The Democrat on Thursday unveiled a new phase of his climate agenda, vowing that the United States will cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.


Biden’s order could destroy a range of industries if left unchallenged, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry warned as he led the filing of the multistate lawsuit in federal court in his state.


“Joe Biden’s executive order should alarm every American. If left unchecked, the President could use this destructive cost structure to justify almost anything,” he said in a statement. “Louisiana produces crucial natural and manmade resources for our nation and enjoys a rich, storied way of life. From timber and food stocks to oil and natural gas, chemical and industrial products to recreational sportsmanship and outdoor activities—nearly every aspect of our economy and culture is at risk under this unconscionable policy.”


Biden’s order also forces federal agencies to estimate the emissions of three greenhouse gases, known as SC-GHG Estimates, the 57-page suit states.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:56 a.m. No.13496284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

NCAA leader nominated for VA deputy secretary post


Donald Remy, an Army veteran with long ties to both Biden and former President Barack Obama, was nominated Friday as VA’s deputy secretary.


If confirmed, he will be only the second Black veteran to serve in that leadership role. VA Secretary Denis McDonough in recent weeks has promised that his leadership team will underscore the president’s “seriousness about diversity and inclusion” at the department.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13496296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

End commanders’ power to block military sex assault cases, Pentagon panel says


WASHINGTON — A Pentagon panel is recommending that decisions to prosecute service members for sexual assault be made by independent authorities, not commanders, in what would be a major reversal of military practice and a change long sought by Congress members, The Associated Press has learned.


The recommendation by an independent review commission created by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin goes against decades of vehement Pentagon arguments to keep cases within the chain of command. It was among a number of initial recommendations delivered to Austin on Thursday, according to two senior defense officials.


Austin expects to seek input from military service leaders before making any final decision, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal reports not yet made public. But combating sexual assault in the military is a top priority for Austin, and the fact that this recommendation was made so directly and quickly suggests it will carry a lot of weight.


The proposed changes outlined in the report represent Austin’s effort to leave his mark on a problem that has long plagued the department, triggered widespread congressional condemnation and frustrated military leaders struggling to find prevention, treatment and prosecution efforts that work.


The review panel said that for certain special victims crimes, designated independent judge advocates reporting to a civilian-led office of the Chief Special Victim Prosecutor should decide two key legal questions: whether to charge someone and, ultimately, if that charge should go to a court-martial, the officials said. The crimes would include sexual assault, sexual harassment and, potentially, certain hate crimes.


According to the officials, that recommendation would affect a small fraction of the wide range of military discipline cases that commanders regularly handle.

Anonymous ID: c6a71e April 23, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13496307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6329 >>6342 >>6347 >>6456 >>6487 >>6559

Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty to new sex-trafficking raps


Ghislaine Maxwell pleaded not guilty Friday to a fresh set of sex-trafficking charges — as the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam was hauled into court for her first in-person appearance since her arrest in July.


The fallen British heiress, 59, had been slapped with two more charges — sex trafficking of a minor and sex-trafficking conspiracy — last month after a new accuser came forward alleging she was just 14 years old when Maxwell recruited her for her pedophile pal Epstein.


The charges add to six other counts to which Maxwell has previously pleaded not guilty.


Maxwell has been held without bail at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn since her arrest last year — and she and her lawyers have repeatedly complained about the “onerous” conditions of her incarceration.


They say the daughter of the late disgraced media titan Robert Maxwell is subjected to strip searches, woken every 15 minutes by flashlight and given nearly nothing to eat.


In December, Bobbi Sternheim, Maxwell’s lawyer, wrote to Manhattan federal court Judge Alison Nathan that the conditions have led to his client losing more than 15 pounds and shedding hair.


Jail officials have denied the claims, saying Maxwell has repeatedly left her cell a mess — including by not flushing her toilet.


Maxwell has since petitioned an appeals court in an effort to be sprung on $28.5 million bail — a request that’s already been denied by a district-court judge three times.


The ex-socialite is accused of recruiting and grooming at least four teenage girls from 1994 to 2004 to be sexually abused by Epstein, her onetime boyfriend.


The two new charges relate to a another victim who claims she was abused by the multimillionaire Epstein in the early 2000s, according to the indictment.