Imagine being ignorant enough to believe every government in every country on the entire Earth was like “let’s all just kill our entire economies over a fake virus”. Please THINK sheep
I get that sheep aren’t very intelligent or else they wouldn’t be hanging on to Don and Ron’s every word
Yes. Because you’re following what Don and Ron tell you like sheep. I think it’s stupid but you’re free to be a sheep
What does that have to do with every country in North America, South America, Central America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia being effected by it? Did all those governments in all those different countries all decide “let’s come up with a hoax to get Joe Biden elected in the United States”
Seems pretty stupid when you think about it
So every government in every country on the entire Earth agreed to wreck their own economies with a fake virus to get Joe Biden elected? That’s really what you believe?
If that’s true you must have taken the short bus to school
Thank god I can board my plane now. Enjoy believing what Ron Watkins told you sheep ✌🏻