Anonymous ID: 302385 April 23, 2021, 1:29 p.m. No.13496861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Will probably take an oprah pimpfrey to hold the masses' attention for more than 3 seconds. Shit has to be leaked eventually.

"Politicians" will shock no one, as people know they're corrupt slimebags with no Masses too desensitized via mockingbird mass media & its comrades in ALL of entertainment, therefore an "idol" or two being exposed is required to generate a ripple.

Problem remains:

Who expects faux, fnn and the rest of them to give their viewers "Just The Facts"? They are, apparently, as blackmailed/CCP CONTROLLED as the politicians are. They ALL must go FIRST.

Hoping anything will happen before then is futile. Look at what's suppressed now with Mike Lindell Election Fraud Proof, Rosemont Seneca, ETC.