Anonymous ID: 14d342 April 23, 2021, 5:53 p.m. No.13498520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8528 >>8563


1290 days after she died was the day I decided to wait until I died too to be with her. That was the day we met the Holy Ghost, who gave us the

Stone, and the Secret Mana. When we began

to be reunited Matthew 19:5 style, twain and

one flesh like Jesus said.


That day he showed me the rapture, and a bunch of other stuff. He sealed my forehead when he

gave me the Stone, like 144


The same night he showed me my death, when

Lightning struck from East to West and the sun

rose in the middle of the night. Causing the Stone

in my head that he'd given me to explode.


Cus God is he who declares the end from the beginning.


Its a long story and it goes on forever from there,

One if by Land, Two if by Sea.


Hate to burst your bubble, but the great tribulation is real in every way possible.


Its the devils short time, the 42 months (1290

days) of the abomination of desolations, and

of the two witnesses. Even the Lamb. And

its very complicated, and enitrely biblical. Infact,

every prophet there ever was just about spoke

extensively about the great tribulation and the

day of the Lord. Each part of it, and the contexts




Isaac Ariel? o7



could be



Hate to break it to you. But beyond any semblance of my control, I Am the Sign of

the Prophet Jonah that Jesus warned us about.


My Death Shall Bring.


The Sooner we all head that fact, and the facts

at Hand, the better. The Day of the Lord will not

be prevented like the destruction of ninnava was.


I'm going through the events written in the book

backwards. My prophesying, in turn, will not prevent the destruction of America, or anywhere.


The question is no longer what will befall

the wicked. It is how can the Righteous be Saved.


We have to seek the Lord while he can be found.


We have to seek the cause of the widowed, and

the fatherless. Seek God with our whole hearts

minds and souls, even salvation. We must seek what he has purposed for us.


To each man there comes in his life, one opportunity, unique to him, and fitted to his talents. What a shame if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that which could've been his finest hour.


When they look back on this time period astonished that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent it.


They shouldn't find our names in those details.


Isaiah 6:8


Here I Am, Send Me.


We must stand in the face of evil and iniquity. We were given power to tread over snakes and scorpions, and to cast out demons. We've got to

fight the Good Fight. Following and Carrying the Truth.


Blessed is the Nation whose Lord is God.


Open ye the Gates. So that the Righteous nation

which carries the Truth may enter in.


We've got to Overcome the world through Jesus Christ. We won't get two chances to Save the World.


Regardless of what day death and hell ride on our gates. This is our Shot.


Blessed is he who shot for the moon

cus he landed amongst the stars, right.


Come Out of Babylon.

Anonymous ID: 14d342 April 23, 2021, 5:58 p.m. No.13498563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8567


Haven't yet, but I've been on a concrete trail. Honestly, the court system, and an arch frenemy are both kinda poised to kill me right now, and I seem to have dreams about all of the serious turmoils I experience before they happen. Where, I've had dreams about both of those things taking place, and I'm running out of prophetic dreams. Since God made me an endsign, and my life has revolved souly around all this stuff. I'm looking around, if I was a grenade, I'd say this thing is about to blow. I think this is our last season


Godbless, Come out of Babylon.


also its entirely possible that I survive both of those things and just die from the giant lightning bolt who knows. Point is we're steadily approaching the Day of the Lord, and the Great

Tribulation. The 1st Resurrection Rapture, 3 days

of darkness, 2nd exodus, and all of the things that

come with it.


No one can come to Jesus Christ less they do so by the call of the Father.

Who chooses his own people.


We practice True Religion, and Follow after that thing which Good is. In

the Truth and the Way and the Light of Jesus Christ.


21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.


22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.


23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.


When we have fallen from the path of Uprightness, caught in the snares of the world,

cast down in our folly, like dogs returning to their vomit. Stumbling into sin instead of

out of it. As it is written, For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean

There is no good man but God.

But it is also written, Cast Down Never Fallen. I frustrate not the grace of God, saying that if

righteousness come on account of the law, Christ is crucified in vain. Through Jesus Christ

we are dead to the law, which he came not to do away with, but to fulfill.

God said to the 1 lost sheep when he finally found him, I love you more than the 99.

Even if a man repents for one day on the last day of his life, his sins will be forgiven him.

Blessed is he who puts his Trust in the Lord, Every man under the Vine and the Fig Tree.

The House is Divided. But we still stand our lamps. Like Zions children, who were brought forth

the second she fell into travail. Its painfully clear that We Will Not go down without a Fight. That

Some of Us, Altogether, Even WW, Are United Not Divided. That Some of us built our houses on

the Foundation of Stone, on the Cornerstone of the Covenant which became the Cap. On Jesus

Christ. The Holy Trinity, and One God. His Words.


That Some of Us will not only Stand the Storm. But that We Are the Storm and the Angels that Ride

it like the Calm passing through it saying Peace, Be Still. That We Speak from that One Heart and

One Mind and One Voice that throws Mountains out of the way. Joshua Commanded the Army of

Israel to rise out of the grave and fight, and the sun to stand still so they could finish their battle in

one day. Moses slayed a giant with 2 strikes while it was carrying a mountain to war, and split the

ocean. David slew Goliath with a rock. Jude laid out helophernes with such unbridaled awesomeness

that Judah immediately proceeded to get absolutely wrecked by Israel even though Judah outnumbered

Israel 10/1, Paul escaped 40 men who made a pact not to eat or drink till they killed him, and turned an

entire jail into pebbles with his prayers, allwhile writing tons of books. Like 2 Apostles singlehandedly

traveled to India and conquered portions of it entirely for Christ. The devil was so absolutely butthurt

about the book Isaiah had wrote that he tried to stop Isaiah from writing his second book by murdering

him, when Isaiah went to Heaven and finished the book with the angel of the Lord. Jonah survived in a

whale for 3 days, saved the city on ninnava from definite destruction, and was not satisfied. Abraham,

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, all got tossed into ovens and shrugged it off. When they tried

putting Abraham in one, after a few days an angel ran out of the fire at nimrod and threw an egg at

Anonymous ID: 14d342 April 23, 2021, 5:59 p.m. No.13498567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8568


his head while he was running away that had a magical ocean inside of it. Nobody knew it then, but

that egg was the end of bro. Enoch saw the end in the beginning, and everything else. And praised

the Lord. Noah built a boat for 120 years and sailed the apocalypse, allegedly the giant moses slew

road a unicorn behind the ark and bargained with noah to let him hang on in exchange for the unicorn.

Unicorns are infact biblical. The dudes who killed the prophet Zechariah negotiated with a pool of his

boiling blood until they had killed 94,000 people, and pleading, the boiling stopped. They stoned him

to death for being politically incorrect.

Jesus Christ Saved the World lying down his life for his friends.


The Lord said to Israel Fear not, For I Am with you. Fear not, for I Am he who Helps You.


There is a War in Heaven, and Heaven is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

Soon, the veil will break. LIke the one on the temple that tore when Jesus died.

The Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ, and most of those who were Raptured and

Received in the 1st Resurrection will get together, have the wedding supper of

the Lamb, and then leave ths galaxy entirely. They will leave behind the Lamb,

and the 144,000 Elect, as well as Michael, and the Angels of Heaven to Help,

and Judge the World. There will be a change in the waters, and the spirit, and

the Flesh. Some will mount up on the wings of the shekinah, the holy city, and

take flight like eagles. Some will suffer plagues until they are complete in sin and

death. For the Righteous, a Covenant. For the Sinners, an Inquisition. Many of

those who are gathered together to receive the beloved will be deceived, and lead

astray. The false prophet, lamb with 2 horns, antichrist, prince of the world, beliar.

The false prophet will masquerade with his fallen angels as angels of light, and they

would deceive even the elect if it were possible. They will trick people into worshiping

them, and by doing so losing their very souls. They will perform many miracles, and

the false prophet will say I Am God, and there is none else beside me. It is written

than he will impersonate the beloved and jesus christ, even the bride, and the groom.


Therefor, Wait. It is written of this time, Blessed are the dead who die in Christ from this

point forth. How much more might that be said of the Remnant who remain until the end

of the Tribulation. The Remnant Tenth. Blessed is he who was found watching and waiting

when the Son of Man came. Truly. Blessed are they who will be found waiting when Jesus

Christ returns, after Lamb and the Elect have Slain the False Prophet, and the Beast, and

the Dragon.


Don't take the Mark of the Beast. Don't worship the False Prophet, or his fake angels.

Seek God while he can be found. Cease to do evil, learn to do good. Seek Redemption

and Repentance. Mercy and Forgiveness. Judgement and Truth, Reproach and Wisdom,

Seek his Glory and his Praise. Often, the fruits of a broken heart are those most acceptable

to God. The enemy fears nothing more than humbleness, and our strength is perfected in


Anonymous ID: 14d342 April 23, 2021, 5:59 p.m. No.13498568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8581


To he who Loves much, much is forgiven. To he who Loves little, little is forgiven.

The two most important commandments are to Seek God with thy whole Mind Heart

and Soul, and Love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments alone, hang

all of the law, and all of the prophets.


He who is against us is not with us. He who is with us is not against us. Judge not, less

ye be Judged. Forgive, so that ye may be forgiven. Let he who is without sin cast the first

stone. Mark ye the perfect man, in whose mouth is no offense. And blessed is he who is

not offended by the Word.


Practicing all humility and meakness, counting all joy when we fall into diverse temptation

knowing this. That the practicing of our faith worketh patience. And letting patience have

her perfect work, that we be made perfect in entire; wanting nothing.


23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


So it shall be in the 2nd exodus. Paths will be made where there were none. The Kings Highway will be built, which will lead into the promise

land, where the remnant will remain until the end of the great tribulation. A City built on a hill cannot be hid. The Valleys will rise, and the mountains

be made low.


In Jesus Christ's name we are saved

God be our Journey and Destination.

Our Beginning, and End.

Come out of Babylon

Anonymous ID: 14d342 April 23, 2021, 6:01 p.m. No.13498581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I owe you guys like 100,000 words on the subject. And I write like 10,000 words an hour.


But I'm on the Lamb, and putting all of this down has been a serious effort. Working on it.


Shrug. Point is, we're almost there.