Bread number should be #17097
Pope on a Rope
*Maybe in May of 2076
Trying so hard to be a good little Virtue Signaling Social Justice Warrior. Makes her feel so not racist. Only thing is, she's White, which per her own belief system, makes her racist no matter what.
They are the Jews who rejected Jesus as the promised Messiah.
The Jews who accepted Jesus as the promised Messiah, became Christians.
Chauvin is Q?
This "gender reveal" seems like comms or something.
People all over the place changing genders, puberty blockers, all of this other nonsense.
Yes. I believe that all of the so called "Trump supporters" who were arrested were actually Antifa and if the Dems. complain too much it blows their bluff. They got caught between a rock and a hard place, the same thing that they tried doing to Trump for 4 years.
That's why Trump called real Trump supporters to come out on the 6th. None of the real Trump supporters got arrested, only Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters.