Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7 p.m. No.13499016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9021 >>9044 >>9057 >>9087 >>9176 >>9213 >>9232 >>9249 >>9271 >>9399 >>9549 >>9580


What a brainwashed douche

and don't forget

that a illegal alien hung his actress wife Adrienne Shelly

from a shower rod in NYC

in her own apartment


Andy Ostroy later felt sympathy for the illegal

and wrote a blog about it

as he did not want his

dead mother of his only child,

her murder,

to be connected to pro a Trump wall and border lockdowns

as Ostroy is a massive leftie and Trump hater.

His writing ooze with hate of DJT.

HE adores Joe Biden.


Andy Ostroy

Brainwashed or in THE CLUB???


Andy Ostroy



Just 3 months after #Trump, we have a smart sane, compassionate/empathetic president; almost half of US has been vaccinated; we're leading on #ClimateChange again; a killer-cop's in prison; an anti-Asian hate crime bill has passed; economy is booming. Now THIS is my America…


6:59 AM · Apr 23, 2021




Quote Tweets




He really wrote this:

Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:05 p.m. No.13499044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9057 >>9087 >>9190 >>9249 >>9271 >>9525 >>9549 >>9580



Correct ANDY!

Your wife's killer was an ILLEGAL ALIEN age 19, a man, from Ecuador in the USA ILLEGALLY





My Wife’s Killer Was Not an ‘Illegal Immigrant’

By Andy Ostroy

Oct. 24, 2016


On Nov. 1, 2006, I found my wife, Adrienne Shelly, dead in her West Village office. Adrienne, an actor and filmmaker, had been brutally murdered by a 19-year-old undocumented Ecuadorean construction worker; he later said they were having an argument and, fearing she would report him and have him deported, he killed her and staged her death so it would appear to be a suicide. Our daughter was just 2 years old at the time.


Given the anger and grief I still feel, I could easily be seduced by Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric that is the cornerstone of his presidential run. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” he said as he began his campaign in 2015. And in these final weeks before the election, rather than tacking to the middle, he seems to be doubling down. “We’ve got some bad hombres,” he said in last week’s debate, referring to immigrants who commit crimes.


And it’s not just Mr. Trump. In the years since Adrienne’s murder I’ve received several offers from prominent members of the conservative media, including Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly, to speak out on this issue and give legitimacy to right-wing anti-immigrant sentiment. Who better than a Democrat to attack an entire segment of our population, right?


But Adrienne was not murdered by an illegal immigrant, per se. She fell victim to a depraved killer who simply happened to be an undocumented immigrant. It is an obvious distinction, almost too obvious, but it’s an important one to consider as the country goes further down the dangerous path of demonizing those not born here.

At his rallies and during the debates, Mr. Trump has painted a dark picture of an America overrun by foreign criminals who come here to rape, pillage and murder our innocent civilians. He opposes any form of amnesty for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, taking a hard-line law-and-order stand that has brought millions of voters to his camp.

He uses murders like Adrienne’s — though never hers specifically, fortunately — as political props. His “solution” includes a deportation force that would separate people from their families and “send them back to wherever they came from.”



Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:07 p.m. No.13499057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9079 >>9087 >>9249 >>9271 >>9549 >>9580




Andy Ostroy

Head Excuser of man who murdered his wife by HANGING




Adrienne’s killer, Diego Pillco, plea-bargained a murder conviction that sentenced him to 25 years with no parole and no ability to appeal. It was a tough case. He had no clear motive, and there were no witnesses to the crime. The district attorney’s office advised me to accept the deal rather than go to trial. It was an agonizing decision: roll the dice for a life sentence or possibly end up with a manslaughter conviction, with her killer receiving a meager three to five years in prison.


We took the deal. It was, simply, a business decision, albeit one with a hefty emotional price tag. Her killer will be deported upon his release, walking this earth a free man at 44 years old, while Adrienne’s vibrant life was snuffed out at 40.

His reason for killing Adrienne, and the relatively lenient sentence he received, certainly feeds Mr. Trump’s xenophobic, fear-mongering narrative. But beyond the rhetoric, there’s no clear cause and effect. His rationale was no different from that of an American citizen who in the act of a crime kills his “witness” to avoid prosecution and imprisonment. Attributing his heinous act to his immigration status dilutes the more relevant truth that he lacked the ability to know right from wrong and had zero respect for human life.


Yes, we have an immigration problem that is in desperate need of reform. Yes, some illegal immigrants commit crimes, some of them violent. But so do blacks, whites, Asians, Christians and Jews. Mr. Trump often claims that two million undocumented immigrants have been convicted of crimes, but in fact the figure is actually 176,000, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The reality is, Americans have appreciably more to fear from their fellow citizens than from undocumented immigrants.


It’s politically expedient for xenophobic agitators like Mr. Trump to scapegoat the millions of foreigners who have come to the United States in search of a better life. But his malevolence toward immigrants runs counter to the principles on which our great nation was founded. It’s disheartening to see so many people being swept out to sea in a riptide of ignorance and hate.


America was created by, is governed by and — with the exception of Native Americans — is inhabited by immigrants and their descendants, generations of whom came here to escape religious and ethnic persecution. That millions of people face a similar fate on our soil is deplorable. We should be thanking them, as America’s greatness is attributed to their blood, sweat, vision, perseverance, dedication and brilliance.


While I believe that the country must do more to secure its borders, deport noncitizen criminals and protect Americans from foreign terrorists, I also believe we must find a realistic, humane path to citizenship for the millions of decent, hard-working immigrants who love this country as much as I do, regardless of whether they are documented or not. We need the kind of compassionate reform that Democrats have been advocating for decades in the face of persistent Republican obstructionism.


That is what Adrienne would want.


Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) is a marketing entrepreneur and political blogger.

Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.13499087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176 >>9249 >>9271





Are we paying for his upkeep in prison for 25 years??


The Illegal Alien got 25 years and is prison



Adrienne Shelly’s Killer Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison

Adrienne Shelly


Diego Pillco, the construction worker who killed actress-director Adrienne Shelly in November 2006, pleaded guilty to manslaughter earlier today. He confessed to strangling her while attempting to rob her (he later set up the crime scene to make it look like it was a suicide). Pillco will serve 25 years in prison. Adrienne is survived by her husband, Andrew, and their young daughter, Sophie. Not long after her death, Shelly’s award-winning film Waitress debuted at the Sundance Film Festival. Her next screenplay, Serious Moonlight, is soon to be produced.

Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:27 p.m. No.13499176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9213 >>9249 >>9271 >>9549 >>9580





quit the PC shit


December, 2006 …now browsing by month

COMMON SENSE JOURNALpolitics, news, and common sense


Illegal Immigrant Murders Helpless Woman

Thursday, December 28th, 2006


The New York Post has a disturbing story about an illegal immigrant who murdered a woman because he was in a “bad mood.” Illegal immigrant Diego Pillco murdered actress Adrienne Shelly. This story really speaks for itself:


December 14, 2006 — Actress Adrienne Shelly’s alleged killer told police he came to his Greenwich Village construction job in “a bad mood” and picked a fight with the petite woman after she politely asked him to quiet down, court documents say.


Diego Pillco, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador, said he hit Shelly with a door while slamming it and pushed her out of an apartment where he was spackling walls and hammering at around 10 a.m. on Nov. 1.


Shelly, 40, who used an apartment in the building as an office, put up a valiant fight, first in the doorway and later in her own apartment. She struck the diminutive construction worker twice in the face, leaving scratches on his nose.


Pillco became enraged after Shelly called him a “son of a bitch,” police sources said after his arrest.


In his confession, Pillco said he overpowered the tiny independent-film star, who struck her head on a table when he pushed her down in her apartment.


Pillco said he panicked, and hanged the woman – who may have still been alive – in her bathroom with a bed sheet to cover up the crime. He apparently hoped to make it seem like suicide.


“She hit her head on the computer table and fell on the floor,” Pillco, 19, told a detective, according to a criminal complaint.


Thinking she was already dead, Pillco said he “dragged her to the bathroom” and “threw the sheet over the rail and pulled it.”


Pillco said he followed Shelly from the Abingdon Square apartment where he was working to Shelly’s apartment upstairs because he feared she would call police and have him deported.


He entered the United States from Mexico in 2005 after paying smugglers $12,000, law-enforcement sources have said.


Shelly’s husband, Andrew Ostroy, discovered her dead later that afternoon. At first police thought she killed herself, until they discovered mysterious footprints on the toilet seat in Shelly’s bathroom. Shelly had been wearing flip-flops that had apparently fallen off.


Despite his detailed confession, Pillco, facing a second-degree murder charge, pleaded not guilty yesterday in Criminal Court, where he was ordered held without bail.


Here’s a photo of this animal. What a coward.


It’s very left wing to excuse murder (“I was in a bad mood”). I hope this coward rots in prison for the rest of his miserable life. There is NO excuse for murder, especially a helpless woman. He also tried to make it look like a suicide.


From the New York Daily News:


The construction worker accused of killing indie actress .Adrienne Shelly tied a sheet around her neck, dragged the unconscious woman to a bathroom – and strung her up while she was still breathing, sources said yesterday.


Then 19-year-old illegal immigrant Diego Pillco fled the West Village building and calmly went to work at another job site – leaving her to die in what originally appeared to be a suicide, the sources said.


“This woman did not die from a strike to her head,” Assistant District Attorney Marit DeLozier said as Pillco was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court.


Pillco “fought with the victim, tied a sheet around her neck and dragged her to the bathroom and hanged her from the curtain rod,” DeLozier said.


Calling the case against the suspect “strong,” DeLozier said the medical examiner “made it clear, crystal clear, that this victim died from compression to her neck.”



Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:31 p.m. No.13499213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9249 >>9271 >>9549 >>9580



Illegal Immigrant Murders Helpless Woman'

Actress Adrienne Shelly




“The defendant killed the victim and made it look like a suicide, which is especially egregious,” she said.


Pillco told cops he was renovating an apartment directly below the flat Shelly used as an office last Wednesday when she came down to complain about the noise and they got into a screaming match.


The Ecuadoran immigrant confessed he threw a hammer at the 40-year-old married mom and – fearing that he might be deported – followed her upstairs when she threatened to call police, he told cops.


When they reached her door, Pillco said Shelly slapped him and he knocked her out with a punch. Then, unable to detect a heartbeat, Pillco said he dragged her to the bathroom to stage a suicide, sources said.


But in doing so, Pillco stood on the toilet and left behind a sneaker print that cops used to tie him to the cold-blooded crime, sources said.


Pillco said nothing at the hearing and did not enter a plea.


His Legal Aid lawyer, Thomas Klein, asked that the slightly built suspect be placed in protective custody and on suicide watch – standard procedure for high profile prisoners.


Meanwhile, Shelly’s heartbroken husband, Andrew Ostroy, who had insisted that his wife would never kill herself, was left to mourn the actress, best known for roles in indie hits like “Trust,” “Teresa’s Tattoo” and last year’s “Factotum.”


“He’s still in shock,” a family friend said. “I don’t know if he’ll ever get over this.”


The 47-year-old marketing executive who runs a liberal blog was holed up in his Tribeca loft with the couple’s 2-year-old daughter, Sophie. In Jericho, L.I., where Shelly grew up, her mother, Elaine Langbaum, sat shiva.


Pillco worked for a Brooklyn-based construction firm called the BCG, which issued a statement saying the suspect worked only part time “because of his immigrant status.”


Pillco lived with his brother, Wilson, in the basement of a building on the outskirts of Park Slope owned by his employer. And residents said he worked every day of the week except Saturday – and then toiled as the building’s unofficial super.


Neighbor Delmi Restituyo, 32, said Pillco told her he paid $12,000 to get smuggled into the U.S. in July. “He worked so hard to support his family and pay off his debt,” said Restituyo, 32.


At the Abingdon Square building where Shelly was murdered, some residents remembered Pillco differently. “I was walking down the stairs and I felt his stare,” said Sara Moore, 72. “Only a woman would know.”


If we would just SECURE OUR BORDERS and BUILD A FENCE to keep murderers like this OUT then this would have never happened. A person that flouts a very important law (controlling who is in the country and not letting people skip ahead of the line because of their race or nationality) is also more likely to flout another law, like don’t kill. But there are already very good reasons to secure our borders even if they are not all murderers. But perhaps the survivors of this poor woman should sue the construction company that hired him illegally as an accessory to murder.


Posted in crime and punishment

Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:33 p.m. No.13499232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271



Andy Ostroy




Just 3 months after #Trump, we have a smart sane, compassionate/empathetic president; almost half of US has been vaccinated; we're leading on #ClimateChange again; a killer-cop's in prison; an anti-Asian hate crime bill has passed; economy is booming.

Now THIS is my America…


6:59 AM · Apr 23, 2021



>“The defendant killed the victim and made it look like a suicide, which is especially egregious,” she said.



Anonymous ID: 3e5094 April 23, 2021, 7:57 p.m. No.13499399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9416



Candy man?

That is a weird way to describe one's self

in era of pedo's??


Andy Ostroy


Proud democrat. Patriot. Writer. Filmmaker/producer. Non-profit founder supporting female filmmakers. Drummer. Biker. Candy man.


Like this kind of Candy man?: