Probably send that to Gateway Pundit or Ron - or both
Correct hand or no? I do see an age spot, but not sure
Oh. Sorry. I'm not keeping up very well tonight
This site may help. Found it looking for James Woods' forearms. Good page, has some great pics. I'm just posting one I found ther; there are more, along with good analysis
Yeah, he is sharp
Kinda makes me think of the guy outside Avenatti's office
Well it's a no-brainer thay WE would figure it out. And no fear of that since the mindless drones aren't paying attention, and they'll just say 'the Qanons think Biden isn't Biden' - and we all know those wacky Qanons just want to pose as Aunt Teefas and B(L)Mers and tear shit up anyway
Thats Nancy's thing isnt it?
And yet. There it is. And have you not yet begin to realize that we are actually instrumental in disclosure of all this stuff? It starts out here on the fringes and seeps slowly to the center. Like red wine on a lace-edged handkerchief
Anon waxing Kanyetic
Looks like he has never worn a wedding ring