Seth Rich document.
Given _______ it is conceivable that an individual or group would want to pay for his death.
Most is redacted. Reminds me of D5
Seth Rich document.
Given _______ it is conceivable that an individual or group would want to pay for his death.
Most is redacted. Reminds me of D5
82 pages.
Considering they claimed they didn't have any, and this is only part of it, I guess they were full of shit the whole time. What a surprise.
Did the last link that op provided.
Some info getting squashed for Peter.
Guccifer 2 makes the memo.
Mostly redacted so quick reading.
Page 33-36 has the least redacted section.
Corsi, Stone involvement. Too long to capture.
Anons will have to read it on their own.
Oldfag eyes/brain getting tired.
Turned out awesome. Thanks fren.
Better at the ideas than the actual photoshopping. My best one is the Q Sent Us without the F bomb that this Anon got Q'ed for.
FBI 302
I think 302 is on this QClock
Sorry Anons. Wrong one. Too tired to look for the other one. Anon tapping out.