Anonymous ID: 1ee7d3 April 24, 2021, 4:28 a.m. No.13501028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Anna Mae


>anime bake team has been keeping the board going

Even anons are being shown new levels of truth. The ride never ends. There will always be challenges on the path to overcome. Pretty much the bes part of the ride. The moar pain the moar growth. Just seems to be the way it works. Everyone fights the ego without realizing to participate in the greatest lie ever told.

I have faith in humanity. People just want to feel good. They will find the truth because the desire to live in truth is built into our DNA by design.

So much strength in truth … fully united.

We are all one

Violence has to be the most selfish act a person can do.

Literally you harm yourself moar by causing harm to others.

Boomarangs…karma … pick a word that works for you.

Working around the programmed bias of our flawed egos…its nice to assume alter egos sometimes to live different perception even for a moment. Just to realize how stupid we can be believing in a facade of ourselves. We assign the context to the content.

You are the producer, director, and the actor in the big show. How do you want to paint your canvas?

We will all be fully connected and united.

When we can get over ourselves and united and celebrate our differences learning sharing together….amazing things are going to start to habben. So can we get about the business of working as one. Every voice matters here.