Anonymous ID: f7d19e April 23, 2021, 11:56 p.m. No.13500460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0474 >>0583 >>0668


No doubt the odds are against us.. So what do anon? Lay down and die?



You fight like god damn hell.. it ain't over as long as you fucking wake up..

Did the asshole dems give up when we had the house and senate and Presidancy?


Thats the energy we need right now.

We are the Resistance now..

Its time to power up faggots.

Make Q proud…

Make yourself proud..

Make us proud..

It's not over faggot.


Anonymous ID: f7d19e April 24, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13500548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0562


I'm just an anon like you.. The same one last bread who said I have talked to Ron and Jim..

I'm telling you I do know for a fact Q clearance patroit is Millitary.. But I am not Q.


Calm your tits anon.

If you knew who I was you would know I leaked that Ron and Sullivan and Binney and E had a phone call almost a year before Cullen told you on HBO.. How did I know?

Well Ron himself told me..

And I knew it would come out in the doc anyways..

Call it future proves past..


You should buckle up and get this ship back on course.. Thats all that really matters right now.


Anonymous ID: f7d19e April 24, 2021, 1:24 a.m. No.13500666   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll explain to you exactly why this is the wrong way of looking at things. - do you think Q is God?

  • who had the highest security clearance in America? The president

Donald Trump

Did Trump Trust Sessions? Hire Him?

There is simply a calculatable ammount of error in anything..

If an FBI insider posts on the chan will he always be right or be simply giving you an assesment of intelligance at that time..

Why would this be any diffrent if this person had say a "Q clearance"

The best laid plans of mice and men..

This dosent mean its all a larp..

I think some of you have always looked at this the wrong way entirely. Even if Trump was talking to you here directly havent certian things he thought would happen not exactly played out?

  • sometimes I thing the Gas lighting larp fag youtubers ruined any critical thinking in this movement and many of you became hopefags


Anonymous ID: f7d19e April 24, 2021, 1:48 a.m. No.13500718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0725 >>0737


Consider the shill argument - Trump trusted Barr Barr didn't arrest anyone = Trump must be a larp

Vs facts

Q is the smartest one here - Q made a movement that changed the world. = Q is a Bad ass

Just stop and think for a sec..


Has Q been wrong sometimes - yes. Has Trump been wrong sometimes yes.


But think bigger.

Q is the damn smartest person ive ever seen.

This is undeniable.. Ive never seen anyone do what Q did anon.

Now its time to take what Q showed us and not be fucking pussies.


And shills will never get this

Its fucking amazing.

Anonymous ID: f7d19e April 24, 2021, 2:03 a.m. No.13500747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0778


Ngl I had doubts.. I talked shit.

I thought Q was even gonna hurt Trump.

But let me say this to all these fucking big brained retard trolls – if you are so fucking smart why didnt you find Q?

Perhaps I did..

And I fucking changed my mind about a lot of shit..

But what the fuck do I know..

  • all just offer this challange to all these retard fags who flood the board with bullshit? Tell me who Q is smart guys..

Fucking faggots.
