Anonymous ID: a074b8 April 24, 2021, 8:21 a.m. No.13502029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2056

The False Prophet will arrive soon for 3 and 1/2 days to a week to drive out the mark of the beast.


When Lightning strikes from east to west, and the


sun rises in the middle of the night. He will have




3 and 1/2 days later the 1st Resurrection Rapture


will happen


And then the 3 days of darkness.


After the darkness ends, the false prophet will fake a 2nd coming


of course by that point we will already have the 2 legions, one for the beast


and one for its image. United under the antichrist, to deal with.


This is a New World Order scenario, like Daniels prophecy about beasts.


Specifically the 3 headed eagle. The Eagles were the Empires. Egypt,


then Rome. And the UN.


Matthew 24:27-28


27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.


28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.


The false prophet will also kill the bridegroom / 2 witnesses (one foot on the land, one


foot on the sea) immediately alongside that lightning bolt.


The final empire, the nwo will rise, as the dragon falls from heaven, and the beast rises


from the sea.


The false prophet and his fallen angels are going to masquerade as angels of light and deceive the world, even the elect if it were possible. It is written, and I think it said the


greater part, but of those who were gathered together to receive the beloved, will be


turned aside after the false prophet.


And those who had the mark of the beast, or the number of his name, and who worshipped the false prophet and his image, are cast into hell at the 2nd resurrection.


Which isnt for another 1000 years give or take some time. Which is why we call it 1000


years of darkness. For the Righteous a Covenant, for the Sinners, and Inquisition.


It is also written, Gods Mercy Endures Forever.


Blessed are they who put their trust in the Lord. Who is Great, and Greatly to be Praised.


His ways are unfathomable.




Anonymous (ID: QXDeJScc) 04/24/21(Sat)10:58:06 No.318459313▶>>318460232


>>318458100 (You)


Go with Jesus Christ.


He won't return until after the Great Tribulation, when the Lamb and the


Elect have defeated the false prophet, dragon, and beast. Then, at the


very end, when New Jerusalem descends out of Heaven into the Promise


Land. Then, Jesus Christ will return


Therefor, #1 rule of the Great Tribulation, if it looks like Jesus, and talks like


Jesus, and sais I'm Jesus. Its not Jesus. Whatever it is, don't worship it.


Fly Far and Stay Clear, don't seek after false prophets and fake angels.


Deny them. It is written, No man confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord less


he do so by the Holy Ghost. I highly doubt these guys will admit that Jesus


Christ is Lord, and that he is not here right now. That he won't be back until


this is all over.


But Beware. Let no one deceive you. Be not turned aside to the left or the


right. Stand firm on the Foundation of Christ and Faith, and Wait. Endure.


There will be ways made where there were none. There will be safe places,


and a promise land. There will be a Kings Highway. There will be help.


Prayers will be answered.


But the false prophet and his angels are probably the most dangerous things that will be out there. They will perform miracles, they will heal people.


We must come to Christ now, and seek the Lord while he can be found.


We must practice True Religion, and Follow after that thing which Good Is.


Walking with Jesus Christ in the Truth and the Way and the Light. Living


in the Word. We must seek our Redemption, Repentance, and Prepare.


For the Day of the Lord is at Hand.


His Grace is Sufficient for us. Not by Power, nor by Might. But by My Spirit.


Godbless, and Godspeed to the Righteous, and the Elect.


Come out of Babylon

Anonymous ID: a074b8 April 24, 2021, 8:22 a.m. No.13502032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2048

Anonymous (ID: QXDeJScc) 04/24/21(Sat)11:06:24 No.318460232▶>>318460410


>>318459313 (You)


The Kingdom of Heaven is Inside of Us, and it is Outside of Us.


If we know God, if we know Jesus Christ


we know ourselves.


We were made in his Image, that which came


from the Light will return to the Light. And that


which came from darkness, will return to darkness.


So if we will know ourselves, who will decieve us.


If God is on our side, who can be Against Us!


Our Strength is Perfected in Weakness,


and the Kingdom of Heaven is unto the


Meek in spirit.


Not by Strength, Nor by Might, but by my Spirit.


37Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. 38And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.


Blessed are they who will be found at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.


Surely, they sought, and they Found. They asked, and they Received.


They Believed. And They Are Blessed.




Anonymous (ID: QXDeJScc) 04/24/21(Sat)11:07:57 No.318460410▶


>>318460232 (You)


Let Light into your Heart and become that Light.


Let Darkness into your Heart and be consumed in




To he who Loves much, much is forgiven. To he


who Loves little, little is forgiven.


Seek God with thy whole Mind Heart and Soul.


And Love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two


commandments, hang all of the Law, and all of


the Prophets.


Anonymous (ID: QXDeJScc) 04/24/21(Sat)11:10:08 No.318460674▶


32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.


33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.