Anonymous ID: fe1c1f April 24, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.13502358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2492 >>2576 >>2609


Why all the redactions?

Seems legit.

JANUSgod; 11th month in the old system


One truth for us.

And another truth for the Public.

Used in the "Roman" times as a sign / emblem of their hierarchy; control system

The neo-Cons under the tutorship at the Univ. of Chicago by Leo Strauss taught the same.

One truth for us, a secret truth

And the other fake truth is what we pretend to everyone else.

(Check the doc attached; on the neo cons of Chicago under Strauss doctrine, it's full of the names of people who tried to frame DJT POTUS)

Strauss was German.

He used that JANUS philosophy and taught that to his cult followers.

Remember the Podesta-linked artist who made a two sided penis sculpture and hung it above Sigmund Frauds' sofa at the Freud museum in London?

Remember Freud's grandson in Portugal in contact with the family of the abducted "Maddy"

What are the chances?)


Janus is represented with a key, and sometimes with a "cock" rooster.

Key is for "keystone"?

When you understand 'Janus" ,many other secrets will become plain?

And the Rooster is for MITRE cult.

The corp Mitre was involved in the 9/11 attack planning. They put a reference to the event on their Corporate Annual Report before the event came down.

Anonymous ID: fe1c1f April 24, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.13502492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2514 >>2519 >>2609


Lousie Bourgoise

Two side Penis Tip hanging sculpture

Hung over Freud's sofa for a museum show at Freud museum in London

Hung there for the art show.

Bourgoise art was collected by Tony Podesta

"Louise Bourgoise" makes poop, penis, dead bdy, and Spider sculptures

Her Spider sculptures toured the world

Some suspect there was connection to the spider's and weaponry.