Is the Bread number on this incorrect?
should it be: #17102
Biden goes on Bizarre Rant about Jill
Has Jill been kidnapped by a Navajo Tribe? Biden: Navajo Nation Let My Wife Come Home!"
Biden is talking with someone sitting next to him, and then seemingly just transitions over to something irrational… saying,
'Just want to say one thing…'
looks down at his notes…
'To 'Bird'' ? (can't exactly make out the name) 'from the Navajo Nation… Let my wife come home!'
"Let My Wife Come Home!" Joe Biden Goes on Awkward and Bizarre Tangent During Climate Summit
Dinesh D'Souza Published April 24, 2021 16,587 Views
was also curious about the way in which he is wagging his Pen… as in "follow the pen" ?