Anonymous ID: 6687f6 April 24, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.13503190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I like the reporting at Gateway Pundit pretty well and the story in the cap is pretty compelling and important.


However, I chose to highlight this particular image for a reason. Look at Maddow's face. Do you see her lopsided expression? I think there might be more to that expression than mere "snark" or whatever.


We have seen Bell's Palsy as a consequence of vaccinations. So any time I see a "crooked" face I suspect some sort of damage or injury, doesn't that make sense? I mean our faces generally work symmetrically, though not always completely so, of course.


(Side note: I call myself "anti-vax" anon in the same spirit, I think, as patriots took up the name "Yankee". Being "anti-vax" is definitely pejorative but I know in my heart I want people to have the freedom to govern what gets injected in their bodies. Also, I think the deep state is not truly promoting a type of immunity that is to our benefit. Even if some vaccines have benefits in limited situations for particular individuals the current one size fits all approach with millions of people vaccinated all at once is decidedly evil, imo. If the vaccines cause shedding or transmission then a person getting a shot is really not making an isolated choice for themselves only, btw.)


Having evolved into "anti-vax" since the 2016 release of the movie "Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" I have been amazed at how accurate the "anti-vaxxers" have been in predicting future events. One of the predictions made by Del Bigtree and others has been the anticipated rollout of mandated vaccines for adults along the lines of the increasingly mandated CDC schedule for children. This is very relevant in our current situation of "COVID" vaccination campaigns.


Back to Maddow's face. Could Rachel Maddow have some sort of injury leading to the crooked face? I think it is possible. I have copy of Forrest Maready's book "Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained" in which he presents a good hypothesis about how the combination of restraint, injury and toxins (the trifecta of torment that happens when parents take a toddler to get vaccinated) could produce facial asymmetry along the lines of Bell's Palsy.


We have been looking at how social engineering and indoctrination is affecting young people. I have to also ask: Are the vaccines contributing to nervous system "differences" that are enhancing the agenda as well? Perhaps some things beyond a visible issue like Bell's Palsy. Some infant vaccines are loaded with DNA fragments from abortions. Does a boy getting "girl" DNA affect that child's development? How about a girl getting "boy" DNA injected?


Does anyone know if Rachel Maddow has always had this appearance?