>Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and President Bill Clinton smile together in never-before-seen images
Dan Scavino “Trump makes $10,000 donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members”
Trump makes $10,000 donation to United Cajun Navy to assist in search for missing sailors
Former President Donald Trump reportedly made a donation to the United Cajun Navy to assist in the search for crew members of a capsized vessel.
The former president donated $10,000 to the group that organizes private search and rescue missions during natural disasters after the Seacor Power lift boat capsized, Todd Terrell, the president of the United Cajun Navy, told KATC. Terell said that the money would be used to fund the search for seven of the sailors who are still missing.
Trump has been known to make personal donations to a variety of causes. As president, he donated his quarterly paychecks to government agencies, including $100,000 to the Department of Homeland Security to build a wall on the southern border and to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health to fight the opioid crisis. In May 2020, the then-president donated his paycheck to the Department of Health and Human Services. The $100,000 donation was earmarked for research on treatments for COVID-19.
At the time of publication, neither the United Cajun Navy nor the office of former President Donald Trump had responded to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment.
The vessel capsized off the southern coast of Louisiana on April 13 after winds reached speeds of 70 to 80 miles an hour. Six people were rescued, and authorities have confirmed that six people were killed in the incident. The Coast Guard suspended the search for the vessel on April 19, after a 175-hour search of over 9,200 nautical miles.
After the search was suspended, Capt. Will Watson, the commander of Coast Guard Sector New Orleans, thanked everyone who had assisted with the rescue effort and extended his condolences to the families and friends of the deceased and those who are still missing.
“Suspending a search is one of the toughest decisions the Coast Guard has to make,” Watson said in a statement announcing the suspension. “Our crews searched continuously over the past six days with the hope of bringing the missing crew members home to their loved ones.”
The wife of Dylan Daspit, a sailor on the vessel who is presumed dead, filed a $25 million lawsuit in Texas against the owners of the Seacor Power, alleging violations of maritime law and negligence, according to NBC.
Volunteers for the Cajun Navy have rescued thousands of people during floods and hurricanes in Louisiana and Texas. During Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana state Sen. Nick Gautreaux issued a plea for private owners to come to New Orleans with boats to assist in the rescue effort. Officials expected twenty-five boats; instead, between 350 and 400 boats, and people ready to assist, arrived at the assembly point.
Despite Gautreaux’s warning that people who are “afraid of death” should leave, no one who had arrived abandoned the effort. The Cajun Navy rescued more than 10,000 people who were trapped in New Orleans as the floodwaters rose.
CORRECTION: In a previous version of this article, the Washington Examiner reported that the donation was made to missing members of the United Cajun Navy. It has been updated to note that the United Cajun Navy is assisting in the search for the victims of the SeaCor Power incident and is not the subject of the rescue effort. The Washington Examiner regrets the error.
Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538263
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538264
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
There's an idea
They were planning to cheat because they always cheat. Now to find a way to hold the accountable and show the world.
Donald J. Trump, [23.04.21 19:30]
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
The Democrats are “swarming” the Great State of Arizona trying to get the Forensic Election Audit stopped, because only they know exactly what they’ve done, and they understand Voter Fraud far better than anyone. This could be Voter Fraud at the highest level. Don’t think that Arizona is the only State. Much more to come!
Donald J. Trump, [23.04.21 19:17]
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Kim Jong-un of North Korea, who I have gotten to know (and like) under the most trying of circumstances, never respected the current President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in. I was always the one who stopped the aggression toward the South, but unfortunately for them, I am no longer there. President Moon was weak as a leader and as a negotiator, except when it came to the continued, long term military ripoff of the USA (as is the case with many other countries we protect!). We were treated like fools for decades, however, I got them to pay billions of dollars more for the military protection and services we render. The Biden Administration is not even going to ask for the additional billions South Korea agreed to pay us. All the USA now wants is a simple cost of living increase of 1% on the money I raised from them. The South Koreans are laughing all the way to the bank. Fortunately, before leaving office, I was able to make a new and FAR BETTER Trade Deal than what was in place. The deal will lead to billions of dollars in profits for the Great Farmers and Manufacturers of our Country!
GEORGENEWS, [24.04.21 01:11]
APRIL 24, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.
The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!
Project Veritas, [24.04.21 12:55]
“I think it’s incredible” - President Donald Trump on #ExposeCNN
Old fucking news, we know.
Beam me up Scotty. Hope they we all water marked and with things that can incriminate the criminals.
Dan Bongino,
[24.04.21 15:49]
How Many People Have to Die Because of the Liberal Lies About the Police? Liberals created this crime wave
Dan Bongino,
[24.04.21 17:12]
Questions for Liberals:
1) If masks work, then why are masks not working?
2) If socialism works, then why do people risk their lives to escape it?
3) If high taxes work, then why do liberals refuse to voluntarily pay more?
4) If “gun control” works, then why do places with the strictest gun control have the worst problems with crime & gun violence?
I was hoping for full spectrum video streaming..
How Many People Have to Die Because of the Liberal Lies About the Police?
by John HawkinsPosted: April 24, 2021
The left’s demonization of the police and the whole #BlackLivesMatter movement is essentially based on a lie -the lie that cops are regularly gunning down black Americans.
We already know that it’s a bogus narrative. According to a survey commissioned by the Skeptics Research Center in February:
Overall, nearly half of surveyed liberals (44 percent) estimated roughly between 1,000 and 10,000 unarmed black men were killed whereas 20 percent of conservatives estimated the same. But, according to a close database compiled by Mapping Police Violence, the actual number of black men killed by the police in 2019 is 27….…The second question the survey asked was: “In 2019, what percentage of people killed by police were Black?” While the survey states that the actual percentage is around 25 percent, the average survey respondent guessed 50 percent (58 percent for liberals and 41 percent for conservatives). The disconnect between perception and reality couldn’t be starker.
Why would people believe something that’s so obviously wrong? Because the media incessantly hypes these cases. We all know the formula for it at this point. A white cop shoots a black person. The initial set of facts reported by the mainstream media is ALWAYS distorted in a way that makes the whole thing look worse. Pertinent details that would make what the cop did look more justifiable are left out or buried. The loudest, angriest voices are amplified. Talking heads opine about how unacceptable it is. Furious protests and/or riots filled with activists screaming about the cops are featured on the news. If and when the truth starts to come out, it’s days later, after many people have already bought into the lies.
Liberals in the media love to play this game for a variety of reasons. It sells papers and draws eyeballs to the liberal cable news networks. So do the riots that the coverage sometimes causes. It reinforces the false idea that America is a racist country, which is something that is near and dear to liberal hearts. It hypes up black Americans and makes them more likely to vote. Liberals also love anything that allows them to portray themselves as saviors to hopelessly oppressed people. Best of all from their perspective, this is an eternal wellspring for the Democrats to draw from because there are always going to be more stories about cops shooting people because regrettably, that is the nature of their job. Sometimes a police officer is going to have to shoot someone who is trying to kill them or trying to kill someone else. Furthermore, a tiny subset of those killings are going to be unjustified, ambiguous, or just plain screw-ups because that’s the nature of human beings. So, if you are in the media looking for clicks or a higher-up in Black Lives Matter looking to buy a new house, there is going to semi-regularly be something to complain about no matter what people try to do to stop it.
The problem here is that people are literally dying because of these lies. They’re dying because liberal district attorneys playing the same game as the liberal media are refusing to charge criminals and are allowing them back on the streets. People are dying because defunded police departments in liberal cities are putting fewer cops on the streets. People are dying because cops are making the calculation that it’s better to arrive a few minutes late and take statements from victims than risking a confrontation where they will be portrayed as the bad guy if something goes wrong. People are dying because they are being told that being stopped by the police is a potentially life-threatening situation when it’s about as dangerous as going to Applebee’s if you don’t act like a lunatic.
Liberals typically don’t care much about the long-term results of their policies and they bend over backward to try to explain away their failures, so perhaps it’s no surprise to see headlines like these when you do a Google search for “increased murder defund the police.” Here’s just a sampling of recent headlines:
‘Defund the Police’ Not to Blame for National Homicide Spike …
‘Defund the police’ calls are not why crime is rising
Surge of homicides could cast ‘defund the police’ debate in new light
Cities that slashed police funding inundated by spike in homicides
Police Wrestle With Surge in Crime in U.S. Cities Amid Defunding Efforts
Feds Blame Austin Crime Spike On ‘Defunding’ Police But Evidence Remains Murky
It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? Crime and homicides may be spiking, but don’t ever expect liberals to admit their relentless demonization of cops and calls to defund the police had anything to do with it.
Do we actually have some sort of big problem with the police that needs to be addressed? Many of us would say, “no,” but if you believe the police in America need to be reformed, you’d be smart to go about it in almost exactly the opposite way that the Left has over the last few months. You wouldn’t “defund the police,” you’d increase their funding so they could put more officers on the street and improve the quality of their training. You wouldn’t encourage people to be antagonistic towards the cops, you’d explain the right way to deal with police officers. While we’re at it, it would be helpful for the liberal media to acknowledge that when a policeman stops a citizen, it’s not just the policeman that has responsibilities. You, as a citizen, have things you should do to safeguard the life of the cop and your own. They include treating the officer with respect, not making sudden movements, and obeying the officer’s commands. If you act belligerently towards the officer, attempt to run, pull out a weapon, or attack him, the odds of someone getting hurt increase astronomically. That may not excuse the cop if he makes a mistake, but the blame shouldn’t be a one-way street in those situations.
All of this may seem like a fun game for liberals, but it’s not as much fun if you’re the one being threatened by a mob, your business is getting looted, or you’re being murdered. When liberal Democrats in DC felt threatened by the Capitol Hill riot, they had a fence built around the building, put in metal detectors, and brought in large numbers of National Guard troops. All, so they could safe again. But, because of their lies about the police, liberals are denying that same privilege to a lot of Americans. It’s an irresponsible and dangerous game that liberals should put an end to as soon as possible before they get more Americans killed.
President Trump Discusses Removal From Facebook & Twitter, Says Press Releases Much More Elegant
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:10 AM PT – Saturday, April 24, 2021
Ahead of the Facebook Oversight Board’s decision on whether to reinstate the 45th President’s account, he weighed in on whether he even needs it. In an interview that aired Friday, President Trump discussed Facebook and Twitter’s decisions to kick him off the platforms.
He said Twitter has become boring and he seems to be reaching many people with his press releases, which he says are more elegant.
President Trump calls on @dougducey to protect AZ patriots during audit:
“State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed & they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!” pic.twitter.com/FSx24ldCLW
— Natalie Harp (@NatalieJHarp) April 24, 2021
“Twitter has become very, very boring,” President Trump said. “You know, when I started with Twitter years ago, it was like a failed thing, concept, media, platform. It became exciting and I think I had a lot to do with it, to be honest with you. Now, it’s boring and it’s no good anymore, people are telling me.”
Trump did mention the prospect of him starting out his own social media platform, but he didn’t say when it would be available to the public.
Mont. Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Law
GREAT FALLS, MT – MAY 23: Gov. Greg Gianforte spoke to supporters during a campaign meet and greet at Lions Park on May 23, 2017 in Great Falls, Montana. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:30 PM PT – Saturday, April 24, 2021
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) vowed to protect residents’ Second Amendment rights from federal overreach.
On Friday, Gianforte signed a new bill into law, prohibiting the ban of firearms, magazines and ammunition.
Today, I proudly signed Rep. Hinkle's law prohibiting federal overreach into our Second Amendment-protected rights, including any federal ban on firearms.
I will always protect our #2A right to keep and bear arms. pic.twitter.com/2xY8DeEtqf
— Governor Greg Gianforte (@GovGianforte) April 23, 2021
This came as Republicans across the country rallied against Joe Biden’s push for sweeping gun reform measures.
Montana’s new law will stop police and state employees from enforcing federal restrictions.
kisses for you
Kraken Wood,
Forwarded from James O'Keefe
This is what a Project Veritas deposition of Journalist™ looks like. Stay tuned. #deposetwitter “
'That Girl Getting Stabbed Wasn't In Danger,' Says Man Who Flops Any Time Another Player Gets Within Six Feet Of Him
LOS ANGELES, CA—Basketball superstar and second greatest player of all time LeBron James posted in defense of the girl who was shot stabbing another girl in Ohio this week.
James, who is known for immediately falling to the ground and flopping around as though he's been tased any time other players even step on the same court he's on, said that the girl getting stabbed wasn't in any danger and that she would have been fine if the cops hadn't shot her attacker.
"That stabbing victim was fine. She was just being dramatic," James said during a press conference Thursday afternoon. "It's like, come on, what's a little friendly knife fight between friends? You gotta be tough out there on the streets. You can't just flinch and freak out and expect the refs I mean, the police to protect you whenever someone comes at you aggressively with a deadly weapon."
James then flopped to the ground as a reporter scooted forward a few inches to get a mic closer to his face. "REFS!" he screamed. "Did you see that!?! Totally a foul! My life was in danger!"
Officials standing by gave James a free throw and fined the reporter $100,000 for her obvious technical foul.
Notable fuckery