Anonymous ID: 4a5d29 April 24, 2021, 10:01 p.m. No.13506902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6918 >>7011

Fucking bread splitting fagGOTS!

So since Ancient Wizard Anons crystal ball cannot tell which is the "true" bread… fagGOTS!

Anon has to repeat Anon's self… fagGOTS!


NOW shhhhh!

Ancient Wizard Anon is peering into the deep abyss and behold!

What is happening right now will have the following consequences, just to name a few:


1: Will give "standing" to every election lawsuit filed all the way up to the Supreme Court.

2: Entire 2020 Election declared Null and Void. Trump is President until…

3: Special Election Nov 03 2021. Dem's run a Harris/Obama Ticket. Entire country turns out to vote. Trump wins in a 70/30 Landslide.

4: Lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Hannity and many more immediately overturned with legal action by the defamed to follow.

5: before the special election, DS will deploy every remaining asset FF > Mass riots > Q drop #26 criteria fulfilled > Military is the Only Way.

6: Truth will come out about not only the fraudulent Ballots but also the Late Night Insurance Hack perpetrated by a NATO Ally.

7: Anons comfy - there will be many "I told you so!"s and "I am so Sorry"s.


Anons feel free to add to the list based upon the extrapolation of the current trajectory of known knowns and current habbenings of future pasts!

Anonymous ID: 4a5d29 April 24, 2021, 10:29 p.m. No.13507127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7169 >>7170 >>7188 >>7349 >>7519 >>7652




Welcome to Q Research Thunderdome!

Where two fags enter but only one fag leaves!


In the blue corner, wearing trunks that are GheyAF colors with some swirley flowers or some shit, we have the challenger, Leafy!

The certified Q Research Village Idiot yet endowered with massive retard stren'th and unheard of tard stamina!


And in the red corner, wearing Jammies that have little Anime Characters mixed in with Images of DJT and cute lil' Q drops, we have the current reigning Champion, Animefag Baker!


Animefag Baker is 5 and 0 in Q Research Thunderdome.

Rumor has it that Daniel is working out and planning a return which would give Animefag baker a chance to Unify the Division.

bell ding Round one begins!


Animefag Baker is pumping out the Anime shitposts!

Can Leafy keep up?!

OMFG! Leafy is demanding that Animefag Baker put the Lotion is the Basket!

Interesting strategery, Cotton!

We will soon see if it pay's off!

Anonymous ID: 4a5d29 April 24, 2021, 10:44 p.m. No.13507236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238 >>7244


You gonna cry now, Pussy?

Wanna compare scars?!

Want Anon to show you Anons scars so you can feel better about yours?!



Just kidding.

Anon always wanted a role where Anon had to speak that line and since none were forthcoming… :D

Anonymous ID: 4a5d29 April 24, 2021, 10:47 p.m. No.13507252   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, patience now.

Hmmm speculation: It was damn near impossible to find any proof at all that Ballots have watermarks… Almost as if it is a National Secret or something yet why the UV unless?

We watermark $1 fiat notes but are not watermarking our ballots?!

These people are stupid!


Anonymous ID: 4a5d29 April 25, 2021, 12:02 a.m. No.13507649   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No! No! No! No!

(You) cannot say all that without mentioning:



Superseding agencies

State USIS,Office of Strategic Services, Central Intelligence Agency

Owls and shits, Anons!


then I would add something like:

"Did Potus inherit the most powerful propaganda tool ever devised?!"


"Is this why Q said "We are watching a Movie"?

and maybe toss in a:

"She could not lose"

for good measure.



Now you look Fabulous!