Anonymous ID: 4a87a8 May 9, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1350907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Drop on Iran Syria connection -Huge-


Reviewed Iranian history and revolutions.

1979, Shah ousted. That was around the time Exports on oil went-up


Birth of petro-dollar within timeline? Relevant?

Lines at gas stations, oil shortages.


Persia>Iran>Year 1935

Iran ambassador to -Germany- requested nation be called 'Iran'

Iran cognate for 'Aryan'


Iran conquered and converted to Islam centuries earlier. Before that, made great mathematical and architectural strides, wealth of knowledge and history.


Claims of C_A Intervention circa year 1953


Shah confronted on interview at selling out his country/continuing process at "BP" etc.

Decided to raise export prices.


Iran was 'modernized.' Mini-skirts for women, fast cars for men.


Destroyed after

C_A involvment?


Who Really control(led) Iran?


The entire middle east has struggled with outside intervention in the 20th century. They were proxies.


Is Iran set free? @ new Q post


No doubt Russia a major player. At current, National lines are arbitrary in Middle East. Iran has 'militia armies:' Hezbollah, Qud etc. Iran has prominent influence in Iraq. Iran and Russia are allied.


U.S. has Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar(?) May have Yemen …




What do you really think is going on?


Remember Petro-dollar…


Look also at 'reforms' Iran has made in the negative since 1979; they have regressed.

If you want a nation to fail, make it regress, make it irrelevant. make it fight wars with its immediate neighbors…



(My thoughts)Per Q drop: Iran is planning a foothold in Syra. More likely Assad incompetent than corrupt against his own people. Iran has placed a foothold with 'WMD' within Iran; Israel will not tolerate this…


Am thankful for bigger scope and direction; was upset at direction…


All Clear

