Anonymous ID: 7e8477 April 25, 2021, 7:25 a.m. No.13509418   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9458

There are many matters that affect your way of life and how you relate to others, so that instead of being separated you could come together in mutual respect and understanding. After all you are One yet many, who could come together as brothers and sisters on a human journey where your goals are the same. All of you who have awakened to your divine self are seeking the truth, and no matter what name you have for God there is but the one Universal Prime Creator.


Your beliefs and traditions may be different but ultimately all of you will find yourselves on the same path. Since Ascension is expected to take place by the year 2030, clearly there will be a gradual coming together as any remaining prejudice and erroneous beliefs will be overcome.


When each soul realises that all of you have had experiences of the different religions it will become clear that you are all travelling along the same path. It would therefore seem logical that you would all come to the same spiritual conclusions and truth. There have been many advanced souls that have come to Earth especially to guide you ever onwards, and each religion has a leading soul with great knowledge and understanding to impart to you. The truth will always come to the surface and permanently remain where anything less will fall away.


Always have an open mind and be ready to learn a new understanding, as religion has at times been more of the Word of Man rather than God. When you have reached the stage of being an old soul you will be much more aware and understanding of the truth, and intuitively sense when teachings are not completely true. Teachings from spirit are almost certainly true but nevertheless still need careful consideration.


The most recent teaching of the “God Inside” a soul is the result of you passing the marker in 2012, showing a readiness to receive a greater one. We take care not to give you a greater truth until we are sure you are ready for it. This teaching tells you that all souls have the same God, and that knowledge alone should draw you closer together. There has to come a time when you realise that one religion on its own cannot hold the complete truth.


To hold to one religion serves its purpose when you are in the early stages of understanding. However, as you move from one to another you begin to understand the true teachings that will always surface no matter how long it takes. We do not rush you into new teachings as all things come in good time when you ready for them.


Even atheists have a belief system and when they realise there is something more to life, they will begin to search for a truth that satisfies them. You cannot help but feel that there is something more than simply life on Earth. Even by looking at nature with its seasons and the yearly return of growth after the seeming end of each period when you get re-birth again.


Even, man himself can have the experience of remembering events of a past life. Recognising places upon a first visit, and in a similar way to strongly feel that you already know someone you are meeting for the first time. Sometimes a person will pick up an object and “feel” the energy given to it by a previous owner, that illustrates how someone has transmitted their energy to it.


Quite clearly if you want proof of past lives there is much evidence to support it, and the physical body is a mine of information about the soul who resides in it and this energy can be passed on to physical objects. It is evident by those physic souls who can handle objects and “read” facts from it about its owners life. So there is much evidence that all objects seem capable of transmitting energy carried within.


Man is not his physical body and although some do not recognise that they have a soul, the fact is that they do. It is not unusual for some people to leave their bodies and be able to look down and recognise it as such, and it shows that the soul can have an out of the body experience. The examples are endless and it goes to prove that you are not just your bodies and for some it proves that life continues after the death of it.


Some souls have vivid dreams where they meet family or friends who have already passed on and they prove very real, simply because they are. All of this proves that there is no death and that the soul lives on and reincarnation occurs. This opens another chapter in your lives as to how you are to carry on with its life plan and reincarnate again.