Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 5:48 a.m. No.13508931   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8932


No not at all. Not one thing you said was accurate.

Oh I get it…now sorry.

You are being sarcastic.

>there is hope for everyone, you know that.

Yes but stay in context. Your beliefs are locked in tight. Fuck it has been your theme all night.

I hope this helps in some way. Usually does…just not right away. my only intention is to help. Believe whatever you want I don't give a fuck really.

Now you are just name calling.

Shows your location quite well.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 5:55 a.m. No.13508957   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8975 >>8992 >>9023


The "vaccine" definition gives big pharma blanket immunity from lawsuits.

The fact that this is a experimental gene therapy and not a vaccine changes their immunity from lawsuits.

You are witnessing the end of big pharma. Regardless of powerful they are the people have all the real power.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 6:07 a.m. No.13509003   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9031


>99% of the doctors + pharmacists have not really any clue and are programmed parrots you want it all closed down asap


You are so right. I have been hearing some horrifying stories lately regarding DR's and hospitals. These stories Impacted me very deeply. Situations that no family should ever experience. These establishments need immediate attention. People are not getting the care they deserve.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 6:30 a.m. No.13509101   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9107


I am not predicting anything.

You are sharing your vibration all day everyday IRL.

Why would it be any different over a digital spectrum? Words resonate. Ideas have frequency, Everything calibrates in truth…or less truth.

>you know nothing about me, or my purpose.

Actually I learn moar about you moar you reach out to me.

Its simple really conversation but vibration calibrated at various levels of truth the moar I read from you.

For whatever reason it brings things forward…that don't necessarly make sense to me…but usually for the receiving person. Many people tell me they aren't sure at first what it means immediately but appears to connect when the person is ready or has an event that connects things together for them.

This may help to understand a little better.

Truth is all around us at all times just varying degrees of less truth.

Ever notice how your body becomes stronger when sitting in the truth?

Weaker in falsehood or misinfo?

I am not unique really. I believe everyone can do basically what I experience all the time. Most peoples "sensors" are dulled down by distraction and not living in the present moment.

Everyone has their own super skills. Just a matter of figuring out what they are and how they work. (which can be a life long journey.) j If you are conditioned for mediocrity how would you ever realize how powerful you really are anon?


It has nothing to do with me. Think of me as a mirror. But not for visual spectrum. Vibrational spectrum. When anyone connects with me in any way it reflects back. I resonate better with higher vibratonal states obviously. So negative content doesn't reflect as much content for the receiver to perceive in their reflection. When a person leads with the heart the reflection is moar vibrant and vivid.

So as far as prediction or knowing anything you are absolutely correct. I know nothing about you other than your vibration state when you communicate. What you put out there reflects back.

This is a very common theme in nature.

Why wouldn't all humans have this ability?

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.13509154   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9196 >>9206 >>9219 >>9228 >>9303


That is so accurate from my experience. I have some great person in my life that I love very much that is a pharmacist and shte is very stuck in all beliefs. Its shocking because she is extremely intelligent. But she is locked in… got the jab and there is no changing her mind.

All we can do for these people is pray. for their safety. How is it that so many highly intelligent people are making so many bad decisions. There has got to be something moar that we are missing in this puzzle to have this level of brainwashing.

It is truly shocking.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 7:01 a.m. No.13509267   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9331 >>9540


yeah you are spot on … no doubt.

>I saved one with that.

That is bad ass…excellent work!

I have to tread very lightly with this person unfortunately. Trying to even introduce the conversation it is received with a level 9 meltdown. There is simply nothing I can do to even open up this person to the idea there is anything wrong. Now when I see this type of behavior…it like its not her. Here emotions escalate off the charts and its bad situation in seconds.

Thats why I keep asking … how is this possible. Is it in the water. Can anyone explain to me in the profession how someone so knowledgeable about pharmacy be so brainwashed. She has worked in this industry her entire career.

It has never made any sense to me.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 7:18 a.m. No.13509369   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Thank you. Excellent observations. I like where you are going with those thoughts. I agree with the social programming. Reverse engineering these techniques is the approach I have been taking latley. So many changes within the social paradigm last four years. So many moving parts to dissect. Thank you your post gave me some good ideas for digs.

Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 7:38 a.m. No.13509532   🗄️.is đź”—kun


It is what it is…I really don't care what you are or what you think. Its what you reflected back to yourself. Im sorry but I don't even remember what was reflected back to you. As I said. These are not my words but your words reflecting off me. But if you continue to respond … the reflection continues. If you have a problem with your own reflection. Don't come look in the mirror. Filter me I don't really care. Its like bitching about the news but you keep turning it on every night to watch.


Anonymous ID: cc9a84 April 25, 2021, 7:45 a.m. No.13509589   🗄️.is đź”—kun


That is a very insightful read.

No one want to be left out of the club.

Humans are very sensitive and complex creatures. Every person is different some moar open to change. Some will never change for whatever reason. Most the time I feel the objective is to pick people back up after the "shocking" tipping point event.