Anonymous ID: e4d6ae April 25, 2021, 6:32 a.m. No.13509117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9119 >>9155 >>9247 >>9389 >>9569

I realized why entertainment is part of the entire thing. I mean, yeah, "anon come the fuck on its obviously messaging and propaganda get a fucking move on", but I realized something on a much deeper level:


In general, we separate the spiritual/intellectual from the emotional. They are two very different things, in that the first one is the thing that uplifts us over the ages into this exact moment. The first one, however, isn't good at handling stuff with no information to go on. That's why we keep the second one around - emotions. Emotions are literally feedback from the world and particular emotions are how you process said feedback. So in that sense, we have now added an information source for the mind/spirit.


So far so good, we got a working processing system, spirit to handle processing and emotion to handle information sources. Now, lets take a look at what happens normally when we process emotions:


Billy is a dick. He kicked you in the shin and is laughing.

Your emotions are: anger, pain. Wat do.

Your reasoning provides some answers typical to you: "Hit back", "Say 'cut it out!'", "Go home" and so on.


Now, lets see what happens when our emotions get overwhelmed:

Billy is a dick. He kicked you in the shin and is laughing. He managed to hit you squarely on the tibia with the hard bit of his sole. You screamed and are in severe pain.

Your emotions are: painpainpainpainpainpainpain

Your reasoning does not come into play for the length of the emotion.

YOUR BODY reacts to the emotions instead of your reasoning. You start crying, piss yourself, vomit maybe or otherwise your body is acting out, without your mind even taking part in it other than being oversaturated with pain.


NOW: Consider this in terms of our entertainment. Movies, videogames especially. Consider that the primary purpose of all art ever made is to elicit emotion. Movies and videogames nowadays are intensely visceral, of extreme visual and aural fidelity. They are literally made so that we can feel the action itself.


These movies, these videogames are designed SPECIFICALLY in a way to overwhelm your reasoning with IMMENSELY strong stimuli and make your body act instead. The body is dumb, it knows only of immediate needs re: its stimuli. It can't plan, can't formulate opinion, can't devote itself to anything, can't really do all the cool shit reasoning can do. Now that reasoning is gone, however, we just gave this dumb asshole the keys to our beings. And this asshole IMMEDIATELY sets out to his goals of feeling more pleasure or stopping the pain. Think in terms of a 100% simple answer to any problem: "Sexy lady. Want fuck. Go fuck." "Life hurts. Mom's fault. Kill mom." "Need money. Steal. Kill."


I put it to you fellow autists that we are in this mess BECAUSE artwork kept getting more intense, more visceral, more "amazing" - which very literally overwhelms our ability to think and very literally rots our minds. THIS was the role of Hollywood, the music industry and the videogame industry in this entire thing - it was meant to demoralize us, yes, but on a significantly deeper level than we assumed.


In that sense, I think I have found a definition of evil in context of humanity that finally satisfies me as an autist: "Evil is that which has, as its purpose, the disjoining and muffling of reasoning to the point your body takes over".


Finally, consider the purpose of all the satanism, ritualism, adrenochrome and everything else in this. These are all literally tools to disable your reasoning. These are all very specifically designed to bring in as much evil as possible.


Satan is within us, and he only needs our permission.