Now we know the chinks funded the Hollywood degenerates
NSA will never allow fair recount…they gotta cover their asses
Only thing we learned
Nerds can’t be trusted
We are definitely under biological attack…gotta keep your immune system healthy
No smoking
No drugs or alcohol
Eat fresh meat and veggies
Take supplements
IF Arizona elections are called fraudulent…then yeah, shits gonna hit the fan
So blacks don’t wanna learn shit, but pretend “they” invented everything we have today
IF anon….public school reading comprehension failed you
US military hasn’t won a war since WW2….and they lost saving the Republic….bad ending to a bad movie
Yer correct…end of American empire is inevitable
Definitely NOT a man…little boy in big boy pants
Then go get tested and vaxed….nobody cares about your opinion
Your cause lost….republic is gone… real asswipe, there was no returning to good old days, that’s old folks BS, and no future as the old asswipes stole all da money……be thankful your children don’t murder you in your sleep
Admiral Epstein says hi….I’m not dead…..suckers