Anonymous ID: eefb62 April 26, 2021, 2:12 a.m. No.13515384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How far is the real truth from the propaganda about Covid?

Going from ultra blue pilled to ultra red pilled:

  • Covid is the new Black Death and only our lord and saviour Dr. Fauci can tell us how to survive

  • Covid is a pretty bad variation of the other Sars virusses that has threatened with pandemics the past few years (fx. swine flu). Inaction will doom us all

  • Maybe Covid isn't as bad as they say. But better be safe than sorry, they want whats best for us in the end.

  • Fear has taken over. They obviously mean well but it's being inflated way over proportions.

  • It's all about money and control. If there is a Covid it's no more dangerous than the common flu. Corrupt politicians are steering the ship.

  • There's no such thing a viruses. It's all lies to keep us medicated and controlled.


<Make a Yoda meme out of it or something